Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)


Sayuri had been missing for months, no signs of her reading their head; not on any underground auctions, nor any signs of her just running away.
Sasuke had almost lost all his feathers trying to look for her. Nothing. Not a damn thing. Even her room was left in pristine condition, no evidence left of anyone getting in. Which greatly aggravated Sasuke. Maybe there was something he missed somewhere.
Akihime sat in her room, listening to her Gundam episodes as she built her kits. The money Shingen gave her for helping keep the estate clean went to as many gunpla kits as she could afford. And when she wasn't building small plastic mobile suits, she was studying various tech manuals so she would be able to keep Amaya up to date with her parts and programming.
Amaya worked hard, doing any task Shingen have her as to make up for being a part of Yukimura’s abduction.
None of Sasuke's contacts had any information on Sayuri, until one day, someone anonymous mailed him information on a trade Takabaka Hanbei was making with a collector known as Matsunaga Hisehide.
"Dana!!" Sasuke was screeching like his wings were being pulled apart, rushing through the estate to find Yukimura. Akihime peeked out, only to get smacked in the face by Sasuke's wing and she whined before checking her hands. No blood. She sighed in relief and went after Sasuke.
Yukimura had been doing the best he could to support Sasuke in finding Sayuri, to pushing money into his account for search parties and hiring PI’s, to buying information from brokers.
He looked up when he heard Sasuke, emailing one of the four PI’s they had hired. “Sasuke?”
"Someone found her! She's with Matsunaga, he's gonna sell her to Hanbei, we have to go, we have to go!" Sasuke said, practically in a frenzy. Akihime stood in the doorway, watching quietly. Matsunaga Hisahide? From what she remembered hearing of him from Hanbei, he was as scummy as they came. A dastardly man with no soul.
Yukimura stood from his seat at the computer, nodding. “Do you know where the trade will take place?” He asked, gathering his gun and coat as well as his car keys.
"At a storage house in Kansai! That's where Matsunaga is!"
"Yukimura..." Akihime called gently - she looked terrified, "Please be safe. Hisahide is a diabolical man who cares for no one. I know not if he is a Deviant, but still...promise me you'll come home safe."
Yukimura paused while pulling his jacket off, nodding as he looked to Akihime. “Of course.” He nodded, putting his pistol into its holster. “I’ll give you a call if we get anymore news.” He said, following Sasuke out.
She watched him leave, clasping her hands together gently, "Daisuki..." She whispered.
Sasuke wormed into the car, practically shaking; he hoped they would not be too late to save Sayuri.
Yukimura went as fast as the speed limit would allow so they wouldn’t be stopped by the authorities. He drove to the warehouse where Sasuke got the information Sayuri would be.

Sayuri was sitting in the back of the car Matsunaga had transported her in, eyes shut as if she were asleep, unmoving while Matsunaga spoke with Hanbei’s stand in.
“Hanbei-sama sends his regards, and regrets that he could not personally be here to receive the product, but has sent me in his stead, along with payment.” The man in the lab coat said, then glanced around. “Where is the product?”
Sasuke leaned over the dashboard as far as he could go, his eyes flicking around before he spotted Matsunaga and the Toyotomi scientist, "There! He's there!"

"She is here," Matsunaga moved to the back seat door and opened it, carefully pulling Sayuri from the car, "Pristine, as promised.
Yukimura stopped the car a ways away, making sure not to alert either party. “We need to have a plan of action, we don’t want Sayuri caught in the crossfire.”

