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Green-Eyed Whiskey and Blue-Eyed Angel (Cinderella1181 and Mim}

When Jack admitted that he would have had a black eye Dean smiled. "Alright! Kid's first fight!" It was a milestone in every young man's life, after all. But when Cas claimed it would have saved him pain to leave her in the empty he shook his head. "Cas, I...I missed you, man. I'm glad you're back. Claire can get used to it, or she can piss off; ain't nobody makin' her stay here."
She looked at him sadly. "I just feel like, this...well would be better if I wasn't around."

Jack looked at her. "It wouldn't. We need you. With you our family is whole."

She smiled, leaning down and kissing the boy's forehead. She smiled a little. "Thank you son." She said.

She walked over closer to Dean. "I think, Jack and I need to be...long gone before Claire wakes up." She chewed at her lip opening staring at him. "And I think we, have plans...right?"
Dean raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Well, do we have plans or do you and Jack need to leave?" He was pretty certain he knew what her choice would be, but if she felt the need to be out of Claire's sight he wasn't going to get in the way of conflict avoidance. "We can set her back on the road in the morning. I'm sure Jodie's probably worried sick."
She moved in close to him. "Go in your room little boy and watch Netflix. Don't leave until Sam, or Dean or I let you know it's safe okay?" She smiled, touching his face with an affection she didn't know that she had. She turned to Dean. "I believe you and I had planned to shower and then engage in sex."

Sam made a choking noise behind her and looked like he was going to throw up. "Oh god. I don't...there is not enough brain bleach in the world to make image go away. Really Cas..."

She smiled a little. "Turn your music up, it's been days since we saw each other." She wrapped her arm around Dean's waist and smiled. "You ready to go and hide away?"
Dean rolled his eyes at Sam's reaction. "Get used to it, Sammy. Why don't you uh...hit the books or something?" He grinned over his shoulder as he pressed a hand against the small of Cas's back and guided her toward the bathroom.

"Sure you want a smelly grease monkey pawing all over you?" he teased as he turned on the water and shucked off his coveralls and boxers before stepping into the shower. "I mean, you're awfully clean still..." He grinned when she stepped in after him and put his hands on her waist, pulling her against him. "Wouldn't wanna defeat the purpose of a shower, after all..."
She wrapped her arm around his neck. "I can't imagine you not pawing at me." She leaned in and kissed him. "Did I do the right thing Dean? With Claire and Jack?" She sighed. Her hand ran up into his hair. "This transition has been a great deal harder then I expected and even now, it continues to be hard." Cas placed her other hand on the center of Dean's chest and looked at him. "Honestly, would I have been better off just staying gone?"

She felt the muscles in his chest tighten and his heart beat pick up. She looked at him, in his beautiful green eyes. "I was okay with dying you know. I was saving you, and you were the very last thing that I got to see. That was perfect. Just getting to see you one last time was all I needed." She leaned kissing his lips softly. "Even now I would die again protecting you."
Dean frowned when she asked whether she had done the right thing by not staying gone and with Claire and Jack. "Look," Dean said seriously, putting his hands on her hips and holding her firmly. "You can go ahead and die again protecting me, we're just gonna find a way to bring you back again. Nobody is better off with you gone, you hear that Cas? No one. You take all the time you need to get used to this body, to this transition, but don't ever think that anyone--especially me--is better off without you. We're not, okay?"

Cas had always had self-esteem issues. Dean knew that. And it had always broken his heart to see him value himself so low. And now with Claire upset with her new form that was just another self-worth issue to heap upon all the others. Dean leaned in and gently kissed her forehead, pouring in all the love he could into that kiss. It wasn't particularly sexy, but it was still incredibly intimate.
She leaned into him and closed her eyes. She smiled a little. "Thank you Dean." She said quietly. She wasn't even sure he could hear it over the roar of the shower, but the words came out. She shifted away a little and looked up at him. "Being in this a lot easier to say things to you. She allows me to" She grinned at him. She smiled. "I am glad that I am able to say things now I was never able to say before."

She moved away from him a little and picked up the body wash. "And she defiantly makes me bolder to do things I've never done before either." She picked up the loafa as well and put the body wash on it. She got it all lathered up and ran it across his chest. She smiled and then pushed it down the plane of his stomach. She ran it back up and down his arm. "You are my very favorite person to look at. Did you know that? I enjoy very much the way your green eyes look in all the different kinds of lights, and how when you think about my breasts your pupils dilate." She smiled. "I like the way you smile at a burger just before you take a bite...I like the way your kisses taste."
As she leaned into his chest Dean kissed her forehead, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Well I'm glad you can say them too," he said warmly, resting his chin on the top of her head.

