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Green-Eyed Whiskey and Blue-Eyed Angel (Cinderella1181 and Mim}

"Shut the fuck up!" Dean snarled, looking for something substantially heavier to hurl at Sam's head than a crumpled wad of paper. "I can text whoever the fuck I want."


Claire tilted her head curiously. "What can you follow it like a bloodhound with a scent or something?" she asked dubiously. "Coz that'd make this whole thing go a lot smoother if you could."
Cas laughed a little "It doesn't really work like that. I can sense he's here but not pin point him. But I am thinking, convenience stores, or places that are closed are a good start. Especially if they have candy." She smiled. "So either He's here or another Angel after him. Grace is individual, but not like it screams 'MY NAME IS'."

"We may just have to drive really slow and look for him?" She suggested.

Claire smiled a little and laughed. "Okay, lets get some dinner and them we will go and look for him."

"Deal." Cas smiled and followed her into the motel room.

They got changed, and headed to the restaurant. Cas ordered her customary cup of coffee and sugar cubes and mashes potatoes plain. She smiled at Claire as she ordered a big meal. She reminded Cas a lot of Dean in that regard.
Claire ordered the largest burger she could find, extra fries, and a milkshake. It wasn't exactly her dime, after all, and hunting generally kept her pretty fit; no sense in not living it up for whatever time she had left.

"So," she said with her mouth full, "do we just go from gas station to gas station looking for him? Do you even know what he looks like? Or will you just know him when you see him?"
"I don't know what he looks like, but, while the grace here is...unfamiliar, my grace to him should be very familiar. I think if we drive around, he way sense me. Honestly Claire, no one has ever searched for a Nephilim before, and no one knows quite what they are. They are, increadibly rare." She sighed. "So driving around may just be the best bet.."

Cas sighed. "I wish I could be more helpful then that, but I just can't be. I am sorry."

She took a spoonful of her mashed potatoes and looked out the window. "It's not like he's going to sense me and just show up."

Just then the door of the resturant opened and in walked an attractive boy, golden hair, blue eyes and a happy smile on his face.
Claire shrugged when Cas apologized. "Not your fault," she assured her. "It's not like I'm any more helpful. But it's just...what if he doesn't want to see you? Or is afraid of me? I mean, he left for a reason, right?" She briefly noticed the cute guy who had just walked in, but ignored him. Claire was interested in men, of course, and while she wasn't exactly the dating type she'd had her fair share of "boyfriends." But all-american boys-next-door weren't her type, and that was definitely what he looked like.

"We'll find him," she assured Cas.
The boy who had just walked in came right to their table and stopped. He looked at Cas and smiled. "Father." He said.

Cas looked up at him, her grace flared. She smiled. "Jack?"

He smiled and sat down next to her on the bench. "I sensed you, I could feel your grace. I...I am so glad you are here. Did Dean like the vessel I put you in?"

"What the actual fuck..." Claire said looked across the table at them. "This...this is Jack? That was it.. like.. no driving around, nothing?"

Cas laughed. "Could you sense my grace?"

Jack nodded. "I could, It was warm and happy. It called to me. "He turned to Claire. "Your Claire, It is very nice to meet you, I am Jack." He turned his attention back to Cas. "Dean doesn't like me very much, I made him mad. But I tried father, I did,and your here."

Cas smiled. "I am, but maybe just call me Cas." She smiled at him. "And Dean will come around."

"Whoa hold up a second." Claire threw up her hands. "What the actual...why is this even a thing? How is this...You've been gone for weeks kid,and now, on a whim you show up in a town?" She bristled a little, she was beginning to understand why Dean didn't like him. "And then find us? Seems fishy to me."
"I don't understand," Jack said with a frown. "I don't have any fish. I can get some for you, if you like?"

