To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

He instinctively rubbed his neck and made a noise, "You were dying. You needed to regain your strength. I can't fault you for that."
She bowed her head again. “I still humbly apologize for such rudeness.” It was clear she wasn’t at full strength, she had been feeding from animals rather than humans or Yokai, perhaps she stillcouldnt catch a Yokai?
She looked up at him in surprise. “I couldn’t feed from you.” She bowed her head again. “I can catch rabbits, it’s all the same.” But in truth, it really wasn’t
She gave a nod, following after him for some ways before stopping. “There’s a Sakura tree spirit up ahead; are you sure it’s fine to hunt other Yokai this close to your home?”
She nodded, following Kojurou until they stopped just out of sight of the spirit, a scrawny tree Yokai.
Kojurou inhaled before he rose his hand and an angry swirling black and purple portal opened up from under it before a massive shadowy hand rose up and encased the poor youkai before crushing it to death as quickly as he could.
The Yokai didn’t even have time to scream, she was dead instantly, limp in the shadowy hand before it dissapeared, and the spirit sunk to the ground, lifeless and limp.
As soon as the scent of blood hit Jin’s nose, she took a small step forward, her golden eyes glowing red for a moment.
Jin bowed her head to Kojurou, moving over to the corpse and laying the body out flat. She straightened her clothes and folded her hands over her chest, then said a soft prayer. After that, she fed, draining every last drop of blood from the spirit before gathering her up. Jin stood and looked to Kojurou, nodding to him before starting to carry the corpse away. “Please excuse me for a moment.”
Jin had already dug a large grave, which she had planned on putting a deer or boar into, but the tree spirit would fit just as well. Laying her down gently, she worked on burying the spirit, working silently the entire time.
After she had finished burying the spirit and reciting a prayer, she stood and turned to Kojurou. “Thank you, Katakura-sama.” She bowed her head again, looking much better than she had before.
“No, thank you.” She bowed to him. “I should have enough strength for next time to catch my own Yokai.”
He nodded and moved to leave before he stopped, "If you like, my master is an could stay with us for a time.." He offered, "We could benefit from a spirit like you..."
She looked surprised, but the Vampira nodded, bowing her head. “I would be most grateful to be of use to an Onmyoji.”
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