To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Once they returned to her little pond, she moved over to the dry wood, making a noise. “Almost dry, but not quite... Would to be able to bring be a large log? We need to make the door.” She said, setting the wood back down in its spot in the sun.
Nana left the water and carried the wood toward the shack, rummaging through the small box of human things she had collected in search of nails. She knew she had some somewhere, she just couldn’t remember where.
She was suddenly grabbed and pinned to the ground, the fishermen from before standing over her as they tied her hands with fishing line.
Nana’s eyes widened, and immediately she started to squirm hard, lashing her tail and flailing, opening her mouth to let out a scream. A solid thud was heard first, then the pain registered. Another two quick solid hits and she was dazed, blood trickling from her split scalp.
"Quick, quick, get as many scales as you can before the Yasha comes back." One said and another took his boning knife and began to remove some of Nana's beautiful scales from her tail.
Even though they had struck her in the head with an oar, as soon as they started to pull and cut scales from her flesh, she started to scream. This earned her another solid hit from the oar, but didn’t stop her.
“Shut her up!”
One of the men crammed his handkerchief in her mouth, holding his hand over it to keep her from spitting it out. Tears started to run down her face, eyes dazed but full of fear.
"Should...should we take some flesh, too?"
"Rich and immortal? Let's do it, small bits for all three of us." The one who had been shaving her scales now stepped on her tail to keep it still, "Don't want to take too much."
Nana started to scream behind her gag, trying to twist away from the men who had pinned her in the dirt. She was already bleeding from her head and tail, where they had removed quite a few of her beautiful golden scales, exposing the soft flesh beneath them.
He moved the knife to the exposed flesh but suddenly stopped, standing frozen. The others looked confused.
"Kyo?" One asked, worried. Blood dripped from Kyo's neck before his head suddenly slid from his shoulders, dropping to the ground. They screamed and released Nana to run, only to stop when they found Motochika in their way. His eyes were wild, angry, his spear dripping with blood. They dropped to their knees, bowing and begging for mercy, but they would receive none from Motochika. He butchered them, cut them up and turned them to chum, unable to contain his fury. Why should they receive mercy if they were so willing to hurt Nana? Humans were as dumb as pigs.
Nana wept softly, rolling onto her stomach and spitting out the rag in her mouth. Her hands were still bound tightly with the fishing wire, and she struggled to drag herself back toward her pond.
When he saw her struggling, he made his way to her and cut the wire easily. He was covered in blood, but much like the sea after a storm he had calmed. "Are you alright, Nana? They didn't hurt you too bad, did they?"
When he cut the wire, she looked up at him, wide eyes full of terror and blood trickling down from the wound on her scalp. “Motochika- they.. They were going to take my flesh..!” She crawled toward him, fresh tears falling down her face; this had been the first time in her entire life she was attacked by humans.
He pulled her close and cradled her, petting her hair gently. "No one is going to ever do that again. I promise. I'll protect you, Nana."
Nana leaned against Motochika, crying softly against his chest. “Why would they do that..?” She asked through her tears. “Why would they try to hurt me..?”
He didn't want to say 'I told you so', it wouldn't help her. "Because humans are disgusting greedy things. They don't care for anything but themselves."
Nana only shook her head, not trying to dispute his claims. She stayed in his arms for quite some time, until he had to return her to the water of her pond. She still had a nasty cut on her scalp, which would need to be tended to, but other than that and a few missing scales on her tail, she was ok.
He used some herbs he found and mixed them with water to tend to her head wound, sitting with her and not moving an inch. He would deal with the mulched humans later.
Nana didn’t say anything about the dead humans, she simply rested in his arms, her crying and tears stopped. She still held onto him, refusing to let go even as the sun went down.
She nodded slowly, hesitantly leaving his arms and swimming over to where her little shallow grass bed was in the pond.
Motochika stood and grabbed a bucket, gathering up the foul smelling meat and the body of the fisherman and took them to the sea to feed the sharks. He washed off the blood and was nearly bitten by a hungry beast but he punched it hard and sent it swimming away. He exhaled and moved back to Nana, laying in the grass beside her.
Nana lay curled up in the grass, partially submerged in the pond and sniffling still; when Motochika laid beside her, she slowly reached out and took Motochika’s hand, holding it tightly.
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