To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

"Fix his arm!"
"Sarutobi-san, please calm down...!" One of the healers panicked. Kojurou looked at Megohime.
"Though Masamune may not agree with your decision, know that I do not fault you for it." He told her, stating that he was on her side.
Megohime clenched her fists. “I’m not healing even one of his scratches until Masamune wakes up.” She growled out.
Megohime closed her eyes, wincing from the pain in her shoulder. “How bad is Masamune..?” She asked softly.
Megohime closed her eyes to stop her tears. “Thank god...” She whispered. “I’ll heal him more.” She sat up, wincing and grinding her teeth, looking around for her scroll and paint brush.
“Alright isn’t enough!” She snapped. “He never should’ve gotten to this point!” She forced herself to her feet. “Give me my scroll and paintbrush..” She said, staggering over to Masamune.
Megohime didn’t think she could sit up a second time, still too weak to use much physical energy. “I should’ve done more...” She ground out through her teeth.
"You did all that you could and that's enough. Masamune-sama wouldn't want you to needlessly push yourself. You give yourself far too little credit." He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
Kojurou sat guard while they gathered their strength. It was almost dark by the time Masamune came to. "What happened...?"
"The healers have kept you three from dying, Megohime-dono was quite worried."
"She ok?"
"She's fine. Resting." Kojurou assured his master.
Megohime lay a few beds away, resting just as Kojurou had said, still a bit pale, and her shoulder heavily bandaged.
"Jesus..." He muttered, sitting up carefully so he wouldn't reopen his wound. Kojurou tried to help but Masamune swatted him away, "How's the kid?"
"He could be better. They say the damage to his arm could rob him of its use."
"You're kidding..." Masamune looked taken aback before nudging his head to Megohime, "Get her up." He ordered gently and Kojurou nodded before gently rousing Megohime from her sleep.
Megohime opened her eyes, still looking just as exhausted as when she laid down. “Is he up..?” She asked softly, sitting up without waiting for Kojurou to answer.
Megohime’s cheeks flushed a bit, and she quickly looked away. “Y.. Your Kosode is open..” She pointed at his exposed chest and stomach, the healers needing to open it to tend to his wounds.
Megohime nodded, but didn’t look at him, if he at least wouldn’t show any modesty, she would be polite and not look. “What is it?”
“But his Shiki’s are the reason you almost died!” She protested, clenching her fists. “And I couldn’t protect you...”
"That doesn't matter. He was given these abilities to help his people and he can't do that if he loses his arm." He said gently, "Please?"
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