To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime would fade in and out of consciousness, and when she was awake, the only thing she talked about was Masamune.
"He's fine, we pulled him from the brink and he's resting now. He's right here." The healer moved and showed Megohime that Masamune was still beside her, resting somewhat comfortably. He still looked to be in a bit of pain but that was probably because he was laying on his wound.
Megohime simply shed more tears at the sight of Masamune, nodding slightly before slowly slipping out of consciousness once more.
Megohime lay unconscious beside Masamune, ink dried on her cheeks, showing she had probably been crying all night. Now the only thing left after her wound had healed was to reverse what Shiromasa did to her.
Masamune pushed himself up and moved toward her, brushing her hair back gently before laying at her side and holding her hand. "We'll get you fixed, Mego...don't worry..." He whispered
The next time Megohime woke, she was no longer in the healers room, but in the dimly lit room Masamune had constructed into a jail. She sat up quickly, only to wince from the pain of her wound. “Masamune...?”
Megohime looked around before her eyes fell on Masamune, holding hurt. “What’s going on..? Why am I locked up..?”
Megohime still looked devastated. “Please, don’t keep me locked up in here..! Please don’t leave me! I’m sorry!” She begged.
Megohime clenched her fists and let her head hang. “I’m so sorry... I only wanted to be perfect for you..”
"You were already perfect..." He said, "I sent word to Kai to ask Sanada to help with the cleansing...after that you'll be free as a bird and we can make up for the lost time..!" She could hear him grinning, bit whether it was genuine or not she didn't know.
“But I shouldn’t be!” She cried, black ink dripping from her eyes. “I don deserve to be free! I don’t deserve your kindness!”
"Hey now, don't talk like that. If I didn't think you deserved a second chance I would have left you there. I wouldn't ask the closest onmyoji to come and help cleanse you of the evil corrupting you. I wouldn't want to ask you to help better myself so you won't run off again for another man..."
The ink flowed from her eyes more at his words. “I’m underserving of such kind words...” She wiped her tears with the back of her hands. “You’re not at fault, not at all..”
She still had her head pressed to the floor. “When you- when he came, I was so scared I wasn’t enough for you...! I was scared I wasnt strong enough..!”
"That's not're perfect, said yourself you aren't much a fighter and that's fine. You're a goddamn amazing healer and I would rather you stay away from the battle than be apart of them.." He told her.

When Yukimura arrived at the estate for the cleansing, Masamune greeted him and his tengu warmly. "Where's your girlfriend?"
"She isn't his girlfriend," Sasuke said, "But Akihime is back home recovering from an attack."
"Attack?" Masamune echoed.
Yukimura frowned softly. “Yes, a man with you face attacked our temple and stole away with a spirit he had forced into a contract.”
“Corrupted Megohime-dono? Do you mean..?” Yukimura swallowed hard, giving a firm nod. “I will do all that I can to help.”
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