Claire rolled her eyes. "Okay, so he's definitely part-angel," she admitted. "So what gives? Why did you suddenly decide to just show up? Just because Cas is here?" He seemed friendlier than most other angels, and that must have been the human part of him. But she still didn't trust him and was beginning to slide to Team Dean. If angels couldn't be trusted, neither could nephilim, and especially not the son of Satan.
"I knew eventually Cas would come and look for me. I just happen to have found this town, I guess, I hoped that it would be Dean and Cas who came and got me." He looked at Claire. "I suppose you are an acceptable replacement."

Cas chewed at her lip. "Jack, Claire is just as capable of a hunter as Dean is." She smiled a little. "She was the one who brought me here to find you."

Jack looked at her and smiled. "Thank you for bringing her to me. I appreciate it."

"Okay but why did you leave?" Claire asked.

"Dean, he...He doesn't like me and when I brought Cas back, I knew they would need time together, and I thought if I left, he'd like me better. I just, I wanted him to be happy and I knew would make him happy." Jack replied. "But now, I can go home with you and learn how to be a hunter."
An acceptable replacement! Claire scoffed. This kid wasn't doing himself any favors. When Jack declared that he, too, was going to be a hunter she arched an eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest. What the actual hell was this kid's deal?

"Yeah I don't think that's gonna be happening, Jack," she informed him bluntly.

He frowned a pouty sort of frown. It was like every part of him was intentionally designed to be endearing, and Claire automatically hated him for it. "Why not?"

"You've got all of Heaven and Hell on your ass, that's why not," she said. "You're not a hunter, Jack. You're a weapon."
Jack pulled a face. "I don't want to be a weapon. I want to be good. I...I am good." Jack insisted. His eyes began to glow golden.

Cas lay her hand on his. "Don't worry, no one is going to be doing anything with you. You are good, and when we get you home to the bunker, we will get you settled in and safe. It is just not safe for you to be out here in the open Jack. We will figure this all out, but now, you are here with me and you are safe."

Claire frowned a little. "Cas, don't promise him something you can't deliver on."

She looked at him. "Don't make him feel unsafe and he run again." She looked at him. "I want you to stay with me Jack, promise me you will."

Jack looked at her and nodded. "Of course. I do like Sam."
Claire rolled her eyes when Cas demanded she not make him feel unsafe again. "I'm just trying to be realistic," she argued. "Obviously he'll be safe in the bunker, but where do we go from there? Hm? He's gotta leave sometime, he can't just live the rest of eternity in there."

She knew that the boys were looking for a way to save their mom, and that Jack was that way. But they wouldn't be able to accomplish much if they weren't willing to be honest with the kid.
"I can keep hiding. I know I can. I can make it so we are all safe. I can protect us all." He said quietly to Cas. He looked at Claire. "I can keep us all safe."

Cas smiled a little at him. It was that smile of, Oh my sweet baby, you are so innocent...There is so much you don't know but I am going to protect you as long as I can. She looked at Claire, and gave her sad smile that conveyed so much. The vessel may have been new, but the angel inside was tired, and battle worn.

"Look, let's go rest tonight, tomorrow we will clear out that nest of vamps and then we will go back to the bunker, a win for the boy would be good. "Cas said. "And Claire you get to kill's really a win win for all of us."

Claire frowned a little. "I do like to kill things, but this doesn't change how I feel."

Cas nodded. "I know..."
Claire exchanged looks with Cas and rolled her eyes. Sweet summer child, she thought with some condescension. She paid for the meal and led the way out of the diner, back to her beat-up old Pontiac. Jack was relegated to the back, but in the seat behind Cas so that Claire could keep an eye on him as she drove.

In the motel there was a bit of a bedding situation. She looked around nervously, wondering whether nephilim, like angels, didn't need to sleep. "So can take the couch, I guess," she suggested lamely, pulling off her shoes and shedding her outerwear before snuggling down for the night. "We didn't really count on finding you so soon."
Jack nodded. "I don't need much sleep."

Cas looked at him. "I don't sleep at all. You two rest, I will go alert Dean and Sam." She smiled. "Then I will watch over you."

