To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime smiled up at him, shaking her head. “No, please forgive me for making you do so..!” She pleaded. “Had I done my job, you wouldn’t have been forced to do such a thing! Please, forgive me, my love..!”
She embraced him once more, returning his kiss with a deep passion. “I love you, Shiromasa-sama..” She whispered against his lips.
Masamune had been rushed back to his estate, the ink blades disappearing, but leaving behind deep wounds. The healers took a while to treat his wounds, having to exorcize the miasma from the wound before closing it up.
Night fell, and Masamune was still unconscious, and Jin had been no where to seen since they arrived home.
Kojurou took a moment to lave Masamune to rest while he looked for Jin. He knew she probably needed rest after being out in the sun, but she would come calling at this time asking about Masamune's condition. Maybe she was meditating to control her blood urges; he noticed they were getting worse.
The estate was as silent as a graveyard, even outside of Jin’s room; she wasn’t her noisy, in fact the opposite, she was rather quiet, but this was a different quiet. The moment he reached out to knock at her door, something hit him from behind, knocking him off his feet and slamming him into the floor. Clawed hands tore the robes from his shoulder as a weight moved on top of him, and teeth sunk into his shoulder. It was Jin, feeding desperately from Kojurou; he could feel her shaking, biting into his flesh so hard it was sure to leave a nasty bruise.
She was silent for a moment, merely drinking from him before forcing herself to pull away, nearly throwing herself off of him. She was breathing heavily, still trembling. “F-Forgive me.. being that close to human corpses again... it was too much..”
She clutched at her chest, shaking her head violently. “I will not drink from humans again.. I cannot.” She said firmly, but it was more than clear she was suffering.
She struggled to not sink her teeth into his shoulder again. “In my past I made mistakes.. I won’t allow myself to repeat such mistakes..”
“I-I need more..” She whispered, eyes focused on the blood that trickled down Kojurou’s neck. “Please.. Allow me to have more..”
"Perhaps in the safety of your room?" He asked and before she could confirm or deny him, he carried her inside and shut the door, "There. You may proceed."
Jin nodded, moving over and biting down on Kojurou’s shoulder once again; she sat in his lap, holding him tightly as she fed.
Jin drank from multiple different spots on his shoulder and neck, leaving bites along his flesh, her own arousal becoming hard to ignore. Slowly, she ground herself against his thigh, stimulating herself as well as rubbing against Kojurou’s need, licking the blood from his neck.
His hand trailed up her thigh slowly, his breath coming out in short puffs as his throbbing cock pressed against her. His claws felt wonderful against her flesh.
Jin let out a faint moan, biting down once more, only much more shallow than before, now only biting to spur him on.
Jin helped him when he grew frustrated and began to pull at her clothes instead. Undoing her sash, she opened up her robes, then worked on Kojurou’s own clothing, moving to kiss him.
He kissed back, the taste of his own blood on her lips just seemed to add to the excitement. His claws ran over her exposed skin slowly, loving how soft and smooth her skin was.
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