Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin sat in silence as she slowly struggled to cut the chicken on her plate. Kojurou heard her knife slip off her plate and clatter onto the floor. He heard a soft curse from Jin as she bent over to reach for her knife, but it was too far.
Jin said nothing, but her eyes were sad, taking the knife and continuing to try and cut the chicken before her. It took nearly an hour for her to eat, still not quite used to solid food, and her barely functioning hand didn’t help.
Kojurou did all he could for her, wanting to help her and support her as much as he could. But it would be even harder if she was refusing her medication.
It was evident that she had stopped her meds, vomiting daily, but she was still progressing nicely. Soon she would get her cast off and be able to start physical therapy on her leg. She started to withdraw from Kojurou, spending all of her time on physical therapy, even on her own inside her room. He could tell she was starting to slip, eating less and spending more time alone in her room.
One day she hadn’t left her room once, causing Kojurou some concern.
He knocked on her door gently, tired and distressed that she would shut herself away from him. "Jin?" He called, "May I come in? I thought that maybe since you were recovering rather well I would bring you some daifuku...there's strawberry filling and apricot, I didn't know which you would prefer..."
There was no answer, but he could hear movement inside the room; the clicking of metal on metal, then the clinking of a bottle.
Inside the room, Jin was at the desk, two empty bottles of sake on one side, and on the other, a half empty bottle of sake. She was working on something else however, and soon Kojurou could smell the strong scent of gun cleaner.
“I’m fine, I just don’t feel like being babied today..” She slurred, continuing her work on putting her gun back together.
She hadn’t even bothered to use the glass she had grabbed with the bottles, drinking straight from the bottle of Sake. “No, no...” She didn’t take her eye off her work as she oiled the gun, her injured hand shaking violently as she forced it to function. “Shitfaced is a far better term...” Kojurou didn’t even know where she had gotten the gun, since she didn’t have a gun in her belongings when she came in, and he certainly didn’t give her one.
"Where did you get the bottles? And the gun?" He demanded. He was furious, how could he not be? Not only did she refuse to see him but she was slobbering drunk and cleaning a weapon with shaking hands.
“There’s a bar downstairs, I fig...” She almost seemed like she blacked out for a moment, then continued cleaning her gun. “Figured that storage for said bar was somewhere..” She nearly let the gun slip from her hands before she got it back together, then reached for the full clip. “As for the gun, I just took it off of one of your men..” She still wasn’t taking her pain killers, body shaking from pain, which was numbed from the alcohol. “I guess it’s the closest I’ll ever be to being an arms dealer again, huh?” She slammed the clip into the gun and struggled pulling back the slide. “The chances of me walking again are just as low, and my hand will never function properly.” Now she had a bullet loaded in the chamber, reaching for the bottle of Sake.
He took the gun away quickly and smacked the bottle to the ground, "Are you fucking insane?!" He snapped, "Is this how you want to continue your days?! In a drunken stupor until your idiocy kills you?!"
She merely watched the bottle shatter as it hit the floor, lips parted just slightly. “You should’ve just let him fuck me with the knife.” She said quietly. In the low lamp light at the desk he could hardly see her tears again. “I killed our child.”
"He killed our child. Not you. He was so petty about having to "share" you that he took it out on an innocent. How dare you say such things to me. Allow him to cause you deeper humiliation, to maim you and break you beyond repair. Are you stupid or just selfish?" He growled.
“So even you find me as a broken toy.” She said softly, unable to bring her gaze up from his shoes. “I wasn’t able to bring him into this world, I couldn’t protect him... and I never got the chance to see his face.” She was rambling now, probably close to blacking out right there. “I thought of a name for him though... Thinking was something I was really only able to do while he used me to give him an heir.” Her tears fell quickly now. “Shigenaga.”
"Jin." He turned her gently and grabbed her shoulders firmly, "You are not a broken toy. You are a very strong woman. You were taken advantage of and our son was robbed from us. You refusing your medication and self medicating with alcohol only proves what Matsunaga wanted you to believe; that you are worthless and no one will ever want you. And that is far from the truth. You mean the world to me amd seeing you like this tears me apart."
“Gomenasai... Gomenasai..” She started to cry more, curling into herself in her wheelchair as her sobs wracked her body. “I don’t want to live anymore..!” She wasn’t even coherent anymore, Kojurou barely able to understand her through her slurring as she wept, not able to properly mourn the loss of her child.
He frowned and tried to soothe her, "But I want you to live...when I thought you died, I couldn't function...I was constantly fighting with the men and Masamune-sama...because I felt so empty without you. I hurt Megohime-dono in my grief. Please, don't make me go through that again...not after I have you back."
“But why..? I’m nothing, I have nothing..! I’m not the same person you met, I’m just not..!” She was finally processing everything she had been holding in, and it all came flooding out at once. “I can’t shoot a gun, I won’t be able to walk, I cannot even have another child..!”
"You'll be able to shoot and walk again in time. Your recovery isn't instant. And I was told you were only kept sterile, not made infertile. In time, that too will change. This mind set along with your ailments are all temporary..." He cupped her cheek gently and wiped her tears away, "You are still the woman I fell in love with...nothing and no one will change that..."
Jin continued to sob, but couldn’t stop her sobs quite yet. It was painful, everyday left her wanting to die, but she would continue to try.
Jin’s recovery was a struggle, she continued her pain killer regimen, bringing with it the night terrors and hallucinations. She still pushed through her physical therapy though, even starting to speak with a specialist outside of physical therapy. Soon she was out of her wheelchair and on crutches, but she was only able to be on her feet for brief periods at a time.
She continued to drink, but not in excess or out of pain, actually going outside of her bedroom and even out to Kojurou's garden.
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