To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yoshitsugu pulled out a paper doll and let it flutter over as it shuddered and trembled before bursting into a Kodokushi. The odd youkai cackled darkly behind his mask as he shook his lantern, bugs scittering out and toward Kojurou and Jin. Kojurou had no choice but to drop Yuki Onna to shoot black flames at the bugs.

Hidemune held Minehime's hand as he followed his dragon's directions to Akihime. Any guard that tried to stop them was easily cut down by Hidemune's wind seals. They would stop every now and again when his dragon couldn't quite locate Akihime before picking up her trail again and heading off.
As soon as the Yuki Onna was dropped, she sent shards of ice flying toward Kojurou and Jin; Jin easily knocked the ice away before it hit her or Kojurou. “What’s wrong Kojurou-sama, do you need for me to slow down for you?” She asked, smirking softly.

Yukimura looked to Hidemune. “Hidemune-dono, where next?” He asked softly.
Kojurou destroyed all the bugs before shooting more flames at the Kodokushi.
"Not at all, Jin-dono. I thought you were beginning to fall asleep." He smirked.

"Just down this hallway, not much farther." He answered, his pace picking up. The walls slowly transitioned into a more temple like area before Hidemune stopped beside an odd door with a large window. Almost like an animal habitat. Inside was dimly lit with lanterns and candles but a form could be seen slumped in the middle of the room draped in heavy chains.
A soft laugh escaped her, and a small twinkle could be seen in her eyes. “Not at all, the night is young.” She dispersed into a mass of bats, launching herself at the Kodokushi, reforming in a human form and sinking her fangs into her throat.

Yukimura saw the pile on the floor and rushed forward. “Akihime-dono!” He dropped to his knees beside her, looking her over.
Yoshitsugu drew something in the ground with his cane and a light appeared under Jin. "Jin-dono!" Kojurou rushed forward and grabbed her, pulling her from the Kodokushi before the pillar of light could burn her.
The pillar of light not only nearly incinerated Jin, but the Kodokushi she had been attacking was now merely blue flames on the ground. Jin stared in horror, looking to Yoshitsugu. “He destroyed his own Shikigami.” She said, then quickly pushed both herself and Kojurou back a step when a large shard of ice stabbed into the ground where they were standing seconds ago.

Yukimura saw the pile on the floor and rushed forward. “Akihime-dono!” He dropped to his knees beside her, looking her over.
"I'm not surprised, he only views them as tools." Kojurou said. Masamune unsheathed his katana and rushed at Yoshitsugu.
"Let's see you try that trick on me!" He yelled. Yoshitsugu made a noise and made a star motion with his hand, orbs of unholy light flying toward him at high speeds, which he was able to dodge easily enough. Kojurou used his infernal hand to grab Yuki Onna as she moved to defend Yoshitsugu and throw her into a nearby wall.

The figure shifted and the chains rattled as she struggled to sit up. "Yukimura-sama...?" She sounded strained, exhausted, and when the light caught her features his heart ripped in two. She was thin, like the breeze would carry her away if it blew too hard; she had dark circles under her eyes and her hair was a matted mess around her boney shoulders. "You came for me...ah, don't look, I'm unsightly...."
The Yuki Onna wheezed as she struck the wall, falling to the ground before looking up in horror. “Gyoubu-sama!!” She pushed herself up, forcing more of her power out as she made a wall of ice form quickly between Masamune and Yoshitsugu. She staggered, dazed from being thrown into the wall, but continued on, raising her hand to send shards of ice at Masamune. She was frozen before she could bring her arm down, Jin pressed against her back, teeth in her throat and holding her wrist to stop her arm. She pulled away from her neck, looking to Kojurou. “Kojurou-sama, do it now!” She shoved away from the Yuki Onna and dispersed into a horde of bats, quickly moving away from the Yuki Onna.

