To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime frowned, but nodded. “Ok, I’ll do it.” She stood and moved over to Yukimura. “I need my scroll and paintbrush though.”
Megohime nodded and muttered a thanks, starting to paint immediately. She drew up six sparrows, all of which peeled off the paper and laid on Yukimura’s discolored flesh, which slowly returned to a normal, healthy color.
When she finished healing Yukimura's arm, Masamune moved to Megohime and kissed her cheek gently, "Thank you, Mego. You did great."
"If you wanted to. It feels pretty good to me.." He said and gestured for Kojurou to unwrap the wound. It was cleaned and didn't look too bad thanks to the work she had put in before.
Megohime felt her stomach do a flip, frowning softly as she moved closer to inspect the wound. “It doesn’t hurt..?”
“And I’d be a terrible Shikigami if you died!” Megohime frowned and looked at her scroll. “Promise me you won’t die..”
Megohime moved and wrapped her arms around Masamune, careful not to put pressure on his wound.
He put his arm around her, "Where's Jin?"
"Still sleeping, the sun will set soon and she'll awaken then." Kojurou answered. Masamune made a noise.
"Damn, how easy would it have been if we had her fighting with us?"
“I thought she doesn’t do well during the day?” Megohime looked up at him. “She was nearly passed out the whole ride here.
"She doesn't. He's saying our situation would have been more beneficial were the circumstances more accommodating for Jin-dono." Kojurou told her.

Akihime sat locked up in her old room, beaten and beyond terrified. She wasn't allowed to sleep, constantly kept awake to ward away evil spirits. She was so tired, all she wanted to do was lie down. But neither Mitsunari or Yoshitsugu would allow her even a moment of respite.
“Gyoubu-sama, I don’t understand, you said if I assisted in returning the Kitsune, I would be allowed my freedom. Why? Why can I not leave?” The Yuki Onna asked, bowed before Yoshitsugu on her hands and knees.
Yuki Onna felt her heart sink, but she simply nodded. “Yes, Master.” She said softly, bowing her head lower.
She stood and nodded, although she did look a bit nervous; fire did not mix well with ice. “Of course, Gyoubu-sama.” She said and headed off.
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