Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

He heard the bed creak, then felt arms around his neck, Megohime holding him gently from behind. “I’ll go.” She said softly.
"Thank you..." He muttered, "They'll be getting everything ready and then we'll go to the cemetery. I figured know she could be more apart of the gang, give her something to do since Hidemune is always babying her. I didn't think..." He stopped and closed his eye, "Damn..."
Megohime nodded, frowning softly and moving to stand in front of him, cupping his cheeks. “I know... You love your men... Youd never want anything like this to happen.” She said softly, resting her forehead against his.
"I don't want to say I'm glad it was only a couple because no one should have died..." He gripped her waist before wrapping his arms around her and holding her, "It's my fault, I'm such a fucking idiot..."
“Those kids have baggage, Masamune, we all do.” She pet his hair gently, holding him tightly. “It isn’t something that can be fixed over night, and it isn’t your job to fix them.”
Megohime rested her chin on his shoulder. “Come on, you should wash up, I’ll help you with your tie.”
He nodded and moved to the bathroom where she heard the shower turn on and he took his time before he came out in just a towel. He got dressed and handed Megohime his tie.
Megohime has dressed herself while Masamune was in the shower, wearing a black Furisode wrapped with a black and gold obi. She let her hair stay down for the most part, having a small bun with a hairpin in it. She took the tie and started to tie it, folding it before pulling it tight into a elegant knot.
She adjusted the tie one last time, smiling softly up at him. “Only the best for you, right?” She knew he was hurting, but tried to keep his spirits up as well as her own. It killed her seeing him so torn up.
He chuckled and kissed her gently, "Naturally.." He said. The door opened and Kojurou peeked in.
"It's time, Masamune-sama." He said. Masamune nodded and offered his arm to Megohime.
Megohime took Masamune’s arm, following him out of their bedroom and to where the gang members would have their final resting place.
They went to the estate cemetery where all the clan heads and lost members were buried. Pictures of the fallen were erected beside their final resting place, some of the girls sobbing into handkerchiefs while the men stood stock still with their heads bowed. Masamune stood at the front with Megohime, his expression hard to read as the coffins were placed in their single tombs.
Megohime was deathly silent, watching the coffins being lowered with a blank expression. She kept her eyes down, finding it would be inappropriate to look around at the other mourners. She could feel Masamune shaking slightly, be it in rage or grief, but regardless, she held his hand tightly, remaining at his side.
After the coffins were entombed and everyone slowly began to leave, Masamune didn't move an inch. Kojurou stayed a few feet away, letting his lord grieve silently before he too eventually left to return to Jin.
Megohime stood with Masamune as long as he needed, not saying a word, he would say when he was ready, and she would wait until then with him.
Megohime nodded, walking back with Masamune in silence. “Do you want hot sake when we get back?” She asked softly. “Or do you just want to lay in bed?”
She nodded, squeezing his hand. “Of course..” She said softly. When they got back inside, she sent for hot sake, and changed into a simple yukata, helping Masamune out of his suit and hanging it up before laying on the bed with him. She shared the sake with him, pouring cups for the both of them.
He sat quietly with her, enjoying the sake with Megohime, enjoying her company. "Thanks for hanging out with me...I know this isn't the most fun thing to do.."
Megohime was leaned against the headboard of the bed, enjoying her sake. “Please, if I didn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t be.” She said, pouring another cup for herself. “I want to be here, being away from the lounge is a nice change of pace.”
Megohime moved closer to him, nudging Masamune. “I meant it as a good thing. It’s quiet, and it’s comfortable.” She set her sake cup on the tray. “And I like just laying around with you without any prying eyes.”
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