Yukimura felt tears slip down his cheeks, and he gently pulled her closer, holding her up so she didn’t have to exert anymore strength. “Rest, Akihime-dono, you’re safe now.” He said softly, holding her against his chest, carefully pulling her robes back over her shoulders to cover her. “Hidemune-dono, would you be able to cut the chains?” He didn’t look at his Shikigami. “Minehime-dono, will you please heal her.”
Minehime nodded, bringing her giant blade of grass in front of her and enveloping Akihime in a warm, green glow.
Kojurou used all his energy to call back his missing arm, his rage and power flowing off him as the massive hand snatched up Yuki Onna and hold her in place as he rushed forward. He jumped up and pulled his fist back, engulfing it into his black flame before slamming with all his might into her face.

Hidemune nodded and used his seals, the chains rusting like a millennia had passed before they crumbled away. Akihime's aches and pains faded away as she rested against Yukimura.
"I wish there were better circumstances for you to hold me so tenderly..." She laughed weakly.
Kojurou could feel the Yuki Onna go limp in his phantom hand, knocked out and nose gushing blood. She slumped forward, not dead but out of commission for the time being, leaving Yoshitsugu vulnerable.

Yukimura pet her hair gently, wiping away the single tear that was rolling down her cheek. “There will be more times after this,” He said gently. “Akihime-dono, I put before you an option; make a contract with me, become my Shikigami.”
"He's all yours, Masamune-sama." Kojurou said. Masamune grinned and became more wild, his slashes and strikes near impossible to see. Yoshitsugu was surprisingly spry for a man suffering from leprosy.

Akihime pressed into him as much as she could, relaxing in his arms, "Hai. It would be my deepest honor and pleasure to serve at your side, Yukimura-sama...until I can no longer draw breath, I swear to serve you..."
Any small bump Masamune got, any scratch, she immediately healed it, still backed away at a safe distance.
As Masamune pushed Yoshitsugu back, Jin moved behind him, grabbing ahold of his arms and holding him still so Masamune could cut him down. “Masamune-sama!”

Yukimura tightened his grip on her slightly, watching her go from emaciated to her old self again. Minehime lowered her blade of grass and gave a small nod, showing that Akihime was fully healed.
“We should go if we’re to avoid Mitsunari.” Yukimura said, picking Akihime up in his arms to carry her.
Masamune rushed forward, brandishing his katana to end Yoshitsugu and the old man merely smirked under his bandages. Jin saw his fingers move and a barrier suddenly encased Yoshitsugu and Jin. Masamune's blade smacked against it and he growled, beating against it over and over but it held up.
"Jin-dono, his hands!" Kojurou yelled and before she noticed, Yoshitsugu had made another sign with his fingers and otherworldly black chains wrapped tight around Jin.

"He's coming, Yukimura-sama...he's angry.." Akihime warned, holding onto him. Hidemune took Minehime's hand tightly to keep her close.
"Let's go." He said quickly and led everyone back the way they came.
Jin struggled, letting out a cry of pain as the black chains wrapped around her tightly, holding her in place. The chains wrapped around her arms and legs, pinning her wings to her back and digging into her flesh. She ground her teeth as she tried to break free, feeling like the evil was seeping from the chains and into her skin.

Yukimura followed behind Hidemune and Minehime, Hachigen just behind the young Onmyoji as they hurried down the hallway.
"And just how does someone like Date get an awakened Vampira on his side? Did he summon you?" Yoshitsugu asked, picking up his cane.
"Kojurou, help me out here!" Masamune yelled, still beating on the barrier. Kojurou moved over quickly, punching it with all his might.

As they rushed down the hall and rounded the corner, Hidemune was forced to stop as he spotted someone in their path. It was Mitsunari, and he was furious.
"How dare you defile Hideyoshi-sama's home and take his kitsune from him." He growled out. Hidemune pushed Minehime behind him before sending out his wind seals to attack Mitsunari. Ishida merely cut them down with his blade and Hidemune looked more annoyed than angry that his attack had failed.
"Yukimura-sama, please take Akihime-dono and Minehime and leave. Hachigen and I will catch up."
"Hai! We'll buy you time." The Ryomen moved to Hidemune's side and prepared himself.
“I’m not obligated to answer that question.” Jin forced out through her clenched teeth, watching Yoshitsugu, then glancing to Masamune and Kojurou trapped outside the barrier.
Megohime did her best as well to help break the barrier, slinging painted blades at the barrier one after the other.

