Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Yukimura’s sleep was restless, plagued by nightmares of his friend dying, and Sayuri being dissected. Images of tar and feather flashed through his head, ears ringing, and Sasuke’s face among the mess, wide eyed and silent. When the morning came, he woke, but was still drunk, just not as drunk as before, but he got out of bed regardless, stumbling for the door.
Akihime saw the ajar door, and the empty bed upon sitting up, and knew Yukimura was gone, only the bed was still warm, so he couldn’t have been gone long.
Akihime could already hear the clinking of glass, and immediately her heart dropped, was he drinking again already?
He was drinking again, having gone to the kitchen and uncorked a bottle of wine that was there for cooking. He was a mess, having spilled wine down the front of his shirt and his pants were still partially undone. He stopped when he saw Akihime, lowering the bottle and giving her a blank look. “Akihime.. What are you doing up this late?” He asked.
She frowned heavily, "It's almost six-thirty in the morning...why are you still drinking...? Please, I know you're grieving but...but I don't think Sasuke would want this..."
A dark look crossed Yukimura’s face, and he gripped the bottle hard. “Sasuke’s dead. He doesn’t want anything.” He said lowly, taking his bottle and staggering back to his bedroom.
"Yukimura." She blocked his path, looking frustrated and hurt, "You're disrespecting his memory by drowning in alcohol. I don't want to have to ask Shingen-sama to intervene!"
Akihime felt pressure around her throat as Yukimura grabbed it, slamming her into the wall behind her and leaning in close. His eyes held both rage and anguish, snarling lowly. “Don’t get involved in matters that don’t concern you.” He said lowly, face inches from hers.
She started shaking, grabbing at his wrist as tears filled her eyes, "Th-They concern me because I care about you...please, y-you're hurting me..." She rasped, too terrified to use her power, "I know you're hurting...b-but Sasuke wouldn't want you to destroy yourself like this...I-I know that because he loved you so much...I-I could see it with every interaction..."
This only brought more anguish to his eyes, face twisting into a snarl as he shoved Akihime away, making her land hard on the floor. “Leave me alone.” He spat, heading down the hall to the garage, getting into his car and speeding down the street, nearly taking out the gate on the way out.
Akihime gasped, trying to keep herself together but she couldn't. She wailed loudly, covering her face to try and muffle her sobs, but it was in vain; the estate guards came rushing over to see if she was alright, Shingen himself even coming to investigate.
Amaya was there in seconds, looking Akihime over for any wounds, but found none. “Akihime, what’s wrong?” The cyborg looked panicked, not knowing what was wrong with her friend.
Akihime held onto Amaya tightly as she sobbed, sputtering something about her heart hurting and Yukimura. Shingen went to the garage to see if Yukimura was out there brooding, and when he saw that the car was gone, he felt great disappointment in his apprentice.
“Did he touch you? What did he do?” Amaya was angry, angry and confused; what had happened between Akihime and Yukimura that left her sobbing?
"H-He came home drunk...s-said Sasuke-" She only wept harder, "Sasuke was killed...! I tried to make him feel better...! He woke up a-a-and started drinking again and I tried to stop him...!" She coughed as she choked on her sobs, "He grabbed me by the neck and threw me into the wall, said I shouldn't bother...! I tried reasoning with him, Ama, I tried so hard! But he shoved me and told me to leave him alone!"
Amaya looked absolutely livid, glancing to Shingen. “Takeda-dono, would you like for me to bring Yukimura home?” Her anger was apparent, grinding her teeth and shaking a bit.
"Bring him back, Amaya. He has some explaining to do, and a sound punishment to endure." Shingen replied. Akihime grabbed Amaya's arm, her lip trembling.
"Please don't hurt him too bad. He's grieving, he isn't in a good state of mind right now..." She pleaded. Always the bleeding heart.
Amaya gently held Akihime’s shoulders, moving her closer to Shingen. “Akihime, any man who puts his hands on a woman is no true man at all, grieving or not.” She said gently. “He will get what’s coming to him.”
"B-But..." Akihime tried to argue but Shingen placed his hand gently on her shoulder.
"Come, Akihime, why don't you explain to me about these gunpla things you've been putting together." He offered. Akihime looked up at him and Amaya could see the mark forming where Yukimura had grabbed her.
"H-Hai..." She replied weakly, "I just need to get my laptop out of Yukimura's room..." She took Shingen along and Shingen gave Amaya a firm nod before following Akihime out.
When Amaya saw the bruises on Akihime’s neck, her mind was made up. She took one of the motorcycles Shingen often let her use and headed out after Yukimura, determined to drag Yukimura back with more than just some bruises.
Akihime sat in her room with Shingen, giving him full detailed descriptions of each kit she owned and it seemed to be a good distraction for her; she stopped shaking and her tears had stopped and she even sounded a little happier.
Amaya drove for hours, searching high and low for Yukimura before finding him at a local bar. When she found him, she dragged him out of the bar before beginning wailing