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Green-Eyed Whiskey and Blue-Eyed Angel (Cinderella1181 and Mim}

Cas nodded in agreement and piled the corpses with the snap of her finger. waited until their were out of the door before she started the fire, with the corpses first, lighting fires the whole way out the door until she was disappearing into the car. Claire and Jack were already in it. She smiled at them. "We are a good team" She smiled at Claire. "You are an excellent hunter. Jodie and Dean should be proud of you." She thought about it a second. "Do you have an Angel blade?"

Jack pipped up from the back. "Do I have one?"

Cas smiled at him. "We can see when you get home if one will materialize for you. I am sure your grandfather planned on the eventuality that a nephilim may be born, and to equip you." She turned back to Claire. "If you would like I have an extra if you do not have one. "
"Sure I'll take your spare angel blade," Claire said with a shrug as she started the engine and pulled back on the road, heading north and west toward Kansas. "You didn't let me throw a Molotov cocktail in there, so you owe me one anyway." She looked in the rearview mirror at Jack, not liking the idea of arming him. "But uh, let's wait til we get back to the bunker first."
She nodded at Claire. "I am sure Dean will have something to say as well."

The drive from Louisiana to Lebanon was long, but Cas drove part of it when Claire got tired. She drove up to the bunker and sighed. She looked at the them, both Claire was dozing, and jack was completely out in the back seat. She smiled, "Hey you two, we are home,and at your half way point." She said quietly. They woke up and stretched.

Cas got out of the Claire's car, and stood. She went over to the door and looked back. Jack stood there unmoving, looking frightened. "Dean isn't going to be happy to see me."

Cas shrugged. "Maybe not, but you are here with me, and I will take care of you." Cas said quietly to him. "He won't harm you."

Jack nodded, hiking up his backpack on his back. Claire followed them as Castiel opened the door and entered in to the little landing. She smiled as she started down the spiral stair case. She walked into the war room and dropped her bag. "Dean...Sam?" She called out. There was no answer back to her. She flicked her angel blade out, and went on high alert.
Having an angel around could be handy sometimes, even Claire had to admit that. For example, without a need to rest they only stopped for gas and pee breaks and made it back to Kansas in pretty good time. In the eerie quiet of the bunker, however, her nerves were back on end. She quietly unholstered her gun and took the safety off, keeping it at low-ready as she moved to sweep the kitchen.

In the back of the bunker, away from the main entrance, Sam turned off the water and toweled off his hair before wrapping the towel around his waist. Quietly he padded down the hallway on bare feet, pausing when he heard something clatter in the kitchen. Dean was out in the garage and would be for the better part of the what was in the Bunker? Fortunately he had left his bedroom door open and didn't need to make noise to grab the gun on his night stand. Quietly as he could he moved through the hallways to try and take a more circuitous route to the kitchen, hoping to sneak up on it from behind.

Claire gestured wildly at Jack to stay put, making a wide-eyed, angry face as much for his benefit as for herself. He had been the one to brush against the pan handle protruding from the cookware left on the stovetop--neither Winchester had ever been noted for kitchen safety and she assumed it was Dean who had left the dirty pan there in the first place--and she had instinctually stuck a foot out to try and keep it from hitting the floor, but succeeded only in kicking it, sending it flying across the floor. After silently bemoaning her stubbed toe she motioned for Jack to follow. They'd given away their position and now if anyone--or anything--was still in the Bunker it would know where they were.
If Cas hadn't been so high on alert, she thought she would find the whole thing funny. She could hear and sense movement in the bunker, far off. She wasn't sure what it was, but it was coming, she moved to turn the far corner in the hall, when Sam swung in to the kitchen, gun pointed straight at her head. She blinked at it and then looked at him and smiled. "Hello Sam, we are home." Castiel grinned a little and relaxed.

Sam looked at her and shook his head. "For gods sake, do me a favor. Call when you are like an hour out. I thought you were Ketch or something worse." He lowered his gun. He looked behind her.

