To Find Peace (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

He ate very little considering all that had been cooked for them. He continued to hold coversation however, never wanting the room to fall into an awkward silence.
A month or so passed and Liona had grown more comfortable in the palace. She had a brand new wardrobe of fine dresses all with Camilla's beautiful stitching, new shoes and jewls; anything she wanted, Ares provided. Sometimes he would act a little odd, avoid her sometimes, but he would be right as rain by dinner.
She would be a bit strange as well, but again, she'd be good by dinner. She began exploring more, seeing more and more each time.
He nodded, "Of course..." He said and left her alone again. Why was this so hard? The other women he had here before fauned over the gifts he had given them, begged him to bed them and love them. Why not Liona?
She made a noise. She did love the gifts, but she knew if he found out she was infertile, things might be the same.
Perhaps she needed more time. Perhaps he was so desperate for a companion that he was trying to rush things still. Be patient, Ares, he told himself. She'll come around.
She eventually started coming around. In truth, after Ethan, she viewed all men with a certain level of fear. Ares made her feel safe, but there was still the reserved fear.
"Lady Liona.." One of the servants approached her in the garden, "Lord Ares is having a private ball for the palace tonight. He would be honored if you would attend."
She smiled and curtsied before scurrying off to help the other servants decorate. A private ball? Why though? Was there an occasion to celebrate?
When the time came, it was as beautiful as the very first night she attended. Although not as many guests, the servants were all dressed in their finest and having the time of their lives. At the top of the staircase stood Ares, overlooking the party. He was dressed in a purple hued velvet coat with a frilled black shirt and black trousers and cuffed boots. His hair was in a neat ponytail again, with his infamous white gloves. He never took them off, she realized.
Interesting. Why was that? She wondered. She moved onto the floor in the same dress she wore when they met.
He smiled when he saw her and moved to greet her, bowing politely, "Still as lovely as when I first saw you~"
He took jer hand and swept her into a dance, his eyes gentle as they've always been. "Please forgive me for being so forward with you, Liona...but each day, you grow more and more beautiful.."
"No, it's true.." He said, "Each time I gaze at you, I find it harder to look away. Being apart from you almost physically hurts. I won't lie and say I have not had lovers before...but none of them have made me feel as you do.."
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