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Green-Eyed Whiskey and Blue-Eyed Angel (Cinderella1181 and Mim}

"Nice try, asshole," Dean said, kicking his feet up on the coffee table and flipping open a skin mag he'd brought with him. "We cuffed your hands in front of you for a reason." If it really was Cas, then he--she'd--forgive him. She always had. And if it wasn't then he didn't mind being an ass to an angel. Cas knew very damn well exactly what he thought of angels who weren't him. Her.
She sighed. "Could you at least turn on Netflix for me. The new season of Orange is the new Black started streaming this week and since I have time, I can watch it, oh oh or better yet. Catch me up on Dr. Sexy." She said with a smile. "The new season had to have started already." She saw a little flicker of something in Deans eye. It had been one of their favorite things, he would record Dr. Sexy and then they would sit in his bed, a bowl of popcorn for Dean, and sugar cubes for Cas and they would watch. " Jodie has popcorn, and there are sugar cubes in the pantry for me." She cocked her head to the side. "We can at lease make this interesting for the next couple of hours."

He just grumbled. "Dean come on.. sexy cowboy boots."
Dean raised an eyebrow. "Orange is the New Black? Really??" He scoffed and shook his head. He remembered the few months Cas had spent in his room, binging on Netflix without sleeping, but he thought surely the angel would have had some discernment. But then she suggested Doctor Sexy, M.D. and he looked up, his resolve wavering. Then she mentioned sugar cubes and popcorn. That was a low blow, a really low blow.

"Fine," he finally conceded with a sigh, standing and going to the kitchen for popcorn and sugar cubes. While the popcorn was popping he folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the doorway, watching her carefully. He continued glancing over his shoulder as he dumped it in a bowl, put the sugar cubes in another bowl, and returned to set them on the coffee table. It took five minutes to figure out Jodie's remotes, but eventually he managed and put on Doctor Sexy.

"It's only coz I'm not caught up on the new season yet," Dean insisted, leaning back with his popcorn as the theme started.
She got up and moved to sit next to him on the couch, she took a sugar cube and popped it in her mouth and sat back, She let the sugar dissolve on her tongue, and smiled. She hated things with too many molecules, and while sugars was complex, she loved the simplicity of it. She was quiet as they watched the show, just occasionally leaning forward to get another cube. She couldn't have been more then 6 inches away from Dean on the couch, but it felt like there was the Grand Canyon between them.

Her grace ached. The proximity to the man she shared such a unique bond with, but unable to do anything about it made it practically scream. Before, if they were working a case, they were always touching, bumping into each other. But now, there was a wall and she was hating every single second of it. She sighed a little and just kept quietly watching the show. The first episode finished, she sat back and sighed. "That is not what I thought they were going to do with the helicopter crash at all. " She sighed. "Poor Dr. Ling."
"Nah, just watch," Dean said, taking up the remote to start the next episode, "they'll bring her husband back by the third episode, guarantee. They've gone through too much to just kill him off like that." Half of his popcorn was already gone, but he wasn't planning on getting up any time soon anyway. Not only did he have to keep an eye on the angel, but he was absorbed in the drama of the show. "I'll bet that's not Jade!" he said excitedly, pointing to the screen as the second episode opened with a loose end they'd left off last season. "I'll bet it's her evil twin Emerald."

He liked watching TV with her. It was the same sort of comfortable silence he'd sat in for hours with Cas--the real Cas. He wasn't entirely convinced that she was him, and he was trying to not be convinced. It was difficult, though. More than anything in the world Dean wanted Cas to be alive and well and sitting right next to him and, But the universe didn't just hand him good things like that with no strings attached. Dean didn't dare get his hopes up.
Cas smiled, she loved seeing him relax a little. She moved a little and sat closer to him. she let her arm brush over his knee when she reached to get another sugar cube. It felt nice, getting a chance to even just graze him. She sat back and put the cube in her mouth. She glanced over, and saw him watching her. She dropped her big blue eyes and looked at him from under her bangs. It made her blue eyes shine even more. "Your staring at me, and not in a I want to gut her's kind of nice." She replied quietly. She chewed her lip, which were only slightly less chapped then what Jimmy's had always been. "Can I...can I sit next to you."
Dean couldn't help but glance over at her when her arm brushed his knee. Even if she wasn't Cas, she was worth a second look anyway. That had been his endgame, after all, when he'd thought she was human. If it wasn't Cas then maybe he'd have a go anyway, depending on who she was. And if she was Cas...well...

No. He wasn't going to think about that. Not right now.