"Jack, you okay?" Sam asked him.

"I am, why are you not wearing any pants?" Jack replied asking the question like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Sam grinned. "I just got out of the shower. Let me go get dressed and I'll let you fill me in." Sam replied. He looked at Cas, and added. "Dean's out in the garage."

Cas smiled at him and nodded. She slipped by him and went down the hall towards the garage. The closer she got, the louder the Zepplin was playing. She grinned and quietly walked over to the radio and turned it down. She could hear him grumble. "Hello Dean." She called out to him. She heard the board that he was on roll out from under the car. She took him in, tank top, coveralls, grease smudges. She felt her body react. "What's wrong with baby now?"
Dean wasn't really listening to the music. He was busy trying to get this goddamned coupler loose, grumbling to himself and swearing at the car. When Cas called out he jumped, hitting his head against the chassis and swearing copiously.

"Jesus, Cas!" he groused as he rolled out from under the car. "We've talked about this! Make some noise when you walk in!" He sat up and wiped his greasy hands uselessly on an equally greasy rag as she asked what was wrong with the Impala. "Huh? Oh nothin'. Maintenance, so she doesn't get anything wrong with her to begin with. Plus, y'know, standard oil change, tire rotation, stuff like that." He wiped the sweat off his forehead with his forearm, smearing more grease across both in the process before standing and popping open a beer from the nearby cooler. "So what's the word? Find Jack? Oh and uh, how'd the hunt go?"
She shrugged. "It was good. Claire is an exceptional hunter,. You should be proud and honored to have her take after you. She is amazing." She went and leaned against Baby, she watched the way his muscles moved and the sweat glisten on them. She grinned a little. "I did find him. But you need to promise me something Dean, promise me you won't hurt the boy. He is scared, and he genuinely wants to do good I think." She crossed her ankles as she leaned and her arms in front of her chest. "With that said, if need be, I will take him and hide him." You could see the mama bear fierceness come in to her eyes. "He is young and innocent still and he needs protection, not contention."

She reached out and grabbed him by the waist of his coveralls. "Promise me, that you will at least try to be kind to him. He wants so badly for you to like him." She said quietly. "He is also the only person we know who opened the rift to where Mary is. We need him if we are very going to get her back."

She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I also want you to know that, as I am exploring all of this new found sexuality. Mechanic is something that I find.. very appealing." She grinned. "I believe it is the coverall and tank top combination."
"Well, not like I raised her or anything, but good to know. Kid's got a good head on her shoulders." Dean stretched, loosening the tight muscles in his neck from laying under the car, while Cas threatened to hide him. He arched an eyebrow. "If you haven't noticed, Cas, I've never actually threatened him. But I'm not gonna pretend to like him. So sue me if I don't trust the literal son of Satan." He stagger-stepped forward when he pulled at his waist, wanting promises of kindness.

"I've been over this with Sam," he said stubbornly. "Mom's gone, and I don't trust one emotionally unstable nephilim as an inter-dimensional can opener; we're gonna get stuck over there, guarantee it. I've been as nice to the kid as I can be given everything. Because in case you don't remember, it's his fault she's gone and that you got killed in the first place." Cas's kiss still burned on his cheek while she explained her newfound sexual preferences, and he smiled. "Well you're in luck, coz it's something I do pretty often."
She nodded a little. "I think watching you work on the car is going to be a favorite pass time of mine. You could even teach me how to do it. Get my hands dirty." She loved it when he smiled, because she knew that smile was genuine and she was one of a few people who actually got to see it. Not the one he put on for sure, but the one where his eyes shown like emeralds. She loved that. She leaned in and kissed his lips gently, just brushing them as she did. She rested back on the car. "I think I would like it even more if I got to see you wash all the sweat and grease away however."

