To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Sasuke moved in and sat on his knees, keeping his head bowed. "He used to be your rival. Though, I don't think your relationship has really changed, the only difference is that both of you lost your memory."
“My rival..?” His wound begain to ache again. “Tell me about him, please?” He asked Sasuke, turning to face him.
"He's wild and reckless. His first shikigami was a doji who swore loyalty to him at a young age. Though he is known to be rather rambunctious, he is also very kind to the people of Oshuu who ask for his aid as an onmyoji." He said.
Yukimura thought for a moment, rubbing his chin. “Send word to them, let them know they are welcome in the Takeda estate.”
"Of course." Sasuke vanished in a small swirl of wind and feathers and it was quiet again.
"Guests?" Akihime's voice piped up from behind the door, "Should I prepare the meeting area for them, Yukimura-sama?"
“Yes, please do, Akihime.” Yukimura said, getting himself presentable for his guests.
Once presentable, Yukimura moved out of his room and to the courtyard, heading for the front gates.
When Masamune arrived and saw Yukimura, it was like a fire had burst to life inside him. He couldn't stop himself; he jumped off his horse and rushed at Yukimura with his katana drawn.
Yukimura didn’t carry weapons, he never had the need to. “Barrier!” No, he never carried weapons, but he didn’t need to, a glowing sphere around him, stopping Masamune from coming closer.
"Dana!" Sasuke came rushing out as Masamune touched the barrier.
"Not bad, kid." He remarked, "That's a pretty good shield you got. It's a shame," He rose his katana and it flashed with a blue light before he hit it against the barrier and the barrier shattered like glass, "It's no match for me."
Megohime had finally dismounted the horse, having struggled to bring it to a stop after Masamune jumped off- now she headed over to him, but kept a good distance.
“I am not here to fight you!, what are you doing..!?” Yukimura seemed a bit surprised, but didn’t attack quite yet.
The sight of Masamune alone made Yukimura’s wound hurt, and a fire ignite in his chest.
"Date Masamune. I'm told we're rivals. I wanted to fight you, see if it would help me remember anything." He replied before pointing his katana at Yukimura, "I also wanted to test your abilities as an onmyoji. See if you had what it takes." He smirked and rushed at Yukimura again. Sasuke prepared to defend Yukimura, but something rushed passed him before he could attack.
"I won't let you harm Yukimura-sama!" Akihime collided with Masamune, knocking him to the ground and pinning him there; her tails were bristled like bottle brush flowers and her nails were aimed at Masamune's neck. Her eyes were glowing and livid but she didn't do anything else unless she saw Masamune move.
A blade touched Akihime’s neck, Megohime standing above both of them, a terrifying look on her face. “Get off of him you whore.” She said lowly, a katana in one hand, and her paintbrush in the other.
“Akihime, please, release him!” Yukimura called, looking a bit panicked.
Her eyes snapped to Megohime and she didn't move an inch.
"Try it, rice paper, I'll incinerate you before you get a slash in." She hissed. Masamune chuckled softly and glanced at Megohime.
"She's fine, Mego. She's just doing what she's supposed to." He said, "Plus, I don't really mind having a cute girl on top of me." Akihime jumped off him immediately and moved to Yukimura's side, looking embarrassed and ashamed.
"M-My body is for Yukimura-sama only.." She stammered.
Megohime’s own face went red, and she stabbed the blade into the ground beside his head. “Let her tear you up then!” She moved back to the horse, clearly flustered.
“Date Masamune.. I was also told we are rivals.. But forgive me, I do not remember you.”
Masamune sat up and grinned, "Same, I don't remember a damn thing from a few months ago. That's why I came by. Sorry for being so rude." He said before standing, "May we come in? We have a Vampira with us and she doesn't do too well during the day."
"Ah! I need to check the tea!" Akihime gasped and scurried away.
Yukimura bowed deeply, nodding. “Of course! You may all come in, I will have your horses stabled as well!” He said.
"Thanks." Masamune bowed quickly and Kojurou slid off his horse to carry the heavily cloaked Jin inside. Masamune looked to Megohime and made a face, "Are you gonna stay there and pout or are you gonna come with?"
Jin had to be carried the last few miles, the prolonged sun exposure really draining her energy, and with her already having apologized, she lost consciousness on the last mile.
Megohime shot him a glare, but followed him inside.
"Ah, don't be so uptight, Mego. I didn't mean anything by it." He said as they moved into the guest area, "You're the only shiki for me, baby."
Megohime’s face flushed when he called her baby, shooting him another glare, but this one had less heat behind it. “Just keep your hands to yourself, the only one I want you touching is me.” As soon as the words left her mouth, her face went bright red.
A huge grin split his face so wide that his cheeks hurt, "Oh yeah? I can do that~"
"Ahem." Akihime had come in with the tea, she had even changed into a more elegant furisode; black with spider lilies with a red and gold obi and sash. Masamune whistled and looked to Yukimura.
"Nice job landing a kitsune~" He teased, smirking lightly.
Megohime was a scroll on the floor in seconds, too embarrassed to even show her face.

“Th-Thank you, Akihime-dono is quite nice.” He said, taking a seat while Akihime brought out tea.
Masamune pulled Megohime's scroll close and gave her an affectionate pat. "Nice? Just nice?" He asked. Akihime sat and set out a cup for everyone, pouring out the tea elegantly for everyone - even Megohime. When she poured Yukimura's, however, she showed a bit of her wrist - a small glimpse of flesh to show him that she was more than interested in him. Masamune had to swallow his laughter.
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