To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yukimura got up everytime he was knocked down, regardless of the new wound that was opened up on his flesh.
Megohime had dropped her sword, instead opting to healing both Masamune and Yukimura so they could continue fighting. She ignored her own wound, healing each and every cut Yukimura and Masamune recieved.
Megohime didn’t take her eyes off of Masamune and Yukimura, breathing hard. “I’m fine.” She said, but still healed herself enough to hold her over until the battle finished. “I need to focus on them.”
Mitsunari grew annoyed with Megohime's healing and meddling, so he ducked under Masamune and rushed at her. Masamune didn't even think he just reacted. He moved in the way and took Mitsunari's odachi straight through his abdomen. He grunted and huffed, clocking Mitsunari hard in the jaw and sending him backward, which caused the blade to jerk out of him.
Megohime’s eyes widened and she let a scream break free from her throat, rushing forward. “Masamune!” She stopped him from falling when he staggered. She ignored the pain in her shoulder, and the trembling in her legs, Masamune meant more.
"Masamune-sama!" Kojurou moved to help his master but the Yuki Onna kept him at bay. Masamune held his wound and chuckled through the pain.
"Couldn't let him destroy such a beautiful work of art." He said weakly.
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Megohime snapped, forcing him to the ground, Yukimura keeping Mitsunari busy until Masamune could fight again.
Megohime started to heal Masamune again, hands shaking as she did.
Mitsunari was too much for Yukimura and cut him down easily. Akihime screamed and launched herself at Mitsunari but he bound her easily.
"We're done here." He stated. Masamune growled lowly.
"S-Son of a whore..." He forced out.
Yuki Onna moved away from Kojurou, breathing heavily and scowling, but she returned to her masters side regardless.
“Akihime... dono..!” Yukimura forced out, blood falling from his lips.
"Yuki...mura..." Akihime struggled out, looking dazed and tired. Kojurou had no choice but to tend to Yukimura, trying to stop his bleeding as Mitsunari and Yuki Onna left with Akihime over his shoulder.
Megohime was already pushing herself, ready to pass out at any moment, still tending to Masamune’s wounds, even as her own still leaked black ink.
Before she knew it, she was in the hands of the Takeda healers, Sasuke and Kojurou standing in the corner waiting for any word. When did she get to the infirmary? She didn't remember moving or even being told to move or even being carried.
“Masamune..” She struggled to get up, but was held down as the healers tried to stitch her wound closed. “Where’s Masamune..!?” She began to grow restless, desperately looking around the room for Masamune.
"He's just over there, with Yukimura-sama. He's ok, you did a wonderful job, Megohime-dono. But now we have to care for you and your wound." The healer told her gently
Mego Ike saw Masamune laying a few beds away, unconscious with his middle wrapped with gauze. She felt like she was going to be sick, letting the healers force her back into bed and treat her own wounds.
"How do you feel, Megohime?" Kojurou asked as he moved over, "You briefly lost consciousness when Sasuke came in with the healers."
Megohime looked worse for wear, but she was awake. “Where was he..?” She growled out, staring at Sasuke with hate in her eyes. “Where was that Tengu when everyone else was fighting?” She spat.
"He said he was keeping Ishida's men at bay. Apparently he brought half an army with him to get Akihime-dono back." Kojurou answered, "Don't worry, I nearly snapped his neck when he showed his face."
Megohime clenched her fists. “He’s lying..! Masamune was cut down and that shitty Tengu was off hiding..!” She hissed, wincing in pain. “If Masamune dies, I’ll kill him..!”
"Lying? What the hell do you know, ink blot, you were off hiding in your scroll." Sasuke sneered from his spot in the corner. Kojurou rose his hand to calm Megohime.
"We are guests here, act accordingly."
Megohime glared at Sasuke, but obeyed Kojurou.
“We’ve closed up her wound, now all she needs is time.” The healer said, wrapping her shoulder and chest in gauze.
The healers looked nervous. “The ice that froze his arm left considerable damage... Nerve damage is highly probable. We’ve done all we could..”
Sasuke looked to Megohime, "Heal him." He ordered. Kojurou scowled lightly.
"You can't just make demands of our healer."
"Can and did. Do it." Sasuke growled.
“No.” Megohime turned her head to look Sasuke straight in the eye, scowling. “Let his arm rot and fall off.”
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