She grinned a little when she saw the reaction to those words on his face. She knew the scenario she had running through her head, she can only imagine what it was like in his. He, of course had more experience then she did, and she knew he was going to be teaching her many things. She placed her hand squarely in the middle of his chest, and she knew her pupils blew wide with lust, chewing her lip, she spoke quietly. "Perhaps I could, help you wash your back.."
"Oh I'm sure I can teach you how to get more than your hands dirty," Dean promised with a crooked grin, kissing her back then leaning a hand on the car on either side of her head as she leaned against it. Her hand on his chest was electric and he wanted to kiss that lip she was biting. There were so many things he wanted to show her...

"Oh I'm sure you could help me wash more than that," he purred. "Unfortunately I got maybe another 20 minutes out here on my Baby. Think you could wait that long before...showering?"
She looked up into his green eyes and smiled. "I mean if I have to wait, I guess I can. I could really go and get started in the shower. It does take me a long time to get all this hair washed." She giggled a little. "Or I could stay out here and wait, and then we could make out on the hood of the Impala." She leaned into him and kissed his lips softly. "Or would me being out here be too distracting?"

She put her second hand on his waist. "You should get going if you are gonna finish up." She leaned in and kissed him. "Yup, totally should get working."
"Well who said anything about washing your hair?" Dean let his hands rest on her hips and kissed her back. "I mean, you're gonna be a distraction either way...might as well be a distraction out where I can see you, y'know?"

Cas's hands rested on his waist and with a final kiss she suggested that he finish up. "I mean, I didn't think you'd want to watch me goin' down on my other girl," he teased, slowly kneeling and unbuttoning her jeans, "but I guess if you say so..." Without warning Dean laid back on the board and with a cheeky grin slid back beneath the Impala.
She frowned a little and watched him. She leaned over the top of the engine. "What is that?" She pointed at some random part. He named it and she smiled a little. "And what does it do?" She asked watching him thought the gap in the engine. He answered her and she smiled down at him.

She walked around the front of the car and there was the bottom half of him poking out. She grinned and grabbed the front of the impala and moved to straddle his lap, settling part of her weight on to his hips. "Is it okay if I sit here?" She rolled her hips over his. "My feet were hurting standing over there. This an okay spot?"
Dean looked up through a gap to where she was pointing. "That's the carburetor," he answered. "What's it do? Well you got the fuel line here," he gestured with a tool to a line he couldn't see but knew by heart, "that gets gas to the fuel injector, which pumps gas into the carburetor. It mixes just the right amount of air to get a good spark. The carb's basically what makes the gas go boom." He smiled up at her through the gap before turning his face back to his work.

He nearly hit his head again when he felt Cas's weight on his lap. It was inconvenient, but he couldn't deny that this particular combination of his two favorite things was a definite turn-on. "Yeah," he said after clearing his throat. "Sure. Can't have your feet getting tired."
She grinned a little. She rested her hands just at the base of his hips. She didn't move any more roll, even though the want to move her hips was burning and intense. She sat still waiting for him to finish. She chewed her lip a little. "So, the carburetor is what makes the gas go boom huh?" She wiggled a little at that on top of him. She smiled to herself. "So what you are telling me is, if I play these next few minutes right, the Cas can make the Dean go boom?"

She grinned a little, quite pleased with her self and her joke, when she giggled it cause that little bit of friction to happen. "That was very funny wasn't it Dean?" She sat back up straighter and crossed her arms in front of her. "Do you think I am going to be able to get you off while your mind is still on the other woman as you so lovingly call her."
Dean coughed at Cas's joke. It was difficult to get used to this new angel. This was a Castiel with sexuality, a Cas who made and understood jokes, an expressive, emotive Castiel, a Cas completely different from the one he was used to...but still, surely, his Cas deep down. And a Cas who felt very pleasant as she wiggled on top of him.

