To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

“Masamune..?” Megohime called out, sitting up and looking around, wincing at the sharp hunger pains finally registered.
"So good to see you've finally woken up." Masamune came into the room, only he was different. His hair was white and he was in full armor, much more intricate than what she remembered it being,
Megohime looked confused. “Masamune, what happened to your hair..?” Her stomach rumbled again and she winced. “It hurts again..” She whined softly.
Megohime practically snatched the flesh from his hands and immediately bit into it, tearing the meat with her teeth and devouring every last shred, even licking the blood from her hands.
Megohime leaned into his touch, closing her eyes and nodding. “But I don’t understand, Masamune... where are we..?”
“Imposter?” She echoed, looking up at him. “I don’t understand..?” Was he implying that there were infact two Masamune’s, and that the one she had been with was the fake?
Megohime felt completely and utterly betrayed, tears flowing down her face. He had been nothing but kind with her, they had made love, he had told her he loved her.
“I thought he loved me.” She whispered. “He told me he loved me, but it was all a lie, wasn’t it?”
Megohime nodded, wiping her tears and bowing her head to him. “I promise I’ll make you proud, Masamune-sama..”
"Where the hell did she go?" Masamune looked around the whole estate looking for Megohime but it was like she just vanished, "Have you found her, Kojurou?"
"No, forgive me, Masamune-sama.." Kojurou answered.
They had even woken Jin to see if she could track Megohime down by scent, and the first thing she picked up on in Megohime’s room was the smell of human flesh and blood. Her glowing eyes immediately zeroed in on a drop of dried blood on the floor by the window, shaking slightly. “Kojurou..” She turned to look at him, a soft frown; he knew that she now knew.
“This blood is human blood.” She said softly. “I also smell flesh.” She looked concerned. “I think Megohime-dono might’ve..”
"If she went out hunting for more humans to consume, I'll kill her myself." Kojurou said and left the room briskly to go searching the woods.
"Kojurou??" Masamune looked confused, "What's up?"
Jin followed him only as far as the doorway, avoiding the sunlight. What had happened? She was out every night all night, and not once had she smelled any other humans nearby, whole or otherwise.
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