To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime fell back into the stone pool with a grunt, immediately taking hot bath water into her mouth. She struggled and kneed Akihime, quickly closing her mouth and trying to shove Akihime back, but she at a disadvantage, she was angled downward, with Akihime sitting on her, pinned to the bottom of the large tub. When Akihime saw the water start to cloud with a dark color, she first might’ve suspected blood, but as more filled the tub, she realized it was ink.
"You insecure bratty woman!" Akihime hissed, "You have no idea what my life was like before Yukimura-sama found me! You have no right to say such things, to be so rude and hurtful! I'll be doing Masamune-sama a favor!"
"That's enough." Kojurou pulled Akihime easily out of the tub and dropped her on the ground, covering her with his cloak before reaching in and pulling Megohime up.
Megohime wasn’t breathing or moving once Kojurou pulled her out of the water, black ink leaking off of her profusely; from her mouth, her nose, her eyes and ears, even her hair was dripping black into onto the floor, and she felt strangely light.
"Is she dead?" Akihime asked dryly. Kojurou turned his gaze on her and she felt small.
"No, but she will be if I don't get her to Masamune-sama." He said and covered Megohime before leaving. Akihime lowered her gaze, shame burning in her chest. She shouldn't have flown off the handle like that.
When Kojurou brought Megohime to Masamune, the Dragon of Oshuu about shat out his heart.
"What happened?!"
"Akihime tried drowning her, though I know not why. She's dying."
"Lay her down!" Masamune barked and started drawing up healing talismans as Kojurou laid Megohime on her bed roll.
Black ink had stained Kojurou’s arm and chest, and it stained the bedroll under Megohime the moment he laid her down. Megohime seemed pale, the talismans working slowly, but they were working and that’s all that mattered. Soon the ink stopped leaking from Megohime, and her chest began to rise and fall once more.
"Keep an eye on her." Masamune ordered before leaving to find Akihime, who actually had come to return Kojurou's cloak. Her eyes widened at how angry Masamune looked and her ears fell back.
"Masamune-sama, I-"
"Shut up." Masamune growled and threw her to the ground. She cried out but didn't try to run away as Masamune started wailing on her, which drew Sasuke's attention. He stood on the deck and watched, not bothering to stop Masamune.
There was the sound of wings, but it wasn’t from Sasuke. Masamune’s first was stopped before hitting Akihime again, Jin gripping Masamune’s wrist tightly to stop him, frowning heavily. “Masamune-sama, that’s enough, I think she gets the point.” She said calmly.
"It's only fair that if she nearly kills Mego that I return the favor." Masamune hissed. Akihime was crying, her head bowed in shame.
"Gomen...gomenasai..." She wept, her speech a little slurred from her bruised cheek and busted lip.
Jin looked a little surprised to know that Megohime had almost lost her life. “And What What that accomplish?” She asked, but her voice was still calm and gentle.
Jin shot a look at Sasuke, but said nothing to him. “Even if you did that, you would cause Megohime-dono more trouble. Please, let’s return to her.”
Masamune huffed and pulled his wrist away before stalking back. Sasuke made a noise of disappointment and went back to his room. Akihime couldn't look at Jin, hiding her face and turning away.
"P-Please do not look at me, I am ashamed and Masamune-sama was right, I deserved it for harming Megohime-dono. I have disgraced Yukimura-sama's name." She wept weakly.
Jin helped Akihime to her feet, not giving her much of a choice in the matter. “Please gather yourself, Akihime-dono, you may have to make a formal apology in the morning.” Jin said softly.
Jin nodded. “I understand; tentions are high, return to your room for the night, we can speak in the morning.” She said softly.
She nodded and dragged herself to her room. In the morning, she did not leave her room; too ashamed of her actions to show her face. Masamune gad stayed up all night to keep the talismans going so Megohime would be ok.
Megohime regained consciousness in the morning, her eyes opening slowly, and her head rolling to the side to look around.
“Like shit.” She groaned out, closing her eyes from the morning sun. “Am I in Hell?” She asked weakly.
"Oh wow, thanks, I stay up all night so you don't die and you immediately assume I'd let you leave me?" He said with fake hurt in his tone.
Megohime laughed, laughed a genuine laugh, smiling a bit. “Sorry, just a joke, don’t get your fundoshi in a twist.”
She mumbled softly, cheeks flushed from the kiss. “Just don’t do it again..” She said, looking away from him; then she noticed his split knuckles. “What happened..?” She asked, looking up at him.
Megohime looked a bit shocked, but she didn’t scold him like Jin did. “Oh... Thanks.” She said softly.
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