To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

The young spirit wept, both in fear and pain as Shiromasa took nearly every feather from her arms, the feathers that he cut off staining red as they landed in the blood of the humans on the floor.
Megohime watched for a moment, then grew bored and rolled back over to sleep.
After every single tree had been cleansed and Sasuke's fingers ached from pinning the talismans to said trees, he and Yukimura returned to the estate to find Akihime half dead in her room. Sakura bowed deeply to Yukimura.
"I have done all that I can, Sanada-dana, I used most of my healing abilities to keep Minehime-dono from perishing." She said.
"What happened?" Sasuke asked. She shook her head.
"I was told a man attacked and left Akihime-dono to die while he wounded Minehime-dono and took Sayuri-dono."
"Took Sayuri?" Sasuke hissed.
Yukimura’s eyes widened. “Someone assaulted the estate..?!” He was stiff, staring at Akihime with a blank expression. He had asked her to remain behind so she could keep an eye on Sayuri and Minehime, and now she was gravely injured.
She was paler than she normally was, probably from the loss of blood, her breathing a little shallow.
"It appeared to be Masamune-sama, but he was not the same." Hachigen spoke up, "The armor was different, and his hair was white."
"Dammit!" Sasuke yelled and left in a hurry.
"If Momo-chan were here, I could do more for Akihime-dono," Sakura frowned, "Gomenasai, Sanada-dana..."
Yukimura shook his head. “Thank you, Sakura-dono, I can handle the rest.” He said, moving over to Akihime and sitting beside her, bringing out his healing talismans and getting to work. He would have to check on Minehime after, then find Sasuke.
"Yuki...mura...?" Akihime stirred once she caught his scent, her eyes peeling open and struggling to stay that way, "Gomen...gomenasai...I-I failed you..." She croaked, throat tight as she fought her tears.
Yukimura shook his head as he cast talisman after talisman to heal her. “Please rest Akihime-dono, you need to conserve your energy.”
"N-No..." She forced herself to sit up, her robe slipping to show the scar on her shoulder where the blade pierced through, "I have to...get Sayuri-chan back..."
Yukimura gently pushed her back down into a laying position. “Sasuke will handle it, please, you need to rest.”
Yukimura frowned, not once had he thought Akihime had failed him, all she had ever done for him was aid him in any way he needed- and then some.
"I will see to Minehime-dono." Sakura excused herself before leaving the room. Loose tears spilled down Akihime's cheeks, her breathing slowly steadying with each healing talisman Yukimura used.
The young Itsumade had had almost all of her feather sheared from her arms, leaving her with only small down feathers and bare flesh. For the most part, she kept away from Shiromasa and Megohime, hiding in the corner of the shrine and remaining silent.
Megohime had started to cling to Shiromasa more and more when she wasn’t feeding, constantly wanting his attention. “Shiromasa-sama..~” She whined, sitting up from laying at his feet. “Are we not doing anything today?”
"No, I think the message was rather clear." He told her, petting her cheek, "I'm all yours for the time being, Megohime." He said charmingly.
She smiled and carefully climbed into his lap, cupping his cheeks and kissing him deeply, the taste of blood heavy on her red lips. “Then allow for me to be all yours today~”
Her face flushed and she smiled bashfully. “Almost a fortnight.” She said, sounding like she was reminiscing.
She shook her head, her smile only growing. “No my love, forgive me for always needing you so often, I exist only to serve you.” She praised. “Please, use me to your hearts content~”
Megohime only let her hands trail down his chest, allowing him to expose her. “What am I but a beast without you?” She whispered.
She gasped softly and tilted her head so he could get to her neck fully, gripping the front of his robes, slowly pulling them open. “Please do..” She said softly.
Megohime gasped and pulled more roughly at his clothes, letting her eyes close slightly as she rocked her hips slightly against his hand.
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