Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She took the blade, pulling it from the sheath to peek at the blade, then pushing the blade back inside. “Mm.” She held the tanto to her chest, not wanting to let it go.
They pulled up to the supply store they were raiding and everyone got ready. It was a Toyotomi warehouse that had been erected in Masamune's territory and he just didn't like that. Everyone jumped out and rushed inside, Masamune being the last to come out with Minehime.
Minehime followed Masamune inside, and once the smell of blood and gun powder hit her nose, it was like a switch flipped in her head. She shot off like a bullet, heading straight for one of the guards who was opening fire behind some stacked crates, taking his head clean off with the tanto Masamune had given her.
He only was able to watch her for a second more before he lost her in the chaos of men and gunfire. It seemed to be over in seconds, and when the dust settled Masamune seemed to have all his men, but no sign of Minehime- dead or alive. “Hitto..” one of the men came to Masamune as they began to move the goods into the vans. “Maybe next time we shouldn’t bring the kid..”
“Hitto!” Another man called, looking solemn, the first just looking pale.
“Two casualties, Hitto.” One reported.
The other didn’t know exactly how to explain what he saw. “Hitto... The kid, she’s in the back corner..” He motioned with his thumb to the far corner of the warehouse, but said nothing more.
Minehime had he back to Masamune, his tanto still in her blood covered hand, but it was snapped in half at the blade. As he drew closer he could hear an awful crunching and tearing noise, and when he was a few steps away, he could tell it was coming from Minehime. She was crouched over one of the fallen guards, and ten feet away was one of Masamune’s men, throat slit to the bone. Hearing the faint noises of Masamune’s voice, she turned, viscera hanging from her teeth and reptilian blue eyes slits.
Her eating the guard didn't bother him. He couldn't care less. What pissed him off was that his tanto was broken after he trusted her with it. "Are you fucking kidding me."
The broken off end of the tanto was buried in the gang members neck, showing Minehime was the one who killed him.
She dropped the piece of the guard and hissed at Masamune, never once letting go of the tanto.
He fumed and moved closer, grabbing her hair and slamming her head into the floor. "Are you fucking stupid?! You killed our friends! Our family! You dense piece of shit!!"
Minehime screamed and thrashed, swiping at him with the broken blade, baring her teeth at him; she was acting just like Hidemune when he had his freak out.
Masamune wasn’t surprised to see tears leak down her face at the familiar names, but it was like she had lost herself. She screamed more, thrashing harder and eventually throwing away the rest of the tanto to claw at Masamune’s hand.
Minehime fell quite, limp under Masamune’s boot. She was quite a bit of trouble, probably more bad than she was good for the raid, but the only training Hidemune said she had was killing while being ordered.
He made a noise and picked her up, grabbing the pieces of his tanto and apologizing to the men he lost before ordering their bodies be taken to prepare for proper burial. He went to the car and dropped Minehime on the floor as he sat down, wanting to go home.
The ride back was quiet, the cheerful chatter gone, and wary glances were sent Minehime's way, even being unconscious. Word got around that she had killed to of their own, and it made no one happy in the slightest.
When they got back to the estate, the supplies were taken into storage and Masamune brought Minehime inside. Hidemune rushed out to meet them when he heard the cars, and when he saw Minehime limp in Masamune's grasp he about lost his mind again.
"What happened to her?!" He demanded angrily. Masamune glared, his pupil a thin slit.
"She's lucky I didn't kill her for murdering our own." He growled. Hidemune didn't stand down, still glaring at the clan head.
"Give her to me."
"She's going to the brood room." Masamune stated and went to walk passed him. Hidemune grabbed his arm roughly and Masamune smashed his forehead into the teen's nose, "You can go with her." He hissed and dragged Hidemune along.
Minehime had a nasty split on her forehead from both Masamune slamming her head into the floor, and stomping on her. She wasn’t awake yet, but she was covered in blood, of course, most of it wasn’t her own.
Masamune pushed Hidemune into the brood room and threw Minehime at him, who he caught easily and held her protectively. Masamune slammed the door and locked it before going to his room to change.
Megohime was on the bed, flipping boredly through a magazine when Masamune stormed in. “Hey, everything go ok? Was the information bad?”
"Minehime killed a couple of our guys. Gotta bury them soon." He muttered, changing out of his gear and grabbing one of his nicer black suits, "You don't have to come if you don't wanna. I know a lot of the girls don't like attending so they mourn on their own."
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