To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Jin didn’t try to press the matter, only continuing on with the two of them as they made their way to the temple.
The trek was long and dreadful, Masamune growing angrier and angrier the closer they got. He was going to get answers and he was going to bring Megohime home.
When the reached the run down shrine, an overwhelming amount of dark miasma hung over the run down building like storm clouds. The entire courtyard smelled of blood and death, and from within the building, a faint noise could be heard from inside; was it Megohime?
The sight before Masamune was a nightmare, no, it was hell. Megohime sat in the middle of the room, which was littered with the bodies of dead humans. The walls were absolutely caked with blood, even the ceiling was sprayed red, and the noise Masamune had heard, was Megohime tearing into flesh. She was absolutely covered in blood, the heart of a young man in her hands as she tore through it with her teeth, which had grown as sharp as Kojurou’s. She hardly noticed Masamune, eating like she hadn’t eaten in days, but by the state of the bodies, it was clear all she was doing was eating.
Heavy miasma rolled off of Megohime, who’s appearance had changed drastically. Her hair was pooled on the floor around her, her red eyes glowing as well as her sharpened nails and teeth. Her figure had changed as well, both her chest and hips filling out.
She paused mid-bite, her red eyes rolling to look up at Masamune, then finished biting through the heart and swallowing the piece without even bothering to chew- just like a snake. “Masamune-sama, he came like you said..” When she spoke she sounded like she was in a trance, but she wasn’t looking at Masamune, she was looking behind him.
Masamune's eye widened and he turned around before it seemed like he was staring in a mirror.
"What the hell?" He muttered.
"How good of you to join us, Masamune." Shiro Masamune greeted before offering his hand out to Megohime.
Megohime dropped the flesh in a heartbeat, standing and moving over to Shiromasa, walking passed Masamune without so much as a glance, and taking Shiro Masamune’s hand. She smiled like she was the happiest woman in the world, moving to embrace him.
Jin stared with wide eyes at the two Masamune’s before her, trembling from the overwhelming smell of human blood.
"What the hell did you do to Mego?!" Masamune snapped. Shiromasa pet under her chin gently, giving her an affectionate glance.
"Beautiful, isn't she? Her skin is flawless, her hair like silk, her body sublime," He tilted her chin up and leaned down, "Her lips full and luscious." He whispered before kissing her. Masamune unheated his katana in a heartbeat, rage flying over the handle.
Masamune nearly saw red, but his temper was quickly overwhelmed with crushing sadness when Megohime returned Shiromasa’s kiss. Face and hands still covered in blood, she kissed him deeply, cupping his cheek with one hand gently, eyes closed in an act of bliss.
A massive black and purple hand pushed between Megohime and Shiromasa, grabbing her and pulling her away roughly. Masamune rushed at Shiromasa with his katana, rage pumping through him as hard as his heart was beating. Steel clashed with steel as the two locked blades.
"You disgusting piece of shit. How dare you corrupt her like that. She did nothing to deserve that!" Masamune spat. Shiromasa smirked darkly.
"You owned her, that's reason enough."
Megohime beat on the large shadowy hand, struggling to try and escape its firm grasp. “Shiromasa-sama!” She called out to him, grunting with effort as she tried to free herself.
Jin kept her distance, gripping her arm tightly. “Gomenasai... Kojurou-sama, the smell is overwhelming here...” She ground out through her teeth, eyes glued to the temple full of bodies, and full of a lavish banquet.
"Don't worry, Jin, please if it is too much then go!" Kojurou said as he struggled to keep Megohime far from the two Date as they clashed together. Masamune chanted into the engravings on his blade a the steel began to glow a bright blue, slashing out waves of energy that Shiromasa only destroyed.
"We are evenly matched, Masamune, you cannot hope to defeat me."
"Fuck off!" Masamune yelled in English and slammed a massive wave of energy into Shiromasa, sending him flying back into a wall.
Immediately after Masamune’s attack landed on Shiromasa, he felt something bite into his chest. Megohime threw another ink blade at Masamune, it sinking into his shoulder as tears of ink poured down her face. “Don’t you touch him, you imposter!”
Masamune gasped sharply, the ink cutting deeper than one would think. And since he wasn't in his armor, he took full damage.
"Masamune-sama!" Kojurou yelled and threw Megohime away like a ruined doll before rushing to his master, picking him up and leaving with him and Jin.
"N...No...we gotta...get Mego..."
"Megohime-dono is lost for now and I cannot continue to risk your life." Kojurou stated firmly.
Jin was just glad to be away from the temple filled with human corpses, had she spent any longer nearby and she might have lost herself.
Still, with her head starting to clear, she was rather concerned. So Megohime had been devouring humans- and who was this second Masamune?
"Kojurou..." Masamune called weakly and the Ibaraki glanced down at his lord. Masamune's face was set, but tears fell down his cheeks, angry and heartbroken, "When I get back to full strength, we're coming back and killing that son of a bitch."
"I shall carry out your will, Masamune-sama." Kojurou said firmly.
Megohime groaned softly as she pushed herself into a sitting position, Kojurou having thrown her into the side of the shrine. “Shiromasa-sama..?” She called, slowly getting to her feet and moving to where she had last seen him disappear from Masamune’s attack.
Megohime moved over to him, reaching out to touch his shoulder. “I-I struck him in the chest..! I thought it would be enough...!” She said brows furrowed. “I’m sorry..”
Megohime stumbled to the ground and held her cheek, averting her gaze down out of shame. “Forgive me, Shiromasa-sama.” She whispered softly. “Please, give me another chance.”
Megohime moved closer to Shiromasa, bowing deeply to him and letting her forehead touch his boots. “I will, I promise, Shiromasa-sama. I won’t disappoint you again.”
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