Yukimura nodded, taking Minehime’s hand and leading her down the hallway to the left, leaving Mitsunari to Hidemune and Hachigen.
"I see no crest." He remarked, leaning on his cane, "He found you then? How cute~"
"Goddammit, get out here and fight me like a man!" Masamune yelled but Yoshitsugu ignored him.

"They're no match for him..." Akihime frowned, "They'll die..."
Jin stole a glance at Masamune, seeing cracks forming in the energy barrier. She just needed a little more time, but with every breath, the chains tightened. “What does it matter to someone like you?” She wheezed.

Minehime tensed, but hurried along with Yukimura. “Hidemune-dono knows when to retreat, he’s a strong Shikigami.” He said, his faith in his master’s Shikigami quite clear.
"I can grant you the power you crave. The blood you thirst for. Just pledge yourself to me."
"Don't listen, Jin-dono!" Kojurou yelled, hitting the barrier harder.

Not having known the layout of the castle, Yukimura became obscenely lost. Akihime was still so tired, she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open.
"Yukimura-sama..." She muttered sadly, "He's coming...."
Power? Blood? It was true, she wished for more strength, to be able to walk in sunlight and not get hurt, to be strong enough to crush any foe before her; her wish for blood was even more-so. She stared at him for a moment, slack-jawed before a soft smirk crept on her lips. “And a decrepid old man like you is going to give me all that?” She let out a laugh, though strained. “If your Yuki Onna is any display of the powers you can give, I’d rather get my meal from the rats in the city.”

Yukimura frowned softly, setting Akihime down and looking to Minehime. “Help her to the courtyard, get her to Masamune-dono.” He said.
She nodded and helped Akihime walk as she went as fast as she could down the hallway, Yukimura brandishing his spear.
Yoshitsugu scowled, gripping his cane tightly as his barrier cracked audibly before shattering. Masamune knocked Yoshitsugu down and was about to kill him when he surrendered.
"If you kill me, Mitsunari will be the least of your worries." He said. Masamune clenched his jaw before just knocking him unconscious. The chains around Jin vanished and she was freed.

"No! Yukimura-sama! Don't leave me! Please!" Akihime stumbled as Minehime pulled her along.
Mitsunari was on Yukimura in almost an instant, radiating his fury.
"Where is she?" He growled.
Jin collapsed to her knees, wheezing as the chains vanished and she could breathe again. “Thank you, Masamune-sama, Kojurou-sama...”
“Do you need to be healed?”
“No... I’m alright, just a little winded.” She said as she stood again.

Yukimura frowned softly, keeping his spear in front of him. “She’s safe, from you and your mistreatment.”
Masamune sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Guess we wait for Sanada and the others.." He said. He noticed something move out of the corner of his eye but when he looked it was gone.

"She made a deal. She swore herself to Hideyoshi-sama!" Mitsunari yelled.
Yukimura frowned more. “A pact cannot be made with a spirit already in another pact.” He said firmly; had Yukimura actually made a pact with the Kitsune?
"You..." Mitsunari gripped the hilt of his odachi tightly, "You BASTARD!!" He rushed forward with such speed Yukimura barely registered that he moved. Hidemune and Hachigen had barely managed to catch up when they saw Mitsunari rush Yukimura.
"Yukimura-sama!" Hidemune yelled and tried to use his seals in time. But the sharp sound of a flute filled the room and a tornado of wind and feathers caused Mitsunari to skid and stumble backward. Sasuke appeared before Yukimura, wings folding gently.
"Forgive my tardiness, dana...I hope I'm not too late to help?" He glanced back, giving a small smile to his master.
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