To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime’s face lit up again, and in an instant, only a scroll remained by Masamune, Megohime having retreated within out of embarrassment.
“Urusai!” Her voice came from the direction of the scroll, shaking slightly and clearly flustered.

It had been a good long while since Masamune summoned Megohime and had given her souls and youkai to strengthen her with and he decided that now was a good time as any to test her and Kojurou as well as Jin. "Alright, I've decided." He said suddenly, "We're going to Kai."
"Kai?" Kojurou repeated, "What for?"
"There's another tough ass onmyoji there, and I wanna kick his ass." Masamune grinned.
“Isn’t our job to fight evil?” Megohime appeared at his side, frowning softly. “I mean, unless this guy is evil?”
"Nah, he's a good guy from what I've been told." He said. Kojurou eyed his master as Masamune stood and stretched.
"You don't mean Sanada, do you?"
"Yeah, him! How did you know?" Masamune asked. Kojurou sighed gently.
"Masamune-sama, you and Sanada were friends before you both lost your memory."
"What, really??" Masamune looked taken aback.
“Why would you want to fight your friend..?” Megohime muttered to herself, frowning softly.
“Is he always like this?” She asked Kojurou.
"Occasionally," Kojurou replied before looking to Masamune, "You were both rivals and would test each other's skills when you both got the chance."
"Huh." Masamune made a noise, ignoring his pounding headache, "Cool. Come on, we're heading out. Go get Jin."
"Hai." Kojurou stood and moved to Jin's room.
Megohime studied Masamune, a soft frown on her face. “You ok? You look like you’re in pain.” She pointed out.
Megohime frowned and stood, moving over to him and putting a hand on his forehead, checking for a temperature. “Are you sure it’s just a headache?”
She nodded and pulled her hand away, it was soft and smelled faintly of ink, but warm, just like a humans. “If you pass out, Kojurou’s carrying you.”
“I’ll ask Kojurou to drag you home instead!” Her face was flushed red again, looking away out of embarrassment.
He laughed more and moved to go check on how Kojurou was doing. The doji had to wake Jin, apologizing for doing so, and explaining the situation to her before offering her a hood and a parasol.
Jin took both gratefully and put on the hood, shielding herself from the sun the best she could; it didn’t burn her skin, but it did make it feel dry.
"We ready?" Masamune asked. Kojurou nodded.
"Yes, she's prepared enough to endure the trip." He answered. Masamune grinned.
"Great, I'll go get my armor on and we'll go." He said and headed to his room.
It took him a bit but he came out in his fancy armor. Kojurou sighed softly.
"You know you don't need that."
"Yeah, I know, but it looks cool." Masamune grinned, "Don't be so uptight, Kojurou."
Megohime did have to agree, he didn’t need to wear the armor, but he did look quite handsome in it. “Let just go, he probably won’t take it off.”
Masamune moved with them to the stables and got his horse ready before mounting up. He moved and pat the front of the saddle, grinning at Megohime. "Come on, Mego...!" He said. Kojurou had done the same but merely offered his hand to Jin so she could climb up.
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