To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

“Please don’t ever leave me, Motochika.” She said in a soft whisper, closing her own eyes.
Yukimura had woken after a few days, his arm still hurting a bit, but at least he could feel it. When he heard Akihime had been taken, he was more than upset, nearly destroying his room- he had failed her.
Sasuke had tried his best to calm Yukimura, to tell him it was best for the estate that they had let Mitsunari take her, but Yukimura wasn't listening and so Sasuke usually sat around listening to Yukimura vent.
Yukimura wouldn’t have a single thing Sasuke tried to tell him, only stopping once he ran out of energy, sitting down and breathing heavily.
Yukimura didn’t answer, he simply started to clean up his room, tears of anger dripping down his face. “I’ve packed away the things Master Shingen has gotten me.” He said softly.
((When should Masa come in~?))

“I didn’t think that way when I took you into my home, Sasuke, and you shouldn’t either.” Yukimura said softly as he straightened out the room.
((Right now!))

Sasuke huffed and glared at his fan. The door opened and Masamune peeked in.
"What's going on in here? What's with the mess?"
"Dana is still upset about Akihime." Sasuke huffed.
Yukimura only glanced at Masamune over his shoulder. “Forgive the mess, Masamune-dono.” He said, finishing cleaning up.
"No biggie, I'm not offended. But, know it's his fault they took her, right?" Masamune said nonchalantly. Sasuke's wings flexed out of alarm, eyes wide as he stared at Masamune.
Yukimura blinked and looked to Masamune, looking confused. “What do you mean? How was it Sasuke’s fault?”
Yukimura’s brows were knit. “Sasuke said he was holding Mitsunari’s men at bay outside..” He said softly, then looked to Sasuke.
"I was." Sasuke argued calmly. Masamune scratched his ear with his pinkie.
"Yeah, you wanna know something funny? There was only one set of horse tracks coming toward the estate. I had Kojurou check." He said. Sasuke shot up, glaring death.
"Shut up!" He yelled.
Yukimura stood there, shock on his face and betrayal in his eyes. “Sasuke?” He looked to his Shikigami. “Is what he says true?” He wanted to hear it directly from the Ootengu’s mouth.
"He doesn't know what he's talking about, he's still suffering from his injury." Sasuke growled as his dagger like stare refused to leave Masamune, "Shut. Up."
"You wanna come see for yourself, Sanada?" Masamune asked, "I don't think he's had the chance to cover his fuck up."
Yukimura didn’t say anything; if Sasuke wouldn’t admit to it, he would see it for himself.
Masamune gestured for Yukimura to follow and Sasuke allowed him to guide Yukimura out, though he was death gripping his flute in his sleeve.
Yukimura trembled as he looked down at the single pair of horse hooves that led to and from the estate, clenching his fists.
"Some shiki you got there.." Masamune said - he didn't say it to add salt to the wound, it was more an offhanded remark to further shame Sasuke. His distaste for Akihime wasn't a secret, but to go so far as to let her taken after he said he would be accommodating to her was just an insult to Yukimura.
“Thank you very much for showing this to me, Masamune-dono.” Yukimura bowed his head to Masamune, then turned, heading back to the estate to find Sasuke.
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