To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

She frowned as she took another step closer. “Please do not address me so familiarly, imposter.” She said softly, unable to bring her gaze up at his own, staring at his feet. “Shiromasa-sama is a kind master, the only reason I look like this is my own fault.”
"Bullshit!" He snarled and moved closer, grasping her wrist firmly, "Mego, I have not once raised my hand to you, and I have never put you down for making a mistake. We discipline our shiki but we would never put them in a state as you are." He frowned heavily as he looked her over, "I love you, Megohime...what did I do to chase you away...?"
Megohime flinched when he moved to grab her, both in fear and in pain from the bruises on her wrist. She didn’t understand the feelings and memories that bombarded her; the man before her had always been kind, had always been sweet to her, and she loved him. But Shiromasa had told her that he was a fake, that his love for her was a fake.
Tears welled up in her eyes, and the knife she was clutching behind her back clattered to the ground. “Gomenasai..” She whispered.
He moved and held her tightly, " isn't your fault, not one bit. It's his."
"Megohime." Shiromasa called, "Do not fail me again."
"She isn't yours anymore!" Masamune growled.
Megohime began to cry, shaking her head. “I.. I can’t do it..!” She wept. “Even if he is a fake, I love him..!”
"Megohime." Shiromasa sounded angry, "I own you."
"No, you fucking don't. She's mine, always has been." Masamune glanced back, "Joro."
"Hai, Masamune-sama." Jorogumo summoned a nest full of spiders and flooded in and wove webs around everything.
"Haa!" Kubinashi wrote the kanji for emptiness with his torch and a ball of flame shot toward Shiromasa.
Megohime held tight to Masamune, shaking like a leaf as she cried against him; although she had been gorging herself on human meat, she felt so frail, Masamune could feel every rib through her clothes. “I’m sorry..!”
When the dust settled, Shiromasa was no where to be seen. Masamune glanced around, keeping his eye open for any danger.
"Masamune-sama!" Kojurou yelled and tried to summon his lost arm fast enough but it was too late; Shiromasa came down and Masamune and Megohime in a flash, driving his blade straight through the both of them. Masamune hacked and coughed up blood, his grip tightening around Megohime.
Megohime coughed up a good amount of blood, slowly looking down at the blade that ran through the both of them. Black tears slipped down her cheeks and she turned her head to look at Shiromasa, bringing her arm up. Black ink seemed to come from under Megohime’s skin, concentrating into the palm of her hand before firing it like an arrow straight at Shiromasa’s chest. He went flying backward, taking the blade with him, Megohime crying out as the blade was pulled free from her chest.
Megohime’s legs buckled under her and she dropped to her knees, wheezing hard, unable to answer him, so she only nodded.
"We need to go..." Masamune said and wobbled to Jorogumo, gently laying Megohime on her thorax, "Get her to the estate."
"Hai." Silken webs wrapped gently around Megohime to secure her before Joro scuttled away.
Megohime watched Masamune until he was completely out of sight, tears still leaking down her face.
"Masamune, you're wounded, you need to leave as well."
"I wanna make sure this bastard is dead." Masamune growled, pushing passed Kojurou to get to Shiromasa. The dark onmyoji laid against the fence, the inky arrow still in his chest.
"Sayuri, get me out of here." Shiromasa wheezed.
Sayuri looked from Masamune to Shiromasa before moving over to the evil Onmyoji and helping him to his feet, sending a barrage of whimpy looking feathers at Masamune.
Masamune didn't fight her and didn't let Kojurou or Kubinashi attack her as she fled with Shiromasa.
"Let them go. Mego is more important.." Masamune said and his legs gave out, causing him to fall. Kojurou caught him easily and frowned.
"Let's go home, Masamune.."
Back at the estate, Megohime was being treated to the wound to her chest, having going right through her ribs and lung, leaving her gasping like a fish.
They gave her healing elixirs and worked on her wound as best as they could, not wanting someone so important to Masamune to die. Especially after he just got her back home.
"Masamune-sama needs help!" Kojurou called as he brought Masamune into the infirmary. The healers who were busy working on Megohime immediately went to work healing Masamune regardless of how tired they were.
Although no longer at risk of dying, was considerably weakened, and the dark miasma was still rolling off her in waves. “Masamune...sama..”
He was out, having lost too much blood as Kojurou rushed him back to the estate. He was soaked in sweat and his breathing was heavy as they worked on saving their lord.
Tears dripped heavily down Megohime’s face, watching them work on Masamune’s wound. “Please... Don’t let him die..” She whimpered, barely able to speak herself.
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