She picked up the body wash--Sam's fancy shit, since all Dean needed was a good ol' bar of Irish Spring--and lathered it all over his body. He grinned as she washed him and told him all the things she liked about him. It was nice, this openness between them. Weird, but nice.

"I like looking at you, too," he returned, unsure of what else to say. He'd never been terribly good at romance. "I like the smile you get when things work out unexpectedly well, and how hard you try at everything you do. I also like thinking about your breasts, of course," he added with a chuckle, pulling her against him again and getting her body soapy as well. "They're nice breasts."
She smiled a little and kissed him. "They are, even I can say that. " She moved again and turned him around. She took the loofa over themuscles of his back and down over his backside. Her other hand running over it. "That very much is an ass that could go on a sculpture, you know that right? As some one who spent a lot of years watching the great renaissance sculptors, hone their craft, that is an ass that is enviable." She ran her hand over the other side, soaping it up. "And these broad sculpted shoulders." She placed a kiss on his scapula. "And the base of this neck." She stood on her tippy toes and ghosted her lips over it.

She brought the scrubby back around his waist and over his hip and down to the organ that was between his legs. "But this...this would have caused them all great envy. This is a marvel." She let her hand and the soap slide over the length of him. She gave the base a firm squeeze.
Dean laughed when Cas waxed poetic about his ass, comparing it to the works of the Renaissance masters. He didn't know much about art, really, but at one of his ten schools his eighth grade year they had gone to a fine arts museum and he remembered seeing a bunch of statues of stacked dudes carved in marble. He'd made a joke at the time about that being a lot of dedication to being gay, but the compliment now was not lost on him. He shivered at the kisses on his shoulders and his neck, biting his lip as the tingle ran from the places she kissed down to his groin and raised goosebumps on his arms.

"Glad to see all that work didn't go to waste," he joked, unsure how else to respond. He had spent much of his time in one night stands and brief, two-week relationships which were comprised mostly of drinking and sex; he wasn't actually entirely sure how to woo a girl long term, or to respond to sexually aggressive women. But then she wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft and he had to throw a hand out to brace himself against the wall of the shower.

"Oh God Cas..." he groaned as she squeezed it and ran her hand along his length. "Fuck..."
She slowly stroked her hand up and down his length, feeling him respond to her ministrations. She kissed his back and smiled a little. "Yes they would marvel at this.You are hands down a near perfect specimen of humans. I know... I have seen a lot over the years" She giggled. "Do you think I will ever get tired of you?" She said almost breathlessly aginst his back.

Cas liked this new aspect. She liked the way that she felt when she touched him, she liked the way his body reacted to her. She like the way hers reacted to seeing him. All of the years of pent up need bubbled just under the surface and she was more then willing to let it. She moved around him, twisting her wrist so she was standing in front of him stroking him slowly. She stood up on her toes and kissed him, her hand dropping the loofa and wound her hand into his hair pressing him close to her.
"Not...not if I don't get tired of you..." Dean gasped, having difficulty concentrating on making human-sounding words. He sort-of regretted agreeing to shower sex now, since it meant he didn't have anything to grip and her attentions made him a little lightheaded.

Then Cas was in front of him, stroking him and pressing against him, kissing him. It was like something out of a dream, but this he knew how to handle. Dean groaned and wrapped his arm around her, bracing one hand against the wall and pinning her against it with his body. The water beat down on his back, washing the soap into the drain, the loofah forgotten at the bottom of the tub. The hand at her waist slid down and squeezed her ass gently and he grinned against her lips.

"God I love this," he groaned, pressing his body against her and sliding his shaft against her slit. "I want you so damn bad, Cas..."
She moaned into the kiss and looked at him. "I am all yours. You only need give me that lopsided Winchester grin and I am done for." She said quietly,bringing her leg up his and over his hip." She gasped when the very tip of him slid further into her wetness. She had been practically drenched since she had sat on him in the garage, and his ragged breathing and kisses were not helping that situation any.

"I missed you Dean. I like being close to you. You are...well home." She said quietly."I am all yours. forever. I am yours." She arched her back, pressing her nipples into his chest. "Always yours."
Dean grinned, mostly involuntarily, when she mentioned that his smile was lopsided. When she brought her leg up over his hip he inhaled sharply, his head pressing against her wet entrance. Dean's hands slid down Cas's body, both hands gripping her ass and picking her up so she could wrap both legs around him as he slid into her, moaning her name as he entered her.

