To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

When she saw Akihime, she could agree that the young fox spirit had definitely seen better days. She looked up at Yuki Onna, eyes drained almost completely of any life, before she looked away again.
“Don’t look at me with such eyes, Kitsune, you’ve brought this on yourself.” She muttered, keeping her distance.
“If you wished not to burden me, you wouldn’t have left, now shut up.” She hissed. She kept her back to her, not wanting to look at her. “If you sleep, I won’t tell Gyoubu-sama.”
"Thank you so much...I'll only take a small nap..." Her voice trailed off as she let herself fall asleep, falling lax against her chains.
"Hm?" Akihime lifted her head and gasped loudly when she saw Mitsunari screaming at the Yuki Onna for letting her fall asleep. "How idiotic are you, letting her sleep?! Hideyoshi-sama and Hanbei-sama may have been killed and it would have been your fault!"
"Please, don't be mad at her, Mitsunari-sama! We weren't speaking, I fell asleep on accident, it's my fault!" Akihime came to Yuki's defense, not wanting her to be beaten. Or worse.
The Yuki Onna was on her knees, bowing to Mitsunari, frowning softly from her spot on the floor. “Mitsunari-sama, that is the how the blessing of a Kitsune works-“ She was simply cut off again by his screaming. “Gyoubu-sama said to merely watch her, he didn’t say anything about forcing her to stay awake.”
"You weren't even watching her!"
"Mitsunari-sama!" Akihime tried to move closer, "Please, she was doing a wonderful job-!"
"Letting you shirk your duty is not a wonderful job!" Mitsunari snapped. Akihime frowned heavily.
"Please, it was an honest mistake...I won't fall asleep again, I promise..." She pleaded. Mitsunari was still fuming but looked away in an attempt to quell his anger.
"Fine." He hissed.
The Yuki Onna said nothing, simply remaining in a bowing position, waiting for Mitsunari’s next instruction.
"Why don't you go on a patrol or something? You've been floating there for a while." Mitsunari said. Akihime looked genuinely disappointed, her ears drooping slightly.
“Yes sir.” She stood, then left them, not glancing back at the Kitsune as she left. She wasn’t beaten very often, but she was berated quite a bit, which wore down on her.
Motochika stayed longer than Nana had planned for, but rather enjoyed that he did, she didn’t get many visitors otherwise.
She worked on completing the shack by the pond so Motochika had somewhere to rest, having him collect wood and bring it to her to shape and dry.
Motochika was rather pleasant company with her; he was kind to her and did everything she asked without question. When he wasn't with her at the pond, he was out standing guard to keep the fishermen away. Some were smart enough to leave when they saw him perched on a rock, watching with a heavy set scowl, while others were more stupid than they were brave and angered him as they drew close. Needless to say he drowned them easily, killed any who came within ten yards of him.
Nana was busy shaping the wood Motochika had brought to her, smoothing it and using a knife to flatten it out. Once she had finished the entire pile Motochika had brought her, she set the wood out to dry, then looked around for Motochika.
He was gone, as he usually was, guarding the entrance to the inlet that led from her pond to the sea. Even the other water spirits avoided him, he radiated such power and cruelty.
Nana swam through the pond, heading toward the inlet, stopping when she spotted Motochika, sitting in the shade on the rocks.
“Oh, I ran out of wood to work with, and I thought I’d come and see where you went off to.” She said, smiling when he smiled at her.
“Fishermen..?” She looked out to the sea, eyes widening when she saw the destroyed boats and floating bodies. “Motochika!” She looked horrified. “Did you do this..?! Why!?”
He looked to her, confused by why she was so upset, "Yes, I did. I had to keep them away, to keep them from finding you. They'd take you away, thinking you're a mermaid like I did. I can't have that."
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