To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Sasuke hadn't left the room, he was still sitting and glaring at the ground as his fingers moved over the holes of his flute in a silent song; a nervous habit he never really could kick.
He heard the door slide open, then close softly, footsteps sounding behind him before Yukimura game into view. He almost looked expressionless, all except for his eyes, which burned with unyielding pain.
Sasuke heard the smack before he registered the pain on his cheek, head snapping to the side. Yukimura looked so very hurt, and he felt even worse; he had nothing to say.
His flute clattered to the floor and he sat quietly for a moment as he kept his gaze away from Yukimura, "She had no right to be here, dana..." He said softly.
“Others told me the same exact words you’re telling me now.” Yukimura said firmly. “They told me an Ootengu who only possess others and wrecks havoc has no place with an Onmyoji; that he should only be turned out or put out of his misery.” He frowned and looked down at the floor.
"But I have been blindly loyal to you, have I not? Everything I have done has been to protect you. What good is a fox who can't even do her job? Who does nothing but try and bed you? There's nothing good that can come from that! I had to let them take her back to Osaka, it's better this way!" He argued.
“How is she not exactly the same as you?” He didn’t yell, he honestly didn’t even want to speak with Sasuke. “I’m disappointed, Sasuke.” He said and moved to the door. “I’m going to Osaka to get her back.” He opened the door. “You can stay here.”
"Dana!" He called but Yukimura merely shut the door sharply in response. He grabbed his flute and sat, playing angrily to keep from destroying the estate.
Masamune watched Yukimura leave the room and put his hands on his hips, "We gonna go get her?"
“Thank you very much for everything, Masamune-sama, but I cannot rightly put you in danger any further.” He bowed his head to him. “I will be going alone.”
"You can't just go by yourself with no Shikigami. Mitsunari will slaughter you, not to mention Yoshitsugu." He said, "Let me and Kojurou and Mego go with you, you'd have a fighting chance at least."
“I refuse.” He said outright. “I cannot allow anymore harm to come to my guests.” He said. “You’re welcome to stay here as long as it takes for you and your Shikigami need, but I’m headed for Osaka.”
"Don't be stupid...!" Masamune argued.
"Yukimura." It was a voice he hadn't heard in a while, one he didn't think he'd hear again ever. Shingen was up, weak but awake, "What's with all this commotion? I heard the estate was attacked..."
Yukimura spun around, his eyes widening when he saw Shingen. “Oyakata-sama..” He moved over to Shingen quickly. “You’re awake!”
He nodded, "I heard a kitsune helped free me of a possession that caused my illness..." He said, "I assume you cared for her well?"
"About that..." Masamune muttered, rubbing his neck, "She was kind of kidnapped."
"How is one kind of kidnapped?" Shingen asked.
Yukumhea felt shame burn in his chest again and he looked to the floor, clenching his fists. He was mad at Sasuke, but he wouldn’t throw him under the bus like that. “My powers were sealed away, and I was unable to stop those who took her.”
"Where was Sasuke?" Shingen asked.
"Letting them take her." Masamune said. He didn't have a problem throwing Sasuke to the wolves. Shingen looked taken aback.
"He did what?" He muttered, "Our Sasuke?"
Yukimura clenched his fists tighter, keeping his gaze on the floor, not able to answer his lord.
"Well then. You should go rescue her, shouldn't you?"
"He wants to do it alone." Masamune said. Shingen scowled and flicked Yukimura's forehead, not having the energy to punch him.
Yukimura winced, but kept his gaze down. “I don’t wish to endanger our guests any further.” Yukimura said softly.
Yukimura clenched his fists, he had neither Akihime nor Sasuke now, how could he ask Masamune to bring his Shikigami while he brought only himself. “Master..”
Yukimura couldn’t bear to look up at his Master; if he couldn’t bring Akihime home, he’d have no right to return to his own home. “I accept Masamune-dono’s help.” He said and bowed.
"Sweet, I'll go tell everyone." Masamune said and went off to tell Kojurou and Megohime, they would have to carry Jin along and fill her in on the way. Shingen looked to Yukimura again.
"Is your summoning still a struggle?" He asked.
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