Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Minehime frowned softly and gently put her hand over Hidemune’s mouth, stopping him from attacking Masamune. She shook her head, clearly worried. “Ah..”
She shook her head again, giving him a small smile to show she was ok. “Ah!” She leaned up and kissed his cheek, moving her hand away from his mouth.
His shoulders sagged and he frowned more, "Alright...but you better be safe. I don't want to see any bumps on you or a single hair out of place...promise?"
Minehime nodded and offered him a warm smile, then moved over to stand beside Masamune, looking at the floor.
Masamune exhaled, "Assuming there won't be any more out bursts, we'll get you fitted for a kevlar vest." He told her, "Protects you from bullets so you won't get hurt."
She knew the word vest and bullets, but not Kevlar. She nodded anyway, glancing back at Hidemune before following Masamune out of her room to get fitted.
Masamune brought her to the armory and opened up the shelf that had all the bests in it. "Let's see..." He muttered, "There's gotta be a small one around here somewhere...Kojurou usually keeps all my old stuff.."
Minehime looked over everything in the room; guns, knives, riot gear- he had it all. She looked over a few guns before picking up a helmet to a suit of riot gear.
Minehime heard a muffled noise in her left ear and looked to Masamune, blinking before setting the helmet down where she found it.
Minehime took the best and pulled it over her head like instructed, looking down at the bulky vest as she pulled the straps tight.
"Hey there we go, you figure stuff out fast.." He said before looking it over, "It does seem a bit big on you so I guess I can have you one commissioned."
She tilted her head at the word commission, but only stared at him. She wasn’t stupid, he knew this of course, simple naive and sheltered.
She nodded, then stuck her pinkie in her ear to itch it, not seeming bother much that he needed to explain things to her. What an odd child.
“Hai.” Minehime hurried after him, unsure of how she felt about going to a raid in the first time in over a year.
"Alright, shitheads, let's get going!" Masamune yelled and the gang jumped up and rushed to get ready. Masamune moved to Megohime and kissed her, "Don't have too much fun without me~"
“Then don’t take too long.” She said, turning away from him in a fake pout- well, mostly fake. She hated when Masamune went on raids and he knew that, but she was alway happy to see him when he got back.
"Promise. Two, three hours tops." He told her before heading back to change into his gear. When everyone got ready, they all loaded up into the cars and headed off. Masamune kept Minehime close, not wanting her to get scared.
Minehime watched as everyone prepared their weapons, mostly guns, and quite a few bats. “Ah!” She looked to Masamune, making a gun with her hand; what was she asking? Did she want a gun?
She pointed the finger gun at him and made a noise simulating a gun. “Pew.” Of course she probably didn’t know how to use a gun, with how Hidemune was acting, he probably didn’t even let her look at guns.
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