To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

“U-Urisai!” She tossed a crumpled up paper at him, clearly flustered. “I have to finish the painting..!”
"Hai, hai.." He said and left her room, shutting the door behind him. Kojurou was in his usual spot in the front room, having changed out of his armor and was now enjoying some sake. He offered some to Masamune, who took it gratefully.
Late in the night, Megohime listened as Jin almost silently made her way outside and down the path leading to the forest to hunt. She sat up, but couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed. Ask Jin to kill a human for her? She would never, they all knew how adamant she was about not feeding on humans.
After much deliberation, Megohime decided to lay back down, unable to find the courage to ask Jin to do such a deed.
Days would go by and Megohime only grew more and more hesitant. Masamune didn't seem like it was another, either he stopped caring or he became content with the way things were.
Megohime would only grow more anxious, staying up late at night only to be exausted when morning came.
Megohime moved over to the window and carefully picked up the flesh, slowly moving to sit and unwrap it. It was still bloody, completely raw and cut cleanly into squares. She stared at the meat before picking it up; the smell made her gag, but she only held her breath, biting into the flesh and eating it as quickly as she could to get it over with. After the meat was gone, Megohime immediately felt sick, but forced herself to hold down the flesh.
Megohime didn’t ask Masamune anything regarding the human flesh, she didn’t want him to think she couldn’t follow through, but the flesh was making her ill. After eating each portion, she would suffer extraordinary pain; her gut had a sharp pain and she felt like she would burst into flames. Megohime had partially pulled off her kimono, writhing on her bed in pain as she gasped for air, clawing at her throat. Her head ached, and her thoughts were muddled, but she knew that the flesh she was eating was doing something; she could feel her power slowly building inside of her.
“I-I’m fine..!” Megohime pushed herself up to her hands and knees, trying to wipe the blood off of her mouth.
“No!” Megohime snapped, gripping her chest. “No, no... I’m fine..!” She repeated, wincing in agony and clenching her teeth.
There was silence before the door slid open and Kojurou stepped in, "Please forgive my rudeness, but-" He stopped when he saw the bloody sack and her writhing in agony, "Please tell me that is not what I think it is."
Megohime turned to look at Kojurou, and immediately he noticed the change in both her appearance and her aura. Her nails had become black and claw-like, hair much longer, and her teeth were noticibly sharper- she had awakened. Tears fell down her face in both shame and pain. “Masamune told me to... He said I needed to be stronger..!” It was clear she was scared and in pain, eyes wide.
"Masamune told you to do this...?! To consume the flesh of mortals...?!" He tried not to shout, not wanting to wake Masamune, "Do you know how absolutely insane you sound...?!"
She shook her head, but her expression didn’t show any dishonesty. “He did, he did..!” She wept, slowly collapsing to the floor, in complete agony.
Kojurou scowled lightly, "You must stop this heinous act immediately. Continuing to consume human flesh will do horrible things to your mind, Megohime-dono."
“He brings it to me..! I’ve never once touched a human, I swear..!” She ground out through her teeth; awakening usually isn’t painful, if at all, but using human flesh to further ones powers... well it didn’t happen often, but when it did, it made awakening horrendously painful. “I can’t dissapoint him!”
Brought it to her? What was she talking about? He was with Masamune all the time and not once did he see Masamune do such a thing. "What is this nonsense about disappointing him? You didn't have to go through such lengths to impress him." He told her. He exhaled, "I didn't come here to chastise you. Just please, do not continue, for your own sake."
Megohime shook her head, but wether her was agreeing or not was unclear, only able to gasp in pain once again, sweat beading on her brow.

((When does he take her again?))
((Right now!))

Later on in the night, when the crickets were at their loudest and her pain had subsided enough that she could relax, her door slowly slid open and she felt someone scoop her up gently, "My, how much more radiant you have become~" Masamune whispered to her.
Megohime opened her eyes, smiling tiredly when she saw it was Masamune. “I did as you asked... I didn’t let you down..” She rasped, reaching up and cupping his cheek.
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