Cas went outside and sat on a bench. She thought about what Claire has said, as she pulled out her phone to text Dean. She wasn't all that far off. Jack would be hunted, by both heaven and hell, a handful of hunters, and a tired angel could not get them to safety if She needed too. She looked down at her phone and texted Dean.

C:We found Jack. Or more, he found us.
C:Claire is like you, she isn't sure what to feel about him.
It was late when Cas texted again. Dean looked at his phone and scoffed. Had she really expected anything less?

D: yea well being the son of satan will do that to you. that was quick tho
D: hunkering down for the nite?
Cas smiled and sighed, all at the same time. She looked at her phone, and then replied.

C:Not everyone is is inherently like their parents Dean. You and Sam are not like John
C:He has a desire to be good.

She hit send and rubbed her face a little.
C: We are hunkering down and then tomorrow we are going to the next town over.
C: There is a nest of vampires.
It was a long few minutes before the text came back from Dean.

D: he was a good man

John Winchester had been complicated, as had Dean's relationship with him. His parenting hadn't exactly been A+, but Azazel had admitted that he'd thought it was going to be John who broke the first seal, not Dean himself. John had been a righteous man, and a good man who had saved a lot of people in his quest for vengeance against his wife's killer, even if he'd been a shitty dad. At least, this was what Dean had convinced himself. Even all these years after his death, Dean felt the obligation to defend him. The next text came five minutes later.

D: be careful dont get bit. or killed
D: come home soon. i miss you
She looked at the messages. She smiled a little.

C: I miss you too...I love you.

She went back in to the hotel room. Claire and Jack were arguing. "I am still trying to go to sleep but your humming is driving me crazy." Claire warned. "I will kill you, Nephilim or not, I will kill you dead in your sleep. Shut up."

Jack looked hurt. "Humming helps me."

"The theme to Naturo helps you fall asleep?"

"It is a very catchy tune. Do you like Anime?" He asked.

Claire growled in frustration. "Wheather or not I like anime is a moot point. GO TO SLEEP!" She tossed a pillow at him.

Cas smiled. "You both need to sleep tomorrow is going to be a long day and I would like to very much get this all done so that I can get home to Dean. Now..." She went over and touched Jack's forehead and he was asleep, an then went to Claire, "Do you need a little help or will the silence help you sleep?"
"Touch me and I'll kill you too," Claire warned when Castiel threatened--offered, she supposed, but it felt like a threat--to put her to sleep the way she had Jack. In a huff she flopped back down onto the mattress and slid her arms beneath the pillow. In the silence it was much easier to fall asleep.


Dean looked at his phone for a long time. I love you. it said. No matter how long he stared at it, it refused to say anything else. Did he love Castiel? He'd certainly wanted him...her...for a long time, though he was just now recognizing that. But was love the right word? He felt a deep affection, definitely...but love? Finally he sighed and typed in the only message he could think to send. When in doubt, Swayze it.

D: ditto
She felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She took it out and smiled a little. She quietly sat in the corner of the room and soon both of them were asleep. She watched thm and sent them both good dreams. It was one of the skills she had come back with. She ran her handover her face, the quicker they could get back to the bunker the quicker she could get back to Dean.

The next morning both of the kids woke, Cas was reading the Bible that was in the table, frowning as she did. "This is the worst version of my fathers word I have ever seen." She looked at them and smiled. "Are you both slept out? We have a lot to do."

Claire frowned a little. "You are the worst. I need a shower."

Jack watched her go, his eyes never leaving her until the door was shut. "She is lovely." He said quietly.

Cas smiled. "She is."
Claire took a long time in the shower. Part of it was out of spite, to ensure that Jack--if nephilim needed to shower--didn't get what little hot water there was. The other reason was to slowly wake herself up, and she enjoyed standing under the warm water even once she was clean. Once she was finally out, she wrapped her hair up in one towel and wrapped another around her chest to go out to grab clothes from her duffel.

"What?" she demanded of Jack, creeped out by his staring at her. She pulled a face at him before grabbing up her clothes and disappearing back into the bathroom to dress.

