To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime didn’t have much trouble in the bath house, in fact, there wasn’t a single other woman in the bath at that time, meaning Megohime had the bath entirely to herself. She cleaned herself quickly, then sat in the water to enjoy herself, having at least ten minutes before she had to get out to avoid her ink bleeding.
"Ah, taking a bath sounds pretty good, I might head in too. Order whatever and save us some."
"Hai." Kojurou nodded and Masamune headed toward the men's bath. He stripped and set his clothes aside before sinking into the water with a low moan.
Megohime perked when she heard sploshing water, looking around before seeing the bamboo mat wall that seperated the men’s back from the woman’s bath, face flushing a bit. She hadn’t expected them to be so close.
Masamune washed quietly, forgetting Megohime was still on the women's side; she was so quiet he subconsciously figured she had left when he entered. He set the rag aside and closed his eye, unable to stop thinking about her. He always thought about her, but this time was different. This time he thought of her more out of desire than any other time. His hand moved over his swelling need and he started to relieve the ache he felt for her.
Megohime carefully crawled out of the bath, not bothering to cover herself with a towel as she moved over toward the dividing wall, finding a small slat to look through, and peering through it. Her eyes widened when she saw Masamune on the other side, and her face went red when she saw what he was doing, but she didn’t move away.
He was huffing softly, trying not to be loud, but small grunts of pleasure escaped him anyway as he worked himself faster. He was flushing a bit, his head bowed and his brow knit.
Megohime was going to leave the bathing area, to give Masamune privacy, but instead she found herself aroused. She couldn’t see everything, but she knew he was touching himself from the way he moved. She bit her lip and while crouching on the stones, she began touching herself. They were slow, gentle touches at first, but as she watched Masamune more, her touches became more desperate. She rubbed her clit harder and faster, her breathing becoming labored as her touches became more rough, even using her other hand to grope her own small breast, fingers slick with her juices.
"Megohime..." Her name came out in a small rumble of a moan and it only made things worse for her. It sounded so good, hearing her name strained like that, in a tone Masamune would share with no one but her. Even if he didn't know it.
Just hearing him call out her name made a jolt of excitement go through her lower stomach. She bit back a moan, her thighs trembling as she worked her clit, body trembling before she felt her climax take hold, biting the back of her hand to quiet her moan, Masamune’s name on her lips.
He suddenly jerked and grunted, his breathing heavy and labored as he started to relax. "God, I'm disgusting..." He muttered disapprovingly.
Megohime felt a bit of shame after her high passed, quickly grabbing her towel and wrapping herself in it before hurrying to the changing room to change into clean clothes, then go sit with Kojurou again.
Megohime looked up at Masamune, and immediately her face flushed red. “Y-Yeah, the water was nice.” She muttered, picking up her tea cup and taking a sip.
They ate in silence, Megohime keeping her eyes on her own food, eating everything Kojurou had ordered for her. She felt overwhelming guilt, but at the same time, she completely enjoyed her experience in the bath house.
“Yeah I’m fi-“ Megohime looked up at Masamune, and all she could think of was him moaning name as he touched himself in the bath. “Fine.” How often was he doing that? Did that mean he really did love her? Her face burned red and she stood quickly. “J-Just tired... I’m gonna go to the room ahead of you..” She said quickly, then hurried off to their room.
"Oh...kay..." He said, looking confused. Kojurou ate quietly and Masamune returned to his food, "Guess the journey really got to her, huh?"
"I suppose so.." Kojurou replied.
All Megohime could think of, was Masamune moaning her name, how he moaned it and how it excites her. Part of her wanted to forget about the entire ordeal, part of her wanted to experience it all over again. After getting to the room, she laid in the far bed, face still flushed.
Megohime was indeed still awake, heart racing, but her back was to him, and she feigned sleep. She closed her eyes, still imagining him moaning her name again and again.
He made a noise of disappointment and moved over to her, brushing her hair back and gently kissing her temple, "Aishiteru..." He whispered.
Megohime was sure she would either scream or pass out right there, but she managed to keep up her facade of sleep, heart pounding so wildly in her chest she was sure he could hear it.
Masamune moved to the bed that was closest to hers and laid down, not bothering to change, "Night, Mego..." He muttered before pulling the covers up and rolling onto his side with his back to her.
In the morning, Megohime had woken early, restless from the night before, but she still washed her face and changed back into her own clothes, getting an early breakfast of hot porridge.
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