To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

“That is not true at all, Kojurou-sama!” Jin blurted out, then quickly averted her gaze. “I only worry I will take too much... Sometimes I feel as though I cannot stop myself when drinking your blood..”
He blushed again and cleared his throat, "Know that I have great trust in your self control, and I only wish for you to satisfied in every aspect."
Jin nodded, the faintest of blushes appearing on her pale face. “Then I thank you for the meal..” She said softly, taking a step closer.
Jin moved so she was right against him, gently placing her hands on his shoulders, making a shallow cut along his neck with her sharp nails before placing her lips to the wound, sucking gently.
His breath hitched and his hand moved to the small of her back, pressing her closer to him. He didn't really understand why this act excited him so much, but the sting of the wounds and the feel of her lips on his skin drove him wild.
Jin closed her eyes and held him tightly, letting her tongue run over the wound to further aggravate it and cause more blood to escape. A small noise escaped her, one Kojurou could recognize as a sound of delight as she sucked and licked his neck slowly, making sure to pace herself as to not take too much blood.
A moment later, Jin pulled away, wiping the blood from her lips and licking it from her fingers. “Thank you, Kojurou-sama..”
He adjusted his robes and gave a nod, "Of course."
"Alright, are we ready?" Masamune asked, coming out to the deck in his finest kimono. Kojurou nodded.
"Hai. Whenever you like to depart."
"Oh, so never?" Masamune asked as he headed off.
Jin wore a heavy black haori, as well as a shawl to keep most of her head and face covered from the harsh sunlight as they traveled to the city.
“Truth be told, I haven’t been to the city in quite some time, not for maybe sixty years..” She mused softly to herself.
"You haven't missed much..." Masamune told her. When they arrived, Masamune glanced around at the terrified faces that stared at him, "What, is there something on my face?"
Jin was quiet, not comfortable with all of those eyes on her- though most were glued to Masamune. “Do these people not like Onmyoji?”
"How dare you!" A woman ran up and threw a rock at Masamune, hitting him in the head. Kojurou stepped forward, scowling heavily at her.
"What is the meaning of this?"
"How dare he show his face here again! Though you have different Shikigami with you, we will never forget your face! You monster!" The woman yelled. Masamune rubbed the bump above his right eye and frowned a bit.
"What's going on?" He asked, "What happened to make you all so angry with me?"
“Masamune-sama.” Jin has turned to find a similar situation behind them; a crowd of people had gathered around, holding anything that could be used as a weapon. “Perhaps we should leave.”
"Hang on," Masamune stepped forward and they all took a step back, "What are you talking about? What did I do?"
"Bringing that woman scroll with you. Killing innocents in the street!" One man yelled. Masamune's eye widened. Woman scroll?
"You saw her?! Where?! Where did she go?!" He demanded. They looked as confused as they were scared.
"She...she left with you...!"
Jin frowned deeply, confused. This was their first time in the city since she joined them, yet they swore they had seen Masamune and Megohime not too long ago.
"What was she even doing here?" Masamune muttered. Kojurou looked to the crowd.
"You said she killed innocents. What was done after? Were they left where they lay?" He asked. Disgust crossed every face Masamune saw and his heart sank.
"No. She disrespected them by tearing bits of flesh from their bones," Masamune's eye widened in horror, "swallowed each piece like a snake."
"Shut up!!" Masamune yelled, making everyone panic, "Megohime wouldn't do that!"
Jin wasn’t able to tell if the words they spoke were the truth, it was hard to determine if the blood she was smelling was simply from the humans around her, or from what they said. “The bodies, after she ate part of them, what did she do with them?” She asked.
"He took them with him so she would continue her grotesque feast!" An elderly man yelled. Masamune was shaking, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Where. Where did they go?" He asked.
"To the destroyed temple on the other side of the city."
"Kojurou." Masamune started to head off and Kojurou followed him.
Jin followed after Kojurou, the sea of people parting before them as they made their way to the other end of the city.
"There's no way Mego would do that..." Masamune muttered. Kojurou frowned softly.
"Masamune-sama...we found human blood in her room."
"She wouldn't, Kojurou!" Masamune snapped, "Not my Mego...she's too soft.."
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