To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Jin made a soft noise, pushing Kojurou onto his back and straddling his hips. She cupped his cheek, deepening the kiss as she opened his robes.
Jin moved to lick the blood from Kojurou’s neck, her breath coming out in soft puffs against the torn flesh. “Take from me what you wish...” She murmured.
She gasped and shuddered slightly, nodding and kissing his neck. “If you wish so to ravage me, then I will allow you to indulge.”
Jin moaned weakly against his neck, giving one more lick to remove the last of the blood on his neck, then slowly moving her hips forward.
He guided her slowly, helping her so she wouldn't have to do all the work. "Are you sure-" he stopped to swallow a snarl of a moan, "sure your urges are alright? I'll help you with whatever you need."
Jin shook her head, she could easily drain every drop of blood from Kojurou’s body, but she had to resist. “Please...” She gasped as he thrust into her. “Just ravage me.”
The two spent hours endulging in pleasuring one another, and when they finally finished, they lay together in a mess of tangled legs on Jin’s bed.
"Perhaps I could get the blood for you...?" He asked softly, "If I explained to the healers they would be willing to help whatever blood has been cleaned?"
She shook her head. “I cannot accept human blood.” She said softly, a pained look crossing her face.
Akihime's nose twitched and burned as she sat on the deck of the estate, rubbing her shoulder over the scar on her back. Something didn't feel right, the same feeling from the mountain seemed to flow down toward the estate. She stood and moved to the estate entrance slowly, tails bristled.
The front gate had been where Minehime and Sayuri were playing, collecting flowers and bugs, even picking blades of grass to make whistles. It had just occurred to Akihime how quite it had grown, and that she could no longer hear Sayuri or Minehime speaking.
"S...Sayuri-chan..." She called weakly, taking a step toward them, "M...Minehime-chan...come back to the estate..." She couldn't bring herself to actually raise her voice to call them properly, her chest feeling like she was being suffocated.
The two girls looked up from picking flowers, looking confused before passing a glance at each other before getting up and making their way back toward the estate.
They saw Akihime's face change from worry to absolute raw terror in half a second.
"Sayuri." That voice. He found her. "It's time to come home."
Both Minehime and Sayuri spun around, Sayuri’s face going pale as she panicked. She full out attacked Shiromasa, throwing her silvery feathers at him, trying to hit him in the chest.
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