Sayuri was pristine, she looked healthy, not a feather out of place or a bruise on her. The scientist nodded and motioned for the two gentle men he brought with him to approach Matsunaga. One held the briefcase of money, and the other was their to carry Sayuri.
The man with the brief case opened it, showing the money to Matsunaga so he could count it.
Sasuke couldn't hear him. He was too frantic to get Sayuri back that he already began to transfer from the car to the trade operation. The scientists panicked when a huge murder of crows suddenly swooped in, clawing and tearing at them to get to Sayuri. Matsunaga looked up from the briefcase and made a noise.
"What have we here?"
Yukimura scrambled to get out of the car, pulling his pistol from its holster and rushing forward. “Sasuke!”
The Toyotomi guard holding Sayuri pulled his own gun, trying to shoot at the crows, leaving only one arm to hold the teen with. Even in all the chaos, she hadn’t woken, limp like a corpse.
The crows clawed the gun from his hands before they all grabbed Sayuri and pulled her away.
"H-Hey!" One yelled and went back for his gun as they crows flew off a ways with Sayuri. They reformed back into Sasuke as he cradled her, checking to see if she was ok.
Sayuri was warm and was breathing, completely and perfectly alive and healthy; even her hair had been maintained in her absense. He felt his heart swell, she was not only alive, but healthy and unharmed in anyway.
"Thank goodness..." Sasuke muttered before a loud pop was heard and then another. Searing pain like a hot knife was driven into his back surged through him, the scientist literally holding the smoking gun. Sasuke set Sayuri down before turning and rushing at the man at top speed, grabbing him by the throat with his talons and breaking his neck. The other two were terrified; should they even try killing Sasuke? The bullets didn't even seem to phase him.
Sayuri felt something warm on her face, eyes opening. She saw blue, taking a moment to register she was looking up at the sky before sitting up quickly. She touched her face and looked at her fingers, then heard the fighting. Yukimura had taken cover behind the car, firing at the Toyotomi guards.
Sayuri stared at the blood on her hand, feeling her face for a wound, but found none, looking around with wide, clear but confused eyes.
When the Toyotomi were dealt with, Sasuke zeroed in on Matsunaga before rushing at him in a blind fury. Hisahide only smirked and raised his hand, the air rippling around Sasuke and he suddenly froze, stuck in time.
"Well now. That was quite the storm you brewed." He remarked. Sasuke couldn't move, could barely breathe, only watch as Matsunaga drew closer to him, "Well, I'm not one who likes to take my time vomiting up monologues, so," He placed his gun to Sasuke's forehead and pulled the trigger without a second thought, "Let's just carry on with our day, shall we?"
“No!!” Sayuri watched in horror as she witnessed Sasuke having his brains blown out, scrambling to her feet without even thinking. She didn’t need to run, all three sets of wings lifted her easily off the ground as she launched herself at Matsunaga, tears streaming down her face, which was twisted with anguish.
Yukimura felt like the world had stopped spinning, ringing in his ears from the gun shot. He stared with wide eyes as he watched Sasuke’s head jerk back, his body going limp.
Before Sayuri even reached Matsunaga, another shot was fired, Sayuri falling to the ground with a dart in her ribs. She gasped and sputtered both in pain and from crying, glaring up at Matsunaga as her vision started to blur. “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!!”
“We can’t have this, now can we.” A familiar face emerged from the car, Hanbei, looking pale and thin, but still able to shoot a tranq gun well enough to hit its target.
"Ohayo, Hanbei-san. I was disappointed to hear you originally weren't attending." Matsunaga said and Sasuke's body dropped to the ground in a heap, "Glad to see you had changed your mind."
Sayuri crawled across the asphalt toward Sasuke, the tranquilizers already taking effect, slowing her down and making her lose consciousness.

“I do not typically like to involve myself in such activities as these, but seeing as you brought me such an important specimen, I couldn’t resist coming along for the ride.” He moved over toward Matsunaga, but didn’t move over to Sayuri, rather he moved over to Sasuke. He motioned for the last remaining guard to gather up Sasuke’s corpse, having it loaded into the back of the car, then moving over to Sayuri. “You will still recieve the payment as promised, but I must also give you my thanks for bringing me what I truly wanted.”
"Oh, I see. The girl was not your true target." Matsunaga gave a nod, "Very well, it was a pleasure doing business with you."
They were taking Sasuke's body. They were going to desecrate his best friend's body. He wouldn't even be able to bury Sasuke.
Yukimura was flying across the lot before he even registered, seeing red. He emptied the entire clip at the two men, Hanbei being hit in the chest and knocked down, and in seconds, Yukimura’s hand wrapped around Matsunaga’s throat. Matsunaga felt like his soul was being torn from his body, but it was brief. Yukimura suddenly staggered, letting go of Hisehide before dropping to his knees.
Hanbei stood with the help of his guard, wearing a Kevlar vest. Yukimura collapsed forward with a grunt, head spinning and three tranquilizer darts sticking out of his thigh.
“Ah, Sanada Yukimura, you were very helpful, but are no longer needed.”
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