To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

He put up a barrier immediately, smirking darkly, "You were quite naughty, you know. Leaving and coming to Sanada for help. I'll have to punish you."
Her entire body shook as she slowly backed away, eyes wide with fear. “Sasuke!!” She screamed for the tengu, but he wouldn’t come; both Sasuke and Yukimura were back in the forest, cleansing the miasma from the trees still.
Minehime grabbed Sayuri’s sleeve, quickly turning and running for the main house, going to find Hidemune.
Shiromasa unsheathed his blade and Akihime rushed to stop him, "Leave them be!" She hissed. Shiromasa bound her, watching her drop before he stabbed his katana through her shoulder with Yukimura's crest. Akihime wailed lowly, unable to move as he ripped his blade free and rushed toward Sayuri and Minehime.
“Hidemune!!” Even yelling the girls voice was so quiet, Minehime pushing Sayuri back onto the deck before climbing up after her and reaching for the door to push it open.
When Hidemune came out to see what was going on, it was too late. Shiromasa had grabbed Sayuri and pulled her away before cutting down Minehime with his blade. Hidemune's eyes widened and his dragon screeched loudly in anger as time slowed down.
Minehime collapsed at Hidemune’s feet blood gushing from the deep wound on her back, both her hair and clothes cut clean through.
Sayuri screamed in fear, kicking and thrashing hard, tears rolling down her cheeks. “No! What did you do!?”
Shiromasa didn't expect the seals to slam into him so fast, sending him flying backward and Sayuri free from his grasp.
"Imouto!" Hidemune picked Minehime gingerly, "You'll be's ok...stay awake, imouto..." He pleaded softly. Hidemune's dragon suddenly clashed with Shiromasa's own purple nether dragon, claws scraping together and teeth gnashing into scales.
"Hachigen! Please get Minehime to Sakura-dono!"
"Hai!" Hachigen moved out quickly and took Minehime gently, carefully.
Sayuri was a blubbering mess as she stumbled away from Shiromasa and toward Hidemune. “I’m sorry! I didn’t want this! I didn’t want this!”
"Sayuri-dono," Hidemune advanced on Shiromasa, "Go to the mountain, find Sasuke, bring him here. Now." Shiromasa smirked darkly.
"See if you can fly faster than I can kill him." He said.
Sayuri’s lower lip quivered and she scrunched her eyes closed; what if he got to Sasuke first? She couldn’t lose him, not Sasuke. “Stop... I’ll go back, just don’t hurt anyone else..!” She pleaded.
"How noble." Shiromasa smirked, "Send my regards to Sanada."
"Don't you dare!" Hidemune yelled and fired his wind seals. Shiromasa was ready this time, snapping a barrier up instantly and blocking the attack. Hidemune continued to slam seals into the barrier, trying to break it. Shiromasa held his hand out to Sayuri.
"Ikuzo, Sayuri."
Someone small walked passed Hidemune- Sayuri -moving through the barrier easily and placing her wing in his hand, tears still streaming down her face.
Hidemune was beyond livid, "How dare you! Akihime-dono and imouto are dying because they wanted to protect you!"
"Huff and puff all you want, false god, she's mine now." Shiromasa said and they both vanished.
All Sayuri could do was cry, she had just watched her two friends be cut down, and now she had just left them; she felt like scum.
Megohime was resting among the scattered bodies inside the temple, sitting up and yawning when Shiromasa called to her. “A new friend? Why would I want that?” She asked groggily.
Sayuri stumbled forward, landing before Megohime and wincing when she landed in a puddle of blood.
“A child?” Megohime looked disappointed. “I don’t see how she’s going to be much help other than as a snack.”
Megohime pouted and picked up a liver, taking a bite from it, which in turn made Sayuri almost pass out.
“Can I please wait outside?” Sayuri whispered, trembling.
"Megohime has to stay beautiful some how. Which reminds me," he bound Sayuri and unsheathed his katana, moving the tsukesage to start shaving off her feathers.
Sayuri’s eyes widened and she tried to struggle away from Shiromasa. “Stop!! That hurts! Please!” She begged as he cut her feathers from her arms, exposing the flesh beneath; almost like he was preparing a chicken dinner.
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