He only realized he was staring when she mentioned it and looked away quickly. "No you may not," he said firmly. "And I wasn't staring."
She settled back, and watched the show. They spent the next three hours, watching, they commented on the show to each other, but it was starting to get light our, Cas knew Sam would be up soon. She looked at Dean at the end of the episode. "In the event that you decide to keep up upright. My clothes in the bunker are not going to fit me, can we go pack me some things?" She managed to get her self stood up. She smiled a little at him.

He nodded simply and followed her up the stairs. She went into her room. "This would go easier if I was unlocked you know...I promise, not to do anything. Honestly Dean, I promise. You can even have the angel blade out." She said holding her hands out. "Please?"
Dean's eyes felt heavy and his face felt greasy from the lack of sleep, but the sun did eventually come up. There was shuffling upstairs and Cassie asked to go pack some clothes. Eyeing her suspiciously, he nodded and followed her upstairs.

"Hell no, sister," he grunted when she asked yet again to be uncuffed. "I watched Cas wear the same damn outfit every day for damn near ten years, even after being blown up and melted. I get that those clothes won't fit you, but you've already got one." He gestured to her current outfit. "And you're not doing yourself any favors with the constant bitching when Cas would know and understand that they're not. Coming. Off."
She rolled her eyes. "You'd never have had to put them on me in the first place. I swear Dean, sometimes you can be an ass." She shook her head and went over to where her little duffel bag that Jodie had bought her was. She set it up on the bed. "And I can tell you, this vessel is very different then the last one. I feel gross if I don't change regularly." She went and grabbed a few more pieces of clothes from the closet that only had like maybe five complete outfits in it anyway. "I can't just get up and go, there are hair things that need to be grabbed, and it's a whole lot more work being Cassie then it ever was being Jimmy. "

She continued to shove things in her bag, she was just angry now, ready to be back in the bunker and to be free. She hated this, hated when he got like this, she went over to the drawer that held her panties. She looked over her shoulder at him. "Close your eyes, I am getting my underwear." She said. She opened the drawer and pulled them out, and taking them over to set them in the bag. It was really just a handful of barely anything there scraps of fabric. Claire had introduced her to them and she found she liked them. She went to the bathroom and came back out with a blow dryer and curling iron. "Okay. I think that is all. I can tell you, this has not been an easy transition. Jimmy was easy. I just went, created my self something new, but this vessel, she is a lot harder upkeep. I suppose she would be easier if I had any sort of real power. " She picked up her bag.

She looked at him and sighed. "Lets just go. Get this show on the road. Did you touch anything in my room?Cause I know exactly what will prove I am me."
"Yeah well Cas would understand that we take precautions around here. And I've never known a single angel that has to do any of that girly grooming shit," Dean argued stubbornly. When he demanded he close his eyes he rolled his eyes. "Oh dear God no, because I've never seen women's underwear before," he snarked, less convinced by the minute that she was who she said. Still, that didn't keep him from peeking at the sort of underwear she packed. When she asked whether he'd touched anything in her room he shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. Guess we'll see if you notice anything out of place when we get there."

He wasn't going to tell her that he'd hugged Cas's trench coat to his chest and cried on his bed for nearly an hour. He wasn't going to admit that he'd gingerly looked through his room for mementos before deciding to keep everything exactly as he'd left it, save a carefully folded coat in the middle of the bed. Dean hadn't admitted any of that even to Sam.

It was a long, long drive back to Kansas. Still, it was good to be home. They kept Cassie cuffed the entire time, of course, with Dean resisting any requests that they take them off, and she remained cuffed as they brought her into the bunker. He gestured broadly down the hall.

"Well," he prompted, "go wild."
She went down the hall and into her room. She smiled. It was the same as she had left it. Minus her coat not being hung on the rack. She went over to the wall and pushed the little lever she had accidentally discovered one day and pulled out the cassette tape Dean at mad her "Zepp's greatest hits". Cas had tried to return it to him, and he had said that it was a gift and you don't return gifts. She went into her closet and pulled out the amulet, that had showed her father to them, she had tucked it in a hidden away corner and she went to the head of her bed,and underneath was the picture of Sam, Dean, himself as well as Bobby, Ellen and Jo. It was one of his favorite pictures, they had all looked so happy. She headed back down the hall to Dean and Sam.

She handed Dean the picture. "I keep this under the head of my bed, and on nights when I was meloncholy, I pull it out and remember the family we have, the love that is there and that there are people who died so we could survive." She handed him the amulet next. "My father gave this to me, after he revealed himself to you, before Lucifer took me over. He told me someday, when he and Amara return, i would be the first to know, so I could be the one to tell you, the righteous man. You will always have a job to do in heaven and on earth."

