To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yukimura got to his feet, frowning heavily. “Ishida-dono, I may ask that you leave now.” He said, eyes on him and on edge.
"Return the kitsune to me now!" Mitsunari ordered. Masamune stood and scowled.
"It's really rude to be making demands of your host like that." He said. The door to the side room slid open and Akihime came out, looking panicked.
"Mitsunari-sama, please don't hurt them!" She pleaded.
“Ishida-dono isn’t going to hurt anyone, he was just leaving.” Yukimura had had enough, guest or not, he would not allow violence in his Lords estate.
Mitsunari glared at Akihime and she hid behind Yukimura, "Very well," He growled, "Yuki Onna."
"Oh shit." Masamune muttered, "Kojurou!!"
The air in the room dropped temperature quickly, frost forming on the walls, floor, and ceiling. A woman with long black hair and icy pale skin seemed to appear from the frost forming on the walls itself. “Hai.” She said softly, raising her hand and waving it toward Yukimura and Akihime.
"No, please, don't hurt him! I'll go back with you!" Akihime stood before Yukimura protectively, tears in her eyes. Kojurou appeared like a shadow behind Mitsunari, a dark ball of demonic energies surging in his left hand.
Yuki Onna scowled when Kojurou appeared, bringing her hand up high, then swinging it downward. Ice fell from the ceiling, aimed both behind her and Mitsunari at Kojurou, and before her at Yukimura and Akihime.
Before the ice could touch Akihime however, Yukimura pulled her out of the way, the ice plunging into his arm and encasing it solid.
"Yukimura-sama!!" Akihime gasped in horror, moving to try and melt the ice. Kojurou merely used his infernal hand to block the ice before moving it to grab Mitsunari and Yuki Onna.
Yuki Onna scowled and shoved Mitsunari out of the way of the giant hand, raising a wall of ice to slow it down.
It didn't seem to slow him down at all, the massive black and purple hand broke the wall like it was a small chunk of ice. Akihime was trying hard to melt the ice on Yukimura's arm with her fox fire, tears pouring down her cheeks.
"Gomen...gomenasai..." She wept.
The hand slammed into Yuki Onna and she let out a cry of pain, but immediately attacked Kojurou again, aiming spears of ice at the Ibaraki.
The ice on Yukimura’s arm was slow to melt, and Akihime’s fox fire still burned through the ice oddly enough. He winced and cried out, clenching his jaw. “It isn’t your fault.”
"It is, it is...!" She wailed, tears blinding her vision, "This wouldn't have happened to you if I had just let Mitsunari-sama kill me...!"
"Stop that right now." Masamune scowled, moving to help break the ice, "If he says it isn't your fault, then it isn't."
Kojurou grabbed an ice spear and threw it back at her quickly before it could stick to his only available hand before throwing his ball of energy itself at her.
((I need Mitsunari to attack _:)3 」∠)_ ))

Yuki Onna ground her teeth as the spear nearly went straight through her head, but was stopped by the barely noticeable barrier of ice that surrounded her. She started to freeze the giant hand holding her, moving to break the fingers.
Mitsunari noticed Masamune trying to free Yukimura's arm and moved swiftly. Masamune looked and tried to unsheathe his katana in time.
“Masamune-dono!” Yukimura’s eyes widened, his heart sinking at Mitsunari’s blade made its way for Masamune’s throat.
It wouldn’t meet it however, a blade stopping Mitsunari’s but only barely. “Keep your filthy blade away from him..!” It was Megohime, standing between Mitsunari and his prey.
Mitsunari scowled and pressed harder, putting all his weight on Megohime's ink blade. Masamune moved to slash at him and it forced him back, "Good to see you're done pouting.." Masamune said.
“I wasn’t!” She hissed at him, bringing her blade in front of her and taking a defensive stance. “You’d just let yourself get shredded if I wasn’t here.” She said with a frown.
"Mego, you aren't a fighter, get away." Masamune said firmly, "I got this." Mitsunari rushed forward and Masamune deflected it; annoyed that Akihime was too much of a wreck to help and Kojurou was too busy fighting the Yuki Onna.
Megohime would move away from Masamune, but not by much. She would stay near him, protect his back while Kojurou couldn’t.
Masamune and Mitsunari fought as Akihime painstakingly removed the last of the ice from his arm. Masamune wasn't used to such quick strikes and was easily over powered.
Megohime heard the crack in Masamune’s blade before she saw it, and when Mitsunari brought his sword up for another hard strike, she knew his blade wouldn’t hold. Masamune was shoved aside, Megohime bringing her own blade up to block Mitsunari’s.
The weight in his swing was too much and caught her off guard, his blade digging deep into her shoulder, "Mego!" Masamune yelled and rushed at Mitsunari again, Mitsunari ripping his blade from Megohime to defend himself.
Instead of red blood, black ink came from her shoulder, spraying into the air as she staggered, not dropping her blade or falling to the floor, nor did she. “I-I’m fine..!” She grunted, holding her wound and swaying a bit.
Another blade entered the fray, Yukimura recovering his spear and attacking Mitsunari. His arm was defrosted, but still numb, but he would make due.
Mitsunari didn't seem to be bothered with the other combatant; in fact, it appeared that he only became faster with the addition of Yukimura.
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