Half an hour later, dressed and with clean hair and fresh makeup, she was ready to go. "So these vamps are out on the edge of town," she informed the other two, scrolling through the notes on her phone. "I figure it'll be an easy job, especially if we head out right after breakfast."
"Jack, don't stare at girls... it makes them uncomfortable." Cas smiled a little.

Jack looked at Cas. He blushed. "Oh....ohh..." He said and dropped his eyes. He looked sheepishly at Cas.

Cas smiled a little. "She will, eventually, come around and work out that you fancy here, just don't be pushy, and it will happen in it's own time."

Jack nodded. "Yes, okay." He replied.
Cas nodded a little. "I think that is a good plan. I will go in first and scope them out, you know invisible when I need to be. I got that power back." She grinned a little. "Do you know how many individuals in the nest?"

Claire looked at her and shrugged. "Last bit of intel I got was that there were at least five, but there have been a few girls missing from a couple of towns over, so I am not sure if they are creating new baby vamps or if they are just sickos and like young girls."

Jack looked at Cas, then Claire and then back to Cas again. "Why would they want to eat only the young?"

Cas shrugged. "Because often times this vampires were turned in an age where they view women as property."

Jack looked at her, and then frowned. "But women are amazing. If it wasn't for a woman, none of us would be here."

Claire rolled her eyes. "oh my god, is this kid even real?"
Claire rolled her eyes at Jack. "Oh my God, is this kid even real?" she demanded. "Wait til we teach you all about sexism and the patriarchy, kid. It's gonna be fun. You'll learn just how much trash humans can be sometimes."

Over breakfast they went over the plan. They'd burst in, guns blazing, and decapitate any of the blood suckers who were home. Then they'd stake out the nest to pick off any stragglers as they came home. Once they were sure the nest was cleared, or at least that the others had scattered, they'd head back to Kansas.
Cas smiled, she could feel the weight of her angel blade as it sat on her arm, she smiled a little. "I didn't think I'd get to use my blade so quickly. I am more then excited about it." She stated. She grinned at Claire. "I do love to hunt, the foul of the earth."

The waited about another thrity minutes until the sun was fully up. They went to the house and Cas got herself in. She stalked around, and found that everyone was there, and that they had in fact made the girls into new vampires. She sighed, and flicked out her angel blade, going to handle the youngest quietly and first. She texted Claire when she was done, and soon Jack and her were in the room,and it turned into a blood bath.

It felt good to Cas to be able to lash out and kill something. The vessel moved differnently, giving her an easier lighter frame to fight with. Can was pleased with how this had turned out. Jimmy had been great as far as vessels go, but this one was smaller and lighter. As someone who had led a garrison, Castiel knew that this was an up grade. When they finished, the three of them stood there panting. Cas looked at Jack and Claire, she smiled. "That was a good fight. I had missed that. Tahnk you Claire. It felt nice to be able to do it."

Jack was a little in awe of Cas, covered in blood, with it dripping from the tip of the angel blade. " are a very good fighter." He said. He had managed to finally hack one vampire today and had kept his own powers under wraps.

Cas smiled a little at him. "Garrison commander. i didn't get thEre because of who I knew."
Claire wasn't super keen on babysitting, but finally she got the signal from Cas and moved in with Jack with a whispered reminder to chop off their heads. The hunt was...pure, for Claire. She enjoyed destroying the sorts of monsters who tore apart families and murdered innocents, avenging families and saving future victims. As her machete sliced easily through bone and sinew, arterial blood spurting everywhere including her face and clothes, she felt a sort of zen-like calm wash over her. This was what she was meant to do.

In the end they were all left standing in a room full of corpses, panting and filthy. She smirked then rolled her eyes as Castiel humble-bragged about her fighting skills. "Most people say thank you," she informed her teasingly. "So if you're done measuring it, let's torch this place and scram before someone finds it." It was a remote location, but they hadn't checked for bystanders and it would be just their luck that someone would be in the woods or something and hear the fighting.
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