To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

When they arrived at Megohime’s temporary holding cell, Megohime was laying on the ground in pain, clutching at her chest. “Masamune...” She had been crying, tears staining her cheeks. “Please, I’m so hungry... it hurts..”
"He made her-?"
"It's killing her and if we don't cleanse her, she'll die." Masamune said firmly, not wanting to talk about Megohime's more recent issue. He stepped into the cell with Yukimura and gestured for him to stand on the other side of Megohime.
Dark miasma was thick around Megohime, rolling off her strongly enough that it could be seen with the naked eye.
Yukimura moved over to the other side of Megohime, frowning heavily as he looked down at the Shikigami in pain.
Megohime was still pleading with Masamune, begging for him to feed her even a small bite.
Yukimura readied his own amulet, the star connecting under Megohime and glowing blue chains rising from the ground beneath her to restrain her. Megohime started to cry again when the chains wrapped around her, keeping her from struggling too much or fleeing.
Megohime squeezed her eyes shut, more tears running down her cheeks. “Please don’t make me repeat them..!” She begged.
Megohime felt her chest tighten, and she shook her head. “I-I consumed the flesh of humans...!” She said with a pained look on her face. “I killed innocent humans and devoured them..!”
The chains tightened and slowly darkened as they absorbed the miasma that had consumed and corrupted her form. It was neither pleasant nor painful of an experience. Sasuke stood silently, watching with a frown.
Megohime winced as the chains dug into her, making her feel like she was being crushed. “I desecrated corpses.. I hurt and scared people..!” The more she said, the more miasma left her body and entered the chains, but it was a slow process.
"Almost, Mego..." Masamune muttered, "Come on..."
"Can't you see you're hurting her?!" Sasuke yelled, "Dana, you can't let this continue!"
"It needs to be done, there's no other way for her to attone!" Masamune hissed.
Megohime cried out in pain and started to struggle, the chains tightening around her until it became painful.
Yukimura frowned heavily and looked away from Megohime. “I must continue.” He said softly.
There was one thing, one more thing she refused to let go of, and if she didn’t admit to it, she was going to die.
"Mego, there's something else, let it out or you're gone forever! Don't do that to me!" Masamune stated loudly. Sasuke was getting more upset.
"Dana!" He yelled.
Megohime let out another strangled scream, tears pouring down her face. “I let him use me..!” She forced out. “I abandon my master and let him use my body as he pleased..!”
“Masamune-dono!” Yukimura saw Masamune’s end of the seal starting to wane, knowing Megohime’s words hurt him, but they had to continue.
Megohime shook her head, now too exhausted to speak, but she couldn’t look at Masamune, shame clear on her face.
The chains continued to absorb the miasma until they were black as pitch and shattered around her form. Masamune moved over and helped her up gently, "You ok...?"
Megohime was limp in his arms, face relaxed but she was unconscious.
“Is she alright, Masamune-dono..?” Yukimura asked, moving over to the two.
"Yeah, I guess we just wore her down." He said and gently picked her up, "I'm gonna put her in her room. You're free to stay, I'd hate to shove you out the door after you just got here. Stay however long you like."
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