To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

One in the same? Was the man claiming to be Masamune, but not an imposter? And the dark miasma trapped in his body, that was this mans doing? He had never met him before though. “Explain yourself, what do you mean?”
"In due time, little Cub. I have a shikigami to meet." He said and burned a talisman before disappearing. Sasuke looked to Yukimura with furrowed brows.
"We need to cleanse the miasma before the forest can start to heal. And with Akihime out of commission..." He trailed off, "Do you think you can do it, dana?"
Yukimura nodded. “See what you can do as in means of first aid for Akihime, I’ll get started.” He said and pulled out more talisman, moving over to the center of the forest and placing talismans on the trees.
Sasuke moved to Akihime and examined the wound. There was a lot of blood, her breathing was growing more and more shallow. He removed her furisode, leaving her only in her yukata, using her dress as a make shift gauze; tearing it into long strips and wrapping her wound tightly. "I'm going to take her to Minehime. Will you be alright by yourself?"
Yukimura nodded, turning to look over his shoulder to look at Sasuke. “Return her to the estate, then return here, I’ll need your help cleansing the forest.” He said, placing another talisman on a tree, which slowly began to purify.
Sasuke nodded and flew off at lightning speeds, making it to the estate in no time and looking for Minehime. She was out in the garden with Hidemune, enjoying the sunshine and playing with the butterflies. Hidemune heard Sasuke and looked over as the tengu landed, holding Akihime to his chest.
"Imouto," Hidemune passed his glance to Minehime, "Your services are needed."
Minehime looked away from watching the butterflies, to over at Sasuke and Akihime, eyes widening a bit before she stood and hurried over. She retrieved the large blade of grass and motioned for Sasuke to lay Akihime down.
Sasuke gently set Akihime on her side to keep pressure off her wound. Hidemune watched quietly for a moment before returning to his calligraphy.
"She should make her injuries less of a habit."
"You're telling me." Sasuke muttered.
Minehime looked up at the two with a soft frown, and they could almost see the puffs of steam come from her head. After silently telling them off, she looked back down at Akihime, continuing to envelop Akihime in the warm green light.
"I gave to get back to dana, could you two keep an eye on her?" Sasuke asked. Hidemune nodded.
"She is in good hands." He replied. Sasuke nodded in thanks and flew off quickly to return to Yukimura.
Yukimura was making slow, but steady progress, restoring each tree one by one, slowly lifting true miasma from the forest.
Yukimura nodded, turning to look at him. “Do what you can, we’ll have to return to the estate at sunset.” He said.
Sasuke nodded and helped lay out the talismans Yukimura had already made, sticking them to the dead and dying trees as quickly as he could.
Masamune stretched as he and Kojurou headed out of the estate, "Don't have too much fun without us, Mego." Masamune grinned, "We shouldn't be long."
Megohime already looked bored, waving to the two as they headed off. “Oh yeah, it’ll be a riot here without you.”
Megohime’s cheeks flushed, but she didn’t say anything. Heading back into the estate, she was almost completely alone, Jin asleep in her room and everyone else off doing chores.
Time seemed to drag on before she heard footsteps approaching her, "Tadaima." It sounded like Masamune, but he sounded a little different, tired maybe?
Megohime’s turned from her painting, seeing Masamune and looking a little worried. “You’re back so soon, are you alright?”
She frowned more and stood, looking him over; he looked and sounded just like Masamune- even the feeling of his being felt like Masamune’s, yet it didn’t. “Where’s Kojurou?” She asked.
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