To Find Peace (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

It was the same, though not as beautifully decorated as it was at the party. He lead her through the corridors, giving her a tour of the palace before taking her to her room. It was simple but beautiful. A space to call hers. "My room is just down the hall. If you ever need me at any time of night, please do not hesitate to knock on my door."
When dinner came around, she was invited to the dining room, where a massive feast was laid out. Various meats and fruits as well as potatoes and roasted roots were served. Ares smiled gently, "Help yourself. There's also wine, if you so wish. If I recall, you favored the white at the ball."
She nods. "Well.. I thank you.." she said as she ate. The days flew by, and she didn't really make any sort of progress. This was all so strange.
She made a noise as she sat and watched the town below. This was so strange for her. Like if she was tossed suddenly from the middle of a fire, right into a snowbank.
She seemed a bit startled. "Oh.. yes, I am.. I.. I'm.. not used to this treatment.. all of this.. happened so very quickly.."
"Perhaps I have been a bit rushed with my pampering.." He said with a a chuckle, "I could slow down...let you ease into it.."
"Oh.. thank you.. I.. I just need time.. this is.. sadly, this is.. very strange to me.." she said.
"I would imagine so.." He said gently. He wanted so badly to hold her, to make her worries and fears melt away. He looked her over slowly and covered his mouth, brows furrowed.
She looked out the window with a small sigh. He could see the bruises, even now. They were still a faint yellow.
He wasn't seen again until dinner. He was bright and smiling again then. He told her stories of his father and his heritage; how he came from a long line of nobles who came from over seas.
She was fascinated, if not a little overwhelmed. She had no such heritage. All she really had was.. well, Ethan. Her parents were long gone, and she was in this hamlet her whole life
"I hope you don't mind, I wanted to tell you earlier but you were still overwhelmed...I took the liberty of ordering some new dresses for you. I believe a seamstress, Camilla, already has your measurements? She was more the thrilled to make your new wardrobe.." He told her gently.
"I.. oh, Ares.. I.. I'm unsure what to say.. I.. may I ask.. why you are being so kind...? I.. I am not upset, I am unsure how to express my gratitude.. but.. I simply wonder why..?" She asked.
She blushes a bit and nods. "I see.. thank you.. I.. I suppose I've.. been so used to.. well.." she rubbed her arm.
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