To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yukimura had nearly been blown away as well, but just managed to keep his footing. When he saw it was Sasuke, his eyes widened and he gripped his spear tighter- of course one could expect him to still be angry.
He wasn’t. A large smile appeared on Yukimura’s face and he shook his head. “Perfect timing, as always, Sasuke!”
"So what did I miss? Did we get Akihime?" He asked. Mitsunari let out a cry of anger and rushed at them again, only to have Sasuke wave his fan and smack him backward with a small vortex of wind.
“Minehime-dono is escorting her out, but I worry the two will get lost.” Yukimura said, then looked to Hidemune. “Will you be able to find them, Hidemune-dono?” He asked, looking desperate.
Hidemune nodded, "I'll go find them right away." He said and hurried off. Hachigen moved to stand by Sasuke, ready to defend Yukimura with the tengu. Mitsunari growled, almost angry to a point of not speaking, taking out an amulet and throwing it toward them. Hachigen burned it but it provided enough of a distraction for Mitsunari to get in close. He slashed at Hachigen, who moved away and prepared his lightning, before going for Sasuke. The tengu deflected his blade with his fan and it gave Mitsunari the chance he needed to get to Yukimura.
The blade went straight for his neck, but Yukimura had already had his spear ready. Mitsunari’s sword struck the shaft of the spear and bit deep into the wood, pushing Yukimura back with a grunt.
Both Sasuke and Hachigen used wind to smack Mitsunari away from Yukimura, sending him into a wall. Sasuke took a breath and looked to Hachigen.
"Get dana out of here, back to Masamune and the others."
"What are you going to do?" Hachigen asked. Sasuke glanced to Yukimura before turning to Mitsunari.
"I'm gonna buy you some time."
Yukimura frowned softly, but knew that his Tengu was more than capable of fighting on his own. “Look for Hachigen-dono’s signal and retreat when you see it.” He turned to head down the hallway after Hidemune. “And Sasuke, be safe.” He said.
"Usually am, dana.." He said softly before taking a small breath, closing his eyes and suddenly slumping to the ground with his wings falling lax. Mitsunari pushed himself up and groaned, rubbing his head.
Minehime and Akihime were found easily by Hidemune, who led them back out to the courtyard where Megohime was fussing over Masamune and his very minor wounds, an unconscious Yoshitsugu being guarded by Kojurou and Jin.
"Mego, stop, I'm fine.." Masamune laughed, swatting her hands away gently. Akihime felt her chest ache as she looked them over. They all came for her? Even Megohime?
"Masamune-sama." Kojurou called and the One Eyed Dragon looked before Kojurou nudged his head to Akihime. Masamune looked and grinned.
"Hey! Look at you! Safe and sound. Where's Sanada?" He asked. Akihime started shaking.
"He...He told me to go...he's fighting Mitsunari-sama on his own..."
Akihime heard footsteps behind them, and not long after Yukimura and Hachigen emerged from the entryway. “Akihime-dono, Minehime-dono, Hidemune-dono,” He smiled when he saw they all got out. “I’m grateful that you got out.” He moved over, but his eyes were focused on Akihime. “Sasuke is keeping Mitsunari busy, is everyone alright?”
"Oh, so that was what I saw." Masamune muttered and Akihime moved to Yukimura quickly, throwing her arms around him.
"Yogatta! I was so worried I would never see you again...!" She whimpered.
"Everyone is fine. Yoshitsugu gave us little trouble." Kojurou answered.
Yukimura felt an intense burning in his chest when Akihime embraced him, and his face even went red, but regardless, he embraced her back. He held her close, burying his face in her shoulder. “Forgive me for not being strong enough to protect you.” He whispered.
She shook her head, "It was my fault he even attacked in the first place, if anyone should beg forgiveness it's me..." She replied gently, "I will always forgive you, Yukimura-sama, no matter what..."
“Hachigen-dono, please signal our retreat.” Yukimura said, pulling away from Akihime a bit. “We should return to the horses, Sasuke will find us there.”
"No need..." Sasuke hobbled out, looking a little exhausted, "I haven't possessed anyone in a long time, I'm surprised neither of us died.."
“Sasuke!” Yukimura looked relieved to see the Ootengu, smiling widely. He didn’t care that he had possessed someone, he had shown up in order to help rescue Akihime, and it made his heart happy.
“Oh, now he shows up.” Megohime muttered.
Sasuke waved his fan at her and blew a gust that was only strong enough to rustle her scroll, "Pipe down, ink blot."
"Sasuke-san..." Akihime moved over and bowed deeply, "Thank you so much for coming to Yukimura-sama's aid."
"Ah, well, I'd be a pretty bad Shikigami if I let him die for you.." He joked softly.
Yukimura smiled softly, glad that Sasuke and Akihime were getting along for the most part.
“Ah, not to interrupt, but we should be departing before Hideyoshi’s guards collect themselves and find us here.” Jin spoke up, still standing beside Kojurou.
"Ikuzo, imouto.." Hidemune said gently and took Minehime's hand as they all hurried back to where the horses were hidden. Sasuke was still a bit exhausted so he rode with Hachigen and Akihime rode with Yukimura.
The trek home was a quiet one, everyone exhausted from the fight.
It took days to return to the Takeda estate, and once they were home, everyone finally had a chance to bathe properly and have a proper meal.
Akihime sat in the bath for a long time, almost fell asleep in it, before she finally met up with everyone for dinner. She sat near Yukimura, not too close but not far away, enjoying kitsune udon and fried tofu. Hidemune sat on the deck with Minehime as she ate, weaving small white flowers in her hair like he had promised.
Masamune and his Shikigami were due to leave in the morning, Masamune had a premonition of an evil presence in Chikoku by the sea.
Yukimura glanced up at Akihime, then picked up his tray of food and moved a bit closer, clearing his throat softly, cheeks pink.
Akihime looked up and blushed before smiling gently, "Would you like some sake or tea, Yukimura-sama?"

Kojurou approached Jin while she was out keeping guard, not really wanting her to be alone, "You were rather elegant and powerful today, Jin-dono.." He said.
“Tea-“ Yukimura started to say, but then stopped. “S-Sake would be appropriate... We are celebrating after all.” His face was red, keeping his eyes down on his food.

Jin looked up from the small pond before her, watching the little minnows swim under the water. “Kojurou-sama..” He was sure she would blush if she was able too. “Thank you,” She turned to look at the pond again. “Forgive me, I know my sleeping habits are a bit unethical, so you probably do not get to see much of me while you are awake.”
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