To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Jin pulled away so she could see his face, cupping his cheek. “The time for me to have children is long gone.. I am both an old woman and dead, I do not think I can have children.” She said softly.
He seemed a little disappointed by this but held her hand regardless, "Unfortunate...but I suppose it is good to hear in this case.." He said softly. There was a bang on the door and he looked over.
"Can we come in now? It's late, you've been at it for almost two hours." Masamune huffed. Kojurou smirked and held Jin tight.
"Do you want to make them wait a little longer~?"
Jin looked quite embarrassed, but didn’t push away from Kojurou. “It is rather late, and we depart in the morning..” She whispered softly, as if still trying to hide the fact that she was in the room with Kojurou.
Yukimura had gotten a little drunk and had to retire early, clearly not one who partook in liquor much, which meant Masamune and Megohime had to entertain themselves for a while while locked out of the bedroom.
Kojurou gave a sigh and helped her off him so they could redress. When everything was in order, Kojurou removed the block on the door and let Masamune and Megohime in, "Sorry for taking so long."
"There is such a thing as a quickie, you know." Masamune scolded and he entered. Kojurou couldn't help his smirk, and honestly didn't want to.
"A woman as beautiful as Jin-dono should be savored."
Jin had covered herself with her yukata again, making sure she was completely covered as Masamune and Megohime came in.
“Too much information, both of you.” Megohime was red-faced, following close behind Masamune, keeping her eyes on his back as to keep from seeing anything.
“Forgive me, Masamune-sama, I honestly lost track of time.” Jin said, still looking a little embarrassed.
"Ah, don't worry about it, Kojurou needs to let loose sometimes." Masamune replied as he set up his bed. Kojurou set up his own bed and merely laid back to relax.
After everyone laid out their bed rolls, Jin excused herself, going to wash up and walk the grounds of the estate until the morning came. When it did, she allowed Kojurou to help her with her protective wrappings, making sure she was covered from the sun so she wouldn’t burn.

((Are they heading straight home or to Shikoku~?))
((To Oshuu to drop Jin off so she can hang out and then Shukoku!))

In the morning as they prepared to leave, Masamune bowed politely to Yukimura and Akihime, "Thanks for having us so long. We had a lot of fun."
"It was an honor to have you stay with us, Date-sama. And thank you for returning me to Yukimura-sama's side.." Akihime smiled gently.
Yukimura was still a little hung over, but it wasn’t like him to not see guests off.
He bowed to Masamune. “Thank you, Masamune-dono. Thank you for everything; for training me, and helping returning my Shikigami to me, as well as sealing my blight.”
"Later, you two! Try not to have too many kids by the time we see each other again!" Masamune said as they rode off. Akihime blushed and hid her face, tails bristling bashfully.
Kids? Yukimura had never thought about children of his own before, so why was he dwelling on it now? Was it because Masamune had said something, or was it because he truly wished to have children?
Yukimura nodded, glancing up at her before rubbing his neck out of embarrassment. “H-Hai!”

((Wanna move to them after they’ve dropped Jin off~?))

Once Masamune reached Oshuu, Kojurou took Jin to her room and made sure it was dark before heading out to Shukoku with Masamune.
"So what did you see in your vision, Masamune-sama?"
"Not a whole lot. Just a lot of nether force by the sea side." Masamune answered.
Megohime was back in her scroll to save them from having to use another horse. “That’s all? Where are we supposed to start looking?”
"Well, we find the nearest village and ask around." Masamune answered, "I'm sure something bad has been happening."
"His visions have never been really strong or comprehensible." Kojurou added.
“Got it.” Megohime said, tucked into Masamune’s sash when he wasn’t carrying her or she wasn’t in human form.
It took them nearly two weeks to reach Shikoku from Oshuu, and at that point Masamune wished he had a carriage. "I need a bath. And real food." He said, leaving his horse and Kojurou's with the stable. Kojurou made a noise, looking around. Everyone's eyes were mainly on him, watching him with fear. It didn't bother him much.
"Once we've relaxed from the journey we will begin asking about any disturbances."
"Thank fuck..." Masamune muttered and headed for the nearest tea house.
Megohime transformed into her human form once they arrived at the small village, trudging after Masamune. “Do you think they have real beds..?” She muttered, too tired to think about food or a bath, but she was excited for hot water; the only bathing water they had for the passed weeks was fridgid river or pond waters.
"They damn well better have real beds." He said as he stepped in. A tanuki looked up when they entered and he grinned widely.
"Irrashaimase! How can I help you?" He asked. Masamune gave him a good sized pouch of coin.
"A bed and bath and some food please."
"Hai! Sit anywhere, look at the menu, and order when you're ready!" The tanuki grinned and Masamune nodded before sitting at a table with Kojurou and Megohime.
Megohime sat across from Masamune, next to Kojurou, still spacing out a bit. “I think I’ll take a bath then eat, I feel grimey.” She said, getting up and heading to the bath house right next door.
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