She looked at the tape in her hand. "You made this for me, when I first got the truck, and I listened to it for miles and miles. We argued, and I tried to return it to you." She could feel the pain of that cut into her. "You were so angry with me, so upset, but you held it out and told me that it was a gift, and that you don't return those."

She looked at them both. "You can ask me to go and find anything you'd like and I will get it. I know this place, the mere fact I am in here proves I am me. If I wasn't Castiel, the warding would never have let me in." Her blue eyes filled with tears. "Dean, Sam.. you know in your heart this is all true. You know I am me."
Dean watched as she moved around the room, then came back with a bunch of trinkets and explained them one by one. Feeling foolish, he rubbed his face and sighed. He'd just come back so...different!

"Cas..." he croaked, pulling the keys to the Enochian cuffs from his pocket and finally releasing her. "Buddy, I...I'm sorry. It's were gone gone. Permanently gone. I didn't want to get my hopes up."

Dean ran a hand through his hair and looked down at her. Jimmy had been shorter than him, but this chick was even shorter than Jimmy. He supposed he'd have to get used to that. " you have any idea how you came back?"
She shook her head. "I woke up in the empty. It was...different. There was a force there, and apparently, I can be quite pedantic when I am trying to get to you." She rubbed her wrists. "The next thing I know, I feel a pull, but a push as well, and I am waking up in a field." She went over to a table and sat down. "I wish I knew, and I wish I had come straight here, but it was confusing and hard." She looked up at him. "Breasts, I had breasts. Imagine my shock." She looked almost disgusted by the thought of having them.

She looked up at them, chewing her lip. "I am sorry I didn't come back like you would have expected. Why I got placed in this vessel, I don't think we will know until we find Jack."

Sam looked at her, and then to Dean. He smiled. "Oh, I think I know why you are in that vessel." He chuckled. He went over and leaned down hugging her tight. "I am glad you are home and here. I am going to go get in the shower. I'll leave you two."

Cas watched him go. She looked up at Dean and smiled a little. "I missed you."
Dean laughed at Cas's disgust at having breasts. "Well I mean they're nice breasts," he chuckled, attempting some comfort. When Sam declared he knew why she'd come back different Dean scowled. "What? Whadya mean?" he demanded. "Why'd she come back different? She's never come back different before!"

But Sam simply excused himself to the shower, leaving them alone. He'd never felt awkward being alone with Cas why was there suddenly tension?

"Yeah, I missed you too, Cas." Finally he leaned down and hugged her, giving her the same great bear hug he would have given male Cas. Well...not exactly the same... "God I've missed you!"
Cas moved so she was hugging him as well. Her arms wrapped around his neck, she was close enough now to take a deep breath in. He smelled familiar, like old spice, and the impala and just...him. She closed her eyes. "I missed you too Dean. You were all I could think about. I was so afraid to come and see you." She pulled away and looked into his green eyes. " But I am glad I am here now with you."

She leaned in and pressed her forehead to his and sighed. "I am sorry I am not what you expected me to be when I came back."
"Cas...never be afraid to find me," Dean murmured. "You'll always be family, and this will always be your home."

She apologized for not being what he'd expected and he shook his head. "It's just a lot to take in, that's all," he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. True he would have never done that to Jimmy's vessel, that was gay. But this wasn't Jimmy's vessel. "It's still you in there. That's what matters. I'm just sorry for being...y'know...overly-cautious."
She smiled a little. "It's fine, I would not have expected anything different." She looked at him. She sighed. "I am happy, to be home now, finally. I have missed the hum of the bunker, I have missed all of this. You both, everything, but we need to find Jack." She grinned. "Tomorrow. Today, I am going to go in my room, sit on my bed and watch tv." She touched his face. "Come with me. Please I want to be close to you, that is all I have wanted since I have come back.

She shifted to stand up, and he followed. There were a fraction of an inch away from each other, toe to toe. He looked down at her, and she smiled up at him. She rested her had on his arm and fed him grace. The connection between them deep and profound. "I am happy to be home." She said, barely above a whisper.
Come with me.

Although two days ago he wouldn't have admitted it, Dean had ached to hear those words from Cas for a very long time. Although admittedly he wanted to hear them in a different sort of context, something he was now more comfortable admitting to himself. He followed her back to her room, his heart pounding at her touch as she rested it on his arm. Although he couldn't quite tell what, there was something irrevocably different between them now, something he wasn't sure he minded at all.

