To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

It didn't take him very long to reach his end, grunting and huffing to try and be as quiet as possible as he filled her with his seed, his nails digging into her hips.
When he finished inside of her, Megohime kissed him gently, but deeply. She pulled away slightly, cupping his cheek and looking into his eye. “I love you, Masamune..”
Megohime stayed where she was, enjoying the feeling of him embracing her, closing her eyes and kissing his cheek gently.
She nodded, and after the two cleaned up and redressed, they returned to Kojurou together, back to the warmth of the bedrolls and campfire.
"Took you a bit to go check on her, I think." Kojurou noted. Masamune made a noise.
"Yeah, I couldn't really find her." He said. Kojurou gave him a knowing glance before making a noise.
"Of course."
Megohime laid on her bed roll, staring at the fire as she warmed her hands. “I almost washed away.” She said simply.
“Yeah.. Me too.” Megohime rested her head and closed her eyes, heart still racing a bit.

((What next~?))
For days, Akihime could smell another spirit around the Takeda estate, but she was finding it hard to actually find said spirit. The only trace she could find was the smell, not once even glimpsing the thing, not had anyone else. Then she found it. A single white feather, it was soft and smelled like a The night of a full moon, which confirmed it; something was there. The feather could not have been Sasuke’s, the scent and color were not the same.
Akihime kept hold of the feather to help her better locate where this spirit was hiding. There was no evil intent in the air, maybe fear? She sat on the deck of the courtyard, twirling the feather between her fingers slowly, her four tails bristled and fluffed in her annoyance.
While Akihime was lost in thought, the soft clicking of nails against the wood floors behind her brought her back to attention. The scent of the spirit was heavy in the air; the spirit had finally shown itself; was it planning to attack her from behind?
Her ears perked sharply but she didn't move, simply waited. Even if it was a surprise attack, Sasuke and Yukimura weren't far from her; she could defend herself easily enough.
“A-Ano...” She didn’t feel claws in her back or even a blade, only a young girls voice greeted Akihime, soft and quivering.
It was a young girl behind her, looking both terrified and exhausted. “I heard a powerful Onmyoji lives here... I-I need help..” She was a bit rough around the edges, white feathers stained with dirt and soot, clothes clearly worn.
Akihime turned and stood, "Come, I'll take you to him." She smiled warmly and offered her hand, "Yukimura-sama is a wonderful man and will help you with whatever it is you need."
The young spirit stretched out her hand, and it looked like it had been badly charred, but upon closer inspection, it looked like the foot of a bird. She took Akihime’s hand gently, the leather appendage warm in her own, feathers fluffing up a bit.
“S-Sayuri desu..” The spirit said softly, following Akihime closely as she was led down the hall.
"What a pretty name for such a pretty spirit." She complimented. When she reached Yukimura's room. She knocked gently, "Yukimura-sama, a spirit has come asking for your aid. I did not wish to turn her away, she looks quite wary."
The door slid open and Yukimura looked out, having been practicing summoning again with Sasuke. “A spirit?” He was the girl and nodded to Akihime, opening the door for the two of them to enter.
Akihime smiled more and guided the girl inside, "Her name is Sayuri." She said. Sasuke looked up and blinked.
"What are you doing so far from home?"
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