To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

“Oh, Kojurou, morning.” She set aside her empty bowl, turning to face him. “Where’s Masamune?” She asked.

((Time for him to find out~?))
"He should be down in a moment, he went to find the tanuki to pay him extra for being so accommodating." Kojurou said.
Masamune moved down the stairs and moved to the tanuki's office, about to knock when he heard the raccoon dog muttering dreamily about something.
"She was so beautiful and lovely~ her body was perfect~ I can't believe I got to see her please herself, what a bonus~" The tanuki said. Masamune about lost it and he kicked the door down, making the tanuki jump out of his skin, "M-Masamune-sama!"
"Were you spying on my girl in the bath?" He growled. The tanuki lost all color and shook his head quickly.
"No! No! I didn't see a thing! I swear!" He stammered. Masamune glared and dropped the extra coin on the desk anyway.
"Keep it that way." He growled and left the office to meet with Megohime and Kojurou.
Megohime looked up when she saw Masamune, her heart fluttering, but she was able to calm herself. “You ok? You look angry.” Megohime pointed out.
"Finish your food, we're leaving." He said firmly. Kojurou looked confused but didn't press the matter, eating calmly as Masamune sat with them.
Megohime nodded, finishing her tea. The tanuki’s words echoed in Masamune’s head. ”I can't believe I got to see her please herself, what a bonus~“ She had been touching herself in the bath? She was back from the bath before Masamune, which put them both in the bath at around the same time, had she heard him?
Masamune's face slowly lit up and Kojurou made a noise.
"Everything alright, Masamune-sama?" He asked. Masamune nodded quickly.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He huffed.
Megohime looked at Masamune, then glanced to Kojurou; oh gods, he was hiding something, did he know? No, there was no way, she hadn’t made a single noise when she was touching herself. “We should probably start asking around about that nether force.” She said, avoiding eye contact with Masamune.
Megohime left to start asking around about anything suspicious in the area, but she didn’t have to ask too many people before finding out what she wanted to know.
“They said there’s a Mermaid and a Yasha spirit that’s been killing their fishermen, taunting the village by bringing the corpses back after murdering them and leaving them on their docks.” Megohime reported back to Masamune and Kojurou. “They said there’s a little freshwater alcove that they frequent. They even kidnapped a few more of their fishermen, and haven’t seen any signs of them since.”
"Hey, right on, Mego." Masamune praised, "Let's go find us a mermaid and a Yasha. You ready, Kojurou?"
"Hai, Masamune-sama. I haven't battled a Yasha in a long time." Kojurou answered.
Megohime’s cheeks flushed a bit when he praised her, nodding. “It isn’t too far from here.” She muttered, showing them where the villagers had pointed her.
Masamune followed her and Kojurou grabbed a boat before catching up, following her to the shoreline and up a ways before the land met with rocks. Kojurou pushed the boat off shore and held it steady while Masamune and Megohime climbed in, Kojuro hopping in and they rowed toward where Megohime said the inlet was.
Megohime keep her eyes peeled for the inlet, spotting it and directing Kojurou toward it. There was a lone figure far back in the inlet, someone in the water; the mermaid?
The mermaid hadn’t noticed the three yet, the thick trees keeping them hidden for now, but if they got any closer, they would be seen.
“I’ve never seen a mermaid before, is that one..?” Megohime asked in a hushed whisper.
Masamune made a face, "No, it's just a Koi. But they're often confused as mermaids cuz they look similar." He whispered back.
"Where's the Yasha." Kojurou muttered, keeping alert.
Megohime frowned, looking around, but not seeing the Yasha. “Do you think they got the information wrong on the Yasha too?”
The koi perked up, turning her head when the sea breeze carried a new scent toward her, eyes widening when she spotted the three through the trees. “Humans..!” She couldn’t see exactly who they were, but she guessed just by their shape they were fishermen from the nearby village.
"She's spotted us." Kojurou said and Masamune sighed before raising his hands and standing to show he meant no harm.
"Hey! Sorry to just barge into your home...! We wanted to talk to you about the recent, uh...tragic events happening with the fishermen." He said disarmingly.
“It wasn’t his fault, he only did it to protect me!” She watched Masamune with huge eyes, and when he took a step forward, she panicked. She dove into the water and shot for the mouth of the inlet, trying to escape to the sea.
Kojurou's infernal hand grabbed her easily, pulling her out of the water enough so that they could continue to talk to her.
"Easy, easy..." Masamune spoke calmly, "We aren't here to hurt him, we just want to know what's been going on."
The Koi thrashed and struggled in the hand, tears trickling down her cheeks. “Motochika!” She started to scream for help. Her tail sloshing water onto the shore; her tail was injured however, missing a large patch of scales and exposing the delicate flesh underneath.
“Shut her up before that Yasha hears..!” Megohime hissed from the edge of the trees.
"Did he hurt you? Are you being held here?" Masamune asked. Kojurou suddenly became very alarmed, his head snapping to the side where the entrance to the forest began.
"Masamune-sama!" He yelled and Masamune looked, seeing the white haired Yasha bursting from the trees.
"Get away from Nana!!" Motochika yelled.
“Motochika!” Nana called again, only to have an ink gag cover Nana’s mouth, Megohime having panicked and trying to quite Nana, but it was too late. Now she had that oh shit look on her face, glancing to the Yasha on the other end of the clearing.
Kojurou had no choice but to let Nana go to defend against Motochika's attacks, Masamune unsheathing his sword and rushing in to help his Shikigami.
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