"Yeah, it was funny, Cas," he said, his throat constricting with want. He coughed again and tilted his head up very slightly in an attempt to look at her from under the car when she offered to get him off. "Well I mean, you're certainly welcome to try..."
Cas smiled and rocked her hips a little. It was pleasant. The feel of him under her, she stilled herself and smiled. "I think I will wait, I want to make sure that I have your undivided attention, and I don't want you to drop a wrench on your head." She smiled, standing up. She looked back down through the engine at him. "I am going to go and find Jack before you and I....well...become occupied." She grinned, and moved away from the car, heading back into the bunker. She turned the music back up as she left.

She walked though the bunker and smiled. This new vessel, whom ever she was, was very different then Jimmy had been. Jimmy was devout and pious, but this one..she just felt different then Jimmy ever had. Jimmy had never been much of one for jokes,but this vessel was joyful in that sense. Cas always found it interesting how much an angel took from the vessel. His favorite had been the last Novak before Jimmy he had taken over. It was in the early 1900's and she had an easy way about her, very sweet and light hearted. Much like this one.

She turned the corner and found Jack, Claire and Sam all sitting at the table. She sat down and smiled at them. "Jack...where did you find this vessel for me?" "I have been meaning to ask you that.

Jack grinned at him. "It was Jimmy Novak's niece. She passed away from cancer, so she was a blank. She was easy to put back together to get her ready for you."

Sam looked at Claire. "You have family?"

Claire frowned. "Dad had a sister that he had a falling out with years ago. I never even met her."
"Okay..." Dean's voice was choked as Cas left. It was mean of her to tease him like that... he would definitely have to teach her about what it meant to blueball a guy.

Sam raised his eyebrows when Jack announced that Cas's new vessel was Jimmy's niece. He looked at Claire. "You have family?" She had apparently never met this family, but it was still a little, well...weird. "So what, angels run in bloodlines like Michael and Lucifer?"

"Good question, Sam," Claire said, glaring at Jack. "Or did you just think 'hey! I can cobble back together a dead family without even asking the relative'? I mean, what actually goes through your head, kid?" She knew she wasn't being fair to him, but it would have been nice if he'd at least asked before resurrecting some cousin she hadn't even known she'd had. Because this chick did look like a Novak, more than she did--she'd always looked more like her mom--and it had been an unidentifiable sort of pain to look at Cas's eyes. Now she realized that it had been painful because those had been her dad's eyes. It wasn't as awful as having to watch him ride around in her dad's body...but it still wasn't Candyland.
Jack looked a little sad when Claire scolded him. Cas touched his arm reassuringly. She looked at Sam and nodded. "We do have particular blood lines that we tend to run though. But unlike Michael or Lucifer, we don't have to have specific singular lines. I have several families that I can go through, but the Novak's have long been my primary family of vessels. Your family, Sam is unique. John is descendant of Cain, and Mary is a descendant of Able, this is why you and Dean are true vessels." She looked at him. "If it helps any Claire, your cousin, she was very joy filled and funny."

Jack looked at Claire. "I choose her, because her life had been cut short. She was very similar to your dad, and I thought Dean would like her."

Cas touched his arm. "Jack..."

She didn't have time to stop him, before Claire's fist hit him square in the nose.
"Joy-filled and funny, good to know," Claire sniped. "You're a real goddamned funny meat puppet, Cas."

"I chose her because her life had been cut short," Jack informed her. "She was very similar to your dad, and I thought Dean would like her."

Claire had lunged halfway to Jack before she was even conscious of doing it, but didn't bother trying to stop herself as her fist connected with his face. Hot, boiling rage that had been simmering just below the surface since Jack had revealed that this was her cousin boiled up suddenly and overflowed. She managed a few good punches before Sam hauled her, kicking and screaming, off of the nephilim.

"Because you thought Dean would enjoy fucking my dead cousin, huh?" she screeched. "As opposed to what? My dad?" Something connected for her that hadn't before and she stared hard at Castiel. "You sick fuck!" she snarled, struggling against Sam's strong grip. "Get off me, Sam! Get off!"

"Not until you calm down," Sam insisted, keeping his arms hooked under hers and his fingers laced behind her head, pinning her in a full nelson and trying to hurt her as little as possible.

