To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Akihime followed as Sasuke led the way, wanting to get to the mountain as soon as possible. If it was Masamune trying to take over his home, he was surely going to regret it.
When they reached the forest at the bottom of Sasuke’s old home, it was apparent the damage was extensive. Almost all of the trees were black and dead, deep blade gouges in some trees, and the forest was deathly quiet; neither animals nor spirits seemed to inhabit the place any longer.
Yukimura frowned deeply, and pressed on, but his horse refused to go any further into the dead forest. “We’ll have to continue on foot.”
After tying the horses so they wouldn’t run off, Yukimura continued to follow Sasuke into the forest.
The deeper Sasuke moved into the dead and dying woods, the more furious he became. Akihime moved closer to Yukimura, her heart aching as she looked around, the smell of death making her ill.
Yukimura felt sick as well, the overwhelming miasma making it almost hard to breathe, and it only got worse the further into the forest they got.
Sasuke stopped in the heart of the woods and looked around. It was deafeningly quiet, he hated it.
"There is so much regret much pain and sadness..." Akihime said softly, "But I sense no evil in the area, no malicious intent.."
“There’s so much miasma I can’t feel if anyone is here.” Yukimura frowned, looking around. He gripped his spear tightly and pushed on, determined to find Masamune.
After Akihime had wandered off, it was painfully quiet again. He heard distant chatter but assumed it was Akihime talking to Sasuke; until a blood curdling scream echoed through the trees.
Yukimura felt a jolt shoot through his body, instantly recognizing the scream that of Akihime’s, and in a second, he was running toward the sound of the scream. “Akihime!!”
When he arrived he was met with a horrible sight. Akihime lay on the ground, a deep slash across her back starting from her left shoulder where Yukimura's crest was all the way down to her right hip. Over her stood a man in azure armor and a half hannya mask over his mouth, his katana dripping with blood. The man looked to Yukimura with one glowing gold eye and shifted.
"This whore belongs to you then." He said and slammed his armored boot down on Akihime's wound, making her scream in agony.
Yukimura’s body moved on its own, barely even registering when he drew a talisman from his person and forced Masamune back with a particularly sturdy barrier- one could hardly see through it. Yukimura rushed forward and knelt beside Akihime, carefully gathering the Kitsune in his arms, careful to not touch her wound as he helped her up. “Akihime-dono, can you stand?”
She looked up at him, body shaking from pain, "I...I can try, Yukimura-sama..."
"Dana!" Sasuke came over as quick as he could, having heard Akihime's cries, "Is she alright?"
Once Yukimura and Akihime retreated away from Masamune, he broke the barrier so he could reach Sasuke, helping Akihime stand. Yukimura glanced back at Masamune, who hadn’t moved an inch, frowning deeply. “She’ll need to be healed, we’ll get her to Minehime-dono immediately.”
Sasuke nodded and moved to grab Akihime but she shoved Yukimura as hard as she could, causing him to stumble into Sasuke as a wave of blue energy surged toward them and slammed into her; it sent her flying into a tree that crumpled under her and she fell still.
"Akihime!" Sasuke called before shooting his glare at Masamune, who lowered his sword from his attack stance.
Yukimura stared at the unconscious Akihime for a moment before Sasuke felt an immense energy surge from within Yukimura. The Tiger seal on his arm burned away, and suddenly Sasuke himself felt electric, like Yukimura’s own power was flowing into him and boosting his abilities. “Sasuke, attack.” He ordered quietly, throwing up another shield above them, standing in front of Akihime to keep her safe while she was unable to move or fight.
Sasuke smirked darkly and pulled his flute from his sleeve, playing a sharp melody as small tornados of wind and feathers rushed at Masamune. The Azure Dragon cut down a few of them before he was thrown backward, catching himself on a tree and pushing off it to shoot toward Sasuke to start working at the barrier.
Every time the barrier shattered, another was immediately in its place, stronger than the one before. Yukimura held multiple talisman, muttering incantation after incantation; he wasn’t going to let Masamune through.
"I see. My seal has been broken." Masamune noted before moving away, "Guess I gotta put a new one on. A stronger one."
"I won't let you get that close a second time." Sasuke threatened. Masamune made a noise ane rushed forward and Sasuke waved his fan, smacking Masamune in the jaw with a powerful burst of wind, sending him backward and his helmet flying from his head. He sat up, white hair falling in his face. Wait, white hair? Masamune's hair was brown wasn't it?
Yukimura froze, eyes widening as he stared at the man before him. He looked exactly like Masamune, what was going on?
“Where is Katakura-dono and Megohime-dono?” It just occoured to him that his Shikigami were no where to be seen.
"Megohime?" Masamune repeated, "So, he's got a new shikigami. Interesting."
"Dana, I don't think this is the Masamune we know." Sasuke said. Masamune stood and brushed off his armor.
"Shiro Masamune. Date and I are one in the same." He answered.
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