Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

When she actually came out of her room, Kojurou made a point to keep her as comfortable as possible. He didn't want her refusing her pills again, and when her night terrors and hallucinations were at their worst, he was always there to comfort her. It would only continue until she didn't need to rely on her medication anymore.
Minehime’s own recovery went by very quickly, and she was actually walking on her own again. The doctors said it had to do with genetics as well as her powers as a Deviant, but regardless, her tongue didn’t grow back.
Hidemune was still a bit touchy when people approached him, easily angered and annoyed. He kept by Minehime like a shadow, protecting her and watching over her.
Minehime didn’t seem to mind Hidemune at all, in fact, she seemed to be enjoying him being around her more often. She played games with him and even had him read books to her as she tried following along, still learning to read some of the harder words.
Minehime’s cheeks were flushed red with happiness as he nearly squished her in a hug, smiling brightly. She didn’t seem too upset over what happened with Goto, or losing her tongue.
The door opened and Hidemune's hug went from affectionate to protective in half a second. One of the girls came in with lunch and he relaxed a little.
"I hope you both are hungry." She smiled brightly. Hidemune nodded, giving an uncomfortable smile.
"Thank you, we appreciate it."
Minehime squirmed out of Hidemune’s grasp, running over and taking the meal excitedly. Her taste was decreased from her lack of tongue, but she could still taste most salty and sour things. It didn’t stop her from eating her pudding cup first however, always wolfing it down first.
Hidemune smiled and moved to sit with her, eating the katsudon first as he plucked the pickled plum from his onigiri and holding it out to Minehime.
Minehime smiled and moved over to him, leaning closer to take the pickled plum from his chopsticks, and for a brief moment, he saw the healing stump of her missing tongue. She ate the food with little trouble, and even pushed her vegetables into Hidemune’s bento.
He felt a small spark of rage in his chest at the sight of her incurable wound but forced it down as he ate quietly with her, taking the vegetables she gave him and returning the favor by giving her his pudding. He would make Goto pay for what he had Minehime do. Even if he had to hunt him down for the rest of his life.
Minehime finished her food and moved to her pudding cup, finishing it off in no time. After lunch, Minehime picked out another book, always enjoying watching Hidemune read.
He read to her all day until she grew bored with it and wanted something else to occupy her time. He liked being with Minehime more than he liked actually doing the house work he was assigned, at least ever since they came back from Goto. He didn't like being around everyone else, especially Masamune.
A knock would come at their door early in the evening, Minehime too busy with her coloring books to notice.
There was silence for a moment before another knock, showing that whoever it was, wasn’t going away.
((oh is it Masamune?))

"Go away." Hidemune growled.
"Let me in, kid." Masamune said from the other side. Hidemune held Minehime protectively again.
"No. Go away."
Minehime looked confused when she was hugged tightly, looking to Hidemune in confusion. She set her crayons down and looked to the door, was someone there?
The door was forced open and Hidemune suddenly had Minehime in a far corner away from Masamune. The One Eyed Dragon looked to Minehime and tapped his lips to show her that she needed to watch.
"You're going to go on a raid with us."
"She's not going anywhere!" Hidemune snarled.
Minehime tilted her head, looking at Masamune with a questioning gaze. “Ah... ha..!” She looked to Hidemune, unable to ask any questions or voice her opinion.
Minehime’s face fell, and she looked a bit scared, but she nodded anyway. “Hai..” There were very few words she could speak now, but yes was one of them. She looked to Masamune and nodded, agreeing to go with him to help him.
"Cool. We'll get you fitted for a-" Masamune was cut off when Hidemune suddenly launched at him, punching him hard in the mouth amd sending him flying backward.
"Hitto!!" The gang yelled and rushed to Masamune's side.
Minehime gasped and grabbed Hidemune’s shirt to stop him from going after Masamune again. “Ah! Ah!” She looked scared, looking up at him with wide eyes.
Hidemune picked her up and held her tight, "No one is gonna make you do anything."
"You selfish test tube project." Masamune snarled, marching back to the room. Hidemune glared and his throat started to glow dimly as he prepared to breathe fire. Masamune smirked sinisterly, "Fucking do it." He challenged.
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