To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime didn’t seem concerned, only rolling up her scroll. “It’ll pass, but you’ll have to manage it; I did just put a rather strong seal on his soul.” She said with a frown. “After this it shouldn’t bother him as much, but he also might not be able to preform his abilities.”
"Dammit." Sasuke growled and took Yukimura to his room. Masamune hugged Megohime tight.
"You did great, Mego. I'm sure he'll be much better because you are an amazing healer." He praised.
She blushed and put her hand over his, enjoying the embrace. “Thank you.” She said softly.
She nodded, then gave his hand a squeeze, standing and leaving the room to find Masamune’s other Shiki.
Masamune looked around before following after Megohime, vaguely remembering where the guest room they placed Jin in was. It was relatively quiet after that, the servants brought them dinner and helped them with the bedding, which Masamune thanked them for.
Jin was awake, helping prepare beds, but she wasn’t going to be using one. Megohime was already snuggled into her bed, a bit drained from creating such a strong seal.
Kojurou was resting on his bed, head resting in his hand and his eyes closed. 'It won't be super boring for you, will it, Jin?" Masamune asked.
Jin looked over, shaking her head. “Not at all.” She said. “I find things to occupy my time.” She said softly.
"If you get too lonely, I'm sure Kojurou can entertain you." He teased, before a giant shadowed fist punched him in the head.
"Urusai." Kojurou huffed and Masamune laughed.
Jin’s cheeks flushed a bit, but she kept her eyes on her work, folding up the bed she had used durning the day. “I like to get fresh air.” She said, putting her bedding back into the closet.
“Of course.” She bowed to Masamune before leaving, heading off to walk the estate and get fresh air.
She peeled open one eye, her blankets pulled up to her nose. “Mm, sure.” She said, closing her eyes again, how strange, whenever he asked that, she usually told him no or hit him.
“You still need to stay on your bed and under your covers though.” She said simply, shifting a bit.
“Urusai, or you’ll be sleeping with Kojurou.” She mumbled, already on her way to falling asleep.
"Right...sorry, Mego..." He said softly.

In the morning when Sasuke went to check on Yukimura, his wings ruffled in fury when he saw Akihime passed out beside his master. She had a cloth in her hand, obviously changing it out for a cooler one to control Yukimura's fever. She must've falled asleep watching over him.
Yukimura still ran a fever, but it had dropped considerably. He had sweated through his kosode, showing the awful mark, now covered with what looked like a tattoo of a tiger, entertained around it, but certainly something had changed. Yukimura didn’t feel as heavy, like a weight had been lifted off of his presence.
Sasuke tried to control his stride as he moved to Akihime and nudged her roughly with his foot, "Get out."
"Huh...?" Akihime blinked the sleep from her eyes and sat up slowly before looking up at Sasuke, "But, Yukimura-sama-"
"I'll take care of him, get out." Sasuke snarled. Akihime frowned and looked to Yukimura before reaching to change the cloth. Sasuke snatched her wrist, "I said leave!"
"Sasuke-san," Akihime's tone was dangerous and thin, eyes glowing as she glared, "It is impolite to grab a lady with such force. I will change the cloth and then I will go." Sasuke gnashed his teeth and let her go. She took the cloth from Yukimura's forehead and replaced it with the one she had, dipping it in the cold water beside him. After that, she stood and left like she said.
Yukimura didn’t wake, even to Akihime’s bloodlust, he was completely out, but Megohime had assured Sasuke he would be fine, all they had to do was wait for the fever to pass.
Megohime would stick close to Masamune the entire time they were at the Takeda estate, only growing more on edge when Akihime was around, not that he minded the attention from her.
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