"We're happy to have you home, man," Dean returned with a smile. "And we're not gonna let anything happen to you ever again."
They headed into her room. She took her trench coat from the bed and hung it up. She went over to the bag and pulled out a hair tie and pulled her hair up into a pony tale, and then kicked off her shoes. She went and sat on her bed, and sighed. She was home and Dean was in her room. She felt a zing go straight down her spine and to her groin. It wasn't the first time something like that had happened, but it was entirely different now. It was far more electric. She grinned a little and patted the bed next to her turning the tv on and settling back.

She watched him rake his hands in to his hair and then finally join her on the bed. Where the night before they had been a million miles apart, now they saw as close as they could, touching. She leaned a little of her weight into him. She smiled up at him and chewed her lip a little. "This is a lot better then last night. I like it when we are nearer to each other." She smiled. She blurted out, "I like when we touch." She felt the heat begin to rise in her cheeks and she looked away, back at the TV screen.
Dean slid onto the bed, settling in next to Cas and becoming far more aware of her presence next to him than he ever had been before. Not that he ever particularly hadn't noticed. Their shoulders were touching, as were their knees and shins as they sat together on the little full-sized bed. His heart skipped a beat when she blurted out that she liked it when they touched.

"Yeah," he said gruffly, feeling his own face turn a little pink, "me too." Dean was glad for the distraction when Dr. Sexy finally came on. It made it a lot easier to ignore how good her hair smelled.
They watched quietly, commenting here and there. At some point Dean's arm had gone around her and had shifted her so part of her back was on his chest and she was snuggled in to the crook of his arm. She smiled. This is how Dr. Sexy and Dr. Piccolo sit sometimes on the show. And then he kisses her, and they go to bed... She felt her heart sped up at the thought of Dean kissing her. Really kissing her. She had always imagined what it would be like before, but now...the vessels hormones coming into play, she really wanted to know.

She felt his hand brush over her arm, and the press of his nose into her hair. She moved her face and could see how close he was to her. She licked her lips a little and leaned up, placing a small hesitant kiss on his lips. Not knowing what to expect really next. It was one thing to kiss someone, it was another to kiss Dean Winchester. The righteous man, the man she was destined to watch and protect.
Dean wasn't entirely sure how they'd gotten into the position they were in. He'd never sat with Cas like this before, when she was a guy. He was distracted from the plot of the episode as she shifted and tilted her face. Hesitantly, a little afraid of what would happen, he tore his eyes away from the screen to meet her gaze. It was a different vessel, but looking up at him seemed to be those same blue eyes his angel had always had. His angel...

She kissed him hesitantly, and it was small at first. Dean blinked once. Twice. His arm tightened around her shoulders and he leaned down to kiss her more deeply. It was like a dam had broken somewhere inside him and all of these years of conflicting feelings were allowed out all at once. The hand on her arm slipped to her breast, gently squeezing it over her shirt, as he deepened the kiss. His tongue was almost shy at her lower lip, begging for entrance. Begging for acceptance.
Cas opening her mouth to him, letting him take control. His hand on her breast made her arch her back into it and moan a little. She turned a little and put her hand on his chest. She could feel the hard planes of his chest, the muscles that were tight. They kissed for what seemed like forever. She felt bold, by his affection. She pulled away and moved, so she was straddling his lap, her arms wrapping around his neck. She looked at him with lust blown eyes and dove back in kissing him. This was what she had wanted for so long. The feeling of him kissing her back, the feeling of him being close to her. She touched his bare skin and let her grace flow between them to heighten their bond.

She pulled away from the kiss and smiled at him. "Dean...tell me.. tell you want this."
Dean's neck and shoulders tingled where her hands touched his skin. An aching erection had already tightened his pants, but her straddling him made him throb in want. Cas begged him to tell her he wanted this and he groaned against her lips, nibbling at her bottom lip briefly.

"I've wanted this for years," he murmured against her lips. "Oh God Castiel..."

Carefully he wrapped one arm around her back to pin her to his body as he flipped them, lowering her gently to the bed. Dean's other hand strayed from her breast down her stomach, then to the waist of her jeans. Deftly he unbuttoned them and slid his fingers under the waistband of her silky panties as he traced his kisses down her throat.

"Tell me if you ever want me to slow down." His lips brushed against her skin just as the hand around her slid to her front to slide up her shirt. "I don't want to do anything you don't want me to." His fingers found her damp slit and parted it gently, rubbing her clit in slow circles, moaning against her breasts as he reveled in her reactions to his touch. "Castiel..."
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