"Castiel..." Overwhelmed with emotion, he had to take a few seconds before sliding his thick shaft out then pumping back into her. His lips adventured down her neck, across her shoulder, down her breast to take a nipple between his lips. "God I want you Cas...But you've got a lot to learn, little miss." He looked up from her breasts and grinned wickedly. "You're lucky we're in the shower," he thrust into her particularly hard before continuing his steady pace, "where I might slip, or I'd punish you for blueballing me in the garage there." Playfully he pinched her ass as he thrust into her, reveling in the feeling of his angel around him.
She moaned as he thrust into her. She pressed her hand on his chest to give herself leverage as she was wedged between the wall and him. The pinch made her hiss and she flashed her blue eyes at him. "You shouldn't have rolled yourself back under the car." She purred. "You can punish me the right way later." She grinned at him. She felt every single inch of him.

She was sure she could get used to this. She knew he felt like he was going to slip, but she wondered if the more they were separated, if the better the joining of the two of them would be. She had seen in movies that the longer two people were apart the better their reunion was. She grinned. "If this is what I am going to come home too every time I am away from any time, I will leave a lot more often in the future and for longer periods of time." She gasped as she felt his hips cant a little different to keep his footing. "I think I like shower sex as well. You are also very good at this."
"Oh so it's my fault is it?" he purred, leaning in to nip at her neck. "So I guess victim blaming is what we do now, huh?" He chuckled low in his throat, his fingers pressing into her ass as he thrust into her. She threatened to go away more often and for longer periods of time and he shifted his hips punitively. "You better not," he growled before kissing her hard. She was talking too much.
She kissed him back with the same passion that he had captured her lips. This right here, this was what she had long dreamed of. The feeling of him all over her. She rode over single thrust he filled her with. Cas reached into his hair and tugged on it. Pulling his mouth back and exposing his throat. She latched on nipping and kissing and biting. "Oh..Dean..." She said.

She could feel the snake coil in her stomach. That snake of pleasure begin to wrap and coil. She tightened her legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper and let her head fall back. It landed on the tile wall with a resounding thud. "Son of a bitch..." She got out, her hand that had been giving her leverage around his neck reaching for the bump.
Goosebumps raised on his arms and the back of his neck when she moaned his name and he thrust harder, feeling himself starting to climb toward that precipice though he wasn't quite there yet. He grunted and groaned as she nipped at his neck and tightened her legs.

...Then she hit her head. Dean couldn't help but laugh when she swore and reached one hand up to touch the back of her head gingerly. "Are you okay?" he chuckled. "Do I need to kiss it better?"
She frowned at him. "I am fine. I am beginning to like shower sex even less." She said quietly, and then she did it. She pouted. She positively pouted, and it was so much Jimmy's pout, so much Cas shining through and so much Miriam all in the same moment. She frowned even more at the look on his face. "What are you grinning about, that hurt."
She pouted, and Dean couldn't help but smile wider. That pout was just so...Cas! "You," he admitted, leaning in and attempting to kiss the frown away. "You're adorable, even when you're hurt."
"I am a wavelength of celestial light, I am not sure that adorable is the word to best describe me." She half smiled and kissed him back. She moaned a little as he kept his hips moving. "Dean..." She purred. "You feel amazing. And for sure are making my head feel better." She grinned. She touched his face. "I am getting close."
"Adorable is exactly the word to describe you," Dean insisted with a grin. He grunted and groaned as he felt her inner walls squeeze him gently, his thrusts becoming faster, less steady and even. When she told him she was close he made a choked noise of arousal. "Me too baby," he moaned, dropping his face into her neck. His lips and teeth peppered her throat with attention as he pounded into her. "Oh God! Cum for me Cas!" he gasped against her skin.
She swore his voice dropped to a sub atomic level when he asked her to cum, it resonated in her body, and she felt every single vibration of it. She gripped his arm, and opened up the channel between them, and let her grace flow through her. She felt that tip over the precipice and that was it. She was crashing down around him. Pulse after pulse wave after wave. She could feel his soul react to the influx of her grace, it moved close to it, saddled up next to it and entwined in it. Their two very essences meeting and making the sensation of her orgasm even better.

She kissed him hard, pushing her tongue into his mouth and moaning as she did. She half broke the kiss and moaned deeply."De..dean..."
Cas pulsed around him, milking his cock for all she could as Dean came hard inside her. His back arched, his muscles clenched, as something otherworldly entwined with his soul. Instinctively he knew it was her. An animal sound tore from his throat even as she crushed a desperate kiss to his lips which he returned with gratitude. He was left gasping for air and shaking.

"Cas..." he breathed, bringing her with him as he slowly slid to the bottom of the tub. He didn't trust his legs to hold them up anymore. "Oh God Cas..."
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