To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Nana dropped to the ground and quickly tore off the gag, slowly dragging herself toward the pond, breathing heavily.
Megohime sent attacks at Motochika’s head, trying to keep him distracted while Masamune and Kojurou attacked. One attack nearly landed, but before it hit the Yasha, a shimmering bubble enveloped him, shielding him from the attack.
Masamune looked over at Nana, eye wide, "What are you doing?" He asked in disbelief. Motochika knocked Kojurou down and rushed at Masamune with his spear, the Azure Dragon barely able to deflect his attack and get some distance.
"You have no right to be here, to taint our home with your filth." Motochika snarled.
The bubble around Motochika popped, Nana stuck on shore, wheezing as she glared defiantly back at Masamune. “He protected me... I won’t let you hurt him..!” She forced out, a look of pain on her face.
"Then what's that scar on your tail?" Masamune argued.
"Some fishermen what thought she was a mermaid tried robbing her of her flesh and scales. I killed them for touching her." Motochika stated.
Nana managed to scoot a bit closer to the pond, submerging her arms in the water to alleviate the dry feeling on her scales, but using her tail to move hurt, the small rocks and dirt digging into her tail when she did.

“Regardless, he still killed those humans..!” Megohime scowled, ready to paint out another attack for his head if he moved.
"And you can die along with them." Motochika growled and rushed forward, knocking Masamune aside and grabbing Megohime by the throat, forcing her to her knees and keeping her still with his spear to her neck, "One wrong move and I cut her into strips!"
"Don't hurt her!" Masamune blurted, dropping his katana without a second thought.
Megohime grunted as her scroll was knocked from her hands, and she was forced to kneel before the Yasha, clawing at his hand around her throat. “Masamune, don’t! Pick up your sword!” Megohime snapped at him.
"Leave our home." Motochika demanded. Masamune shook his head.
"I can't do that. Not until you stop attacking the fishermen; whether you be willing to or I have to kill you." He replied.
“Motochika..” Nana’s voice brought the Yasha’s attention back to the Koi, who had been snatched up by the large Ibaraki, dangling from his grasp by her wrists like a freshly caught fish. Her expression was tired, and her scales dull, fins drooping from lack of water. She looked scared, tears slowly rolling down her face.
"Release Nana now! You're killing her!"
"Let Megohime go and promise to stop attacking the fishermen." Masamune said. Motochika clenched his jaw.
"Not if they keep threatening Nana."
Nana forced a smile on her face, which felt like it would split open. “Motochika, I’ll be ok, I promise..!” She tried to sound cheery like she usually was, but in was hard when she felt herself starting to die.
Motochika started shaking, not wanting to keep putting Nana at risk, "Fine, fine. But tell them to stay away from the inlet. They cannot come in here." He said and released Megohime. Kojurou set Nana back gently in the water and apologized for being so rude to her.
The gills on Nana’s neck flared as she sunk into the water, letting out a sigh of relief as the cool water soothes her dry skin.
Megohime got to her feet, grabbed her scroll and immediately hurried away from Motochika.
“Please, don’t hurt Motochika.” The Koi spoke again, looking at Masamune. “I love him.”
Nana smiled brightly, nodding. “I do, I loved you since the day I met you!” She admitted, cheeks flushed.

“I’m ok, I’m ok...” Megohime said to Masamune, not a scratch on her. “And this is great and all, but he still killed multiple humans.”
Motochika couldn't believe his ears, "I won't kill anymore. For Nana's sake. But I can't say the promise is kept if they harm her."
"I suppose that's all we can ask for." Masamune said.
Megohime only gave a nod, not wanting to go against Masamune’s decision.
Nana bowed her head to Masamune, so happy she could cry. “Thank you, Thank you!”
"I guess we should go. We'll be back if anymore fishermen die." Masamune said.
"You have my word that there won't be anymore." Motochika replied.
Megohime nodded, awkwardly turning; it wasn’t the outcome she was expecting, but it was a solution that worked.

Once they returned to the boat and were heading back toward the village, she was less anxious.
“I just can’t wait to go home and sleep in a real bed again.” Megohime muttered, just ready to get back to Oshuu.
It was a rather anticlimactic ending, they returned to the village and took their horses home, only stopping to make camp about half a days ride to Oshuu when night fell. It would be the last time they would be camping for a while. Masamune and Kojurou sat at the campfire, Megohime off at the nearby river to bathe.
Masamune seemed exhausted even though he didn't really do anything. "You think I should have taken that Yasha out?" He asked Kojurou. The Ibaraki made a noise.
"I believe that whatever decision you make is a wise one til proven otherwise." He answered. Masamune huffed.
"That's not helpful."
Megohime was gone quite a while before Masamune actually registered she still wasn’t back from bathing, then an intrusive thought shoved its way into his head: Megohime, water droplets covering her bare frame, panting as she moaned his name, hand between her legs.
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