To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yukimura had been staring at the fire before him, unable to get any sleep so he sat in wait on his bedroll instead. “I worry for Akihime’s safety.” He said, not taking his eyes off the fire.
"I don't think they would go through all that trouble just to off her," Masamune said, "But yeah, they may have roughed her up a bit.."
That didn’t ease Yukimura’s fears, making him frown more. “I only hope not too much harm has come to her.”
Yukimura nodded, laying back on his bedroll to try and get even a wink of sleep before they left at dawn.
"How are you dealing with the whole thing your tengu did...?" Masamune wasn't usually super nosey, but he wasn't tired and Megohime didn't feel like talking right now, "Still upset...?"
Yukimura frowned, not exactly wanting to speak about what happened with Sasuke, how could he have betrayed him like that? “If it’s all the same with you, Masamune-dono, I’d prefer to get my rest while I can.” He said softly.
In the morning, everyone was packing up, Minehime attaching her and Hidemune’s sleeping rolls to their horse, having Hidemune hold her piece of grass while she readied the saddle.
Masamune helped Kojurou with Jin before packing up his own horse and climbing up, yawning loudly. Hidemune guarded the grass like it was his most precious thing while he waited for Minehime, eyes bored and emotionless.
Minehime finished saddling her horse, turning to Hidemune and taking the grass so he could mount the horse, them being the last two. Yukimura had already mounted his horse, as well as Hachigen.
Once everyone was mounted up and ready, they continued on their way to Osaka. It would be a couple days before they reached their destination, including the stops they had to take to rest the horses. All Yukimura could think about was getting back Akihime, safe and sound.
They were half a days ride from Osaka, but they needed to rest the horses or they wouldn’t make the ride back home. Yukimura was too anxious now, hardly paying attention to anything, and often spending the time he should be resting training with his spear.
Masamune watched him silently, wondering if he would be ok for the big battle. He looked stressed and exhausted all at once. He sighed softly through his nose and laid back against his bed roll. Hidemune's dragon clicked and purred affectionately for Minehime as they sat together, enjoying the small bits of food she would give it.
The horned girl would toss her shares of meat to the dragon, enjoying only plants and vegetables, never once partaking in meat. She sat so Hidemune could rest his head in her lap; and from what Masamune saw, she seemed to cater to the fallen god.
Masamune scowled softly as he watched him. He didn't know why the Ichimokuren made him so goddamn angry, but he did. The poor Kusa had no idea what she was growing attached to.
Hidemune glanced up at Minehime and gave a small smile, "Ne, perhaps later you could weave wild flowers in my hair and I can do the same to you?"
She smiled softly down at him, nodding and leaning down to whisper to him. “Can you put the little white ones in my hair?” She asked him quietly. She hardly noticed Masamune’s sour glare and angry scowl.
She smiled happily, cheeks flushed as she nodded. “Hai.” She whispered, gently petting his hair.
"Oh my God, would you two stop?" Masamune growled at them. Hidemune turned his head toward him, eyes bored.
"Something wrong, Date?"
"Stop pretending to care about her. You're just using her, admit it." Masamune hissed. Hidemune's expression didn't change.
"Using her for...?"
"I haven't figured that part out yet." Masamune huffed.
Minehime looked at Masamune with a confused look, but didn’t say anything, only continuing to pet Hidemune’s hair to free it or tangles so she could braid flowers into it.
After a while, Minehime left to find those flowers she would use to braid into Hidemune’s hair, and the ones he would braid into her hair. She picked the delicate flowers carefully, kneeling before the small patch of flowers as she plucked them from the ground and placed them gently in a cloth.
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