To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

When Megohime returned, she had a new tea tray and a fresh pot of tea, setting it down beside Shiromasa and pouring him a new cup of tea. She had wiped away most of the blood from her nose, but she still had some smudged on her face. She poured the tea without spilling a drop, handing Shiromasa the cup.
Megohime frowned softly and bowed deeply to Shiromasa, forehead touching the ground. “Please forgive me, Shiromasa-sama, allow me to make you a new batch.”
“Of course, Shiromasa-sama.” She said, standing and collecting the tea tray before quickly leaving.
"Masamune-sama..." Kojurou stood outside Masamune's door, which had been sealed shut for days. Masamune sat in the dark, glaring at his armor and katana. "You need to come out and help us discuss bringing Megohime-dono home."
"I'm gonna do it alone." Masamune called, "I don't need anyone else."
"You're insane." Kojurou stated flatly.
Jin too had been slowly regressing since that day at the abandoned shrine, feeding from Kojurou more often; her entire nights were spent hunting and feeding, and it was easy to see she was struggling.
"I mean it, Kojurou. I'm gonna bring her home myself. Even if it kills me." Masamune said. Kojurou sighed and left his master be for now, going off to find Jin.
((When would you like to bring in Hisehide~?))

Jin spent every waking moment feeding like she was starved, and soon, she would wake during the day to feed, dragging her prey into her room.
((We can do it now if you like!))

"My, look at you," A voice said a few feet from her - smelled like a human - "Starving yourself and wasting such potential. I pity you."
Jin whipped around from the dead Sakura spirit she had killed, blood dripping from her mouth, and her eyes were glowing even in the daylight. The whites of her eyes were tinged red, her bloodlust starting to overwhelm her. “Leave this place!” She hissed and stood, taking a step away from the human who had approached her.
"But wouldn't you want a meal with substance?" He asked before slowly slicing his palm and letting the blood drip steadily from the wound, "Is this not what you crave?"
Jin’s own mind hadn’t even registered she had moved closer to the human in front of her until she felt herself licking the blood from his hand, slowly sinking to her knees as she fed. She clutched his wrist and sleeve tightly, licking the blood off the palm of his hand, not wanting to waste a single drop.
She was so completely consumed by the mere scent of human blood, she could only give a small nod, pressing her lips to the open wound to suck more blood from him.
Jin didn’t act shy, quickly downing the entire tea cup of blood before licking it clean. The more she had the more she wanted, his blood was exquisite, she hadn’t tasted anything like it in decades. “More..” She murmured softly, looking up at him with completely red eyes. Her whites had become completely red, even the gold of her eyes had started to tint red.
Jin seemed completely enthralled by this man, or his blood rather. “You don’t.. You aren’t afraid of me..?” She asked softly. “You don’t think me a terrible beast..?”
"How could anyone find a woman as beautiful as you to be a beast?" He asked as he refilled her cup before bandaging his palm, "I see no reason or cause to think such a thing."
Jin felt her cheeks flush slightly, and again, quickly finished off her cup of blood, licking the cup clean. She felt warm, calm, euphoric even, a feeling she only felt when both feeding from Kojurou and having sex with him- only this was much more powerful.
“Five decades.” She answered softly, pupils completely constricted, and her voice sounding like she was in a trance.
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