"Fuck calming down!" Claire growled, struggling against him, "And fuck every single last one of you!"
Cas went over and touched the center of her head and Claire went limp in Sam's arms. She looked at him as he scooped her up and took her to a bed room. She turned and looked at Jack. "You did this trying to be helpful. I know that, but Jack..this...this was not a good plan." She sighed. "You honestly should have left me in the empty. As much as I would have missed is probably better for everyone if I had stayed there."

Jack looked at her, heartbroken. "I really just...wanted you and Dean to be happy." He sat down in the chair, healing himself. "You know I had to keep with in the family, and I know how much Dean and you meant to each other. You are father." He sighed. "I just can't seem to do anything right."

Sam walked back in the room. "Your heart is in the right place kid. You just have to...learn a lot of social nuances."

Castiel went over and touched him ."You are less then a year old. You are doing well, but learning to navigate humans...well, that took me years and I am sure I am still not where I am meant to be. In time you will learn these things better. I would however be hidden in your room when Claire wakes up. She is still goving to be mad. Probably even more so since I put her to sleep."

Jack nodded. "I just was trying to help, you know that right?"

Cas nodded and pushed her hair over her shoulder. "I do. I know you were just trying to be a good son." She leaned in and kissed his temple. "And I appreciate it, but things happen for a reason." She pushed a little piece of his hair that had fallen into his eyes. "I had accepted, that I was gone from the second that i felt the blade pierce my back. Dean was the very last thing that I saw, and that was fine. I was good with that." She looked at Sam. "I love him, I have for years. I could never tell him when I was in Jimmy, but this...well what was her name?"

"Miriam..her name was Miriam Novack." Jack replied.

"Well, here in Miriam, she allows me to say things I never thought I would be able to, and it's amazing, but...I would have been fine staying there Jack." She said quietly.

Sam looked at her. "Yeah, but, watching Dean...I have to say, I am not sad that Jack brought you back. I agree it was kind of a crappy thing to put him in Jimmy's niece, but...Cas you don't know what he was like with out you." He motioned to Jack. "We do, and he was slowly drinking himself to death, just so he could join you. He'd tell you to go to hell if you even suggested that, but, it was true. He was miserable with out you."

"He was, and I thought, I could help him...and maybe he'd like me." Jack sighed. "I did lose him mom, and his angel. I wanted to make up a little of that."

Cas sighed. "We will figure this all out. I promise you."
Dean finally emerged from the garage, still smeared with grease and oil, stripping off his shirt as he went to toss it into the laundry. "What's going on?" he asked, frowning and looking around at the trio in the library. "I thought I heard yelling?"
Sam sighed. "The short version is the kid's heart is always in the right place, but he doesn't have enough social grace to get it all sorted out." He went over and patted Jack's shoulder.

Cas smiled. "Apparently, Jack thought that putting me into a Novak would be an excellent idea and it was. Only, this vessel is Jimmy's niece." She made motion in front of herself. "Miriam. A niece that Claire may not have known about."

Jack looked up sad at Dean. "I was just tying to be nice and give you some one who could remind you of Castiel's formal vessel, but, was female. So I choose her because she was killed by cancer."

"Hence the yelling." Sam said.
Dean raised his eyebrows. "So you put Cas into Claire's long lost cousin because you figured I'd want to bone her instead of old Cas...and you told her?" Dean supposed the kid had healed himself; he couldn't imagine Claire not visiting bodily violence on him.

"Yeah, like I said: work in progress," Sam said, rubbing his eyes.

Dean nodded. "I'll say. Nice work, though." He winked at Cas. "So how hard she pummel ya?"
Jack let his shoulders fall. "I would had a black eye." He sounded so young and sad.

Cas looked at the boy and smiled. "I told him he should have just left me in the empty." She shrugged. "I would have saved a lot of people a lot of pain. Claire, you, Jack."

Jack looked at her. "As much as Dean needs you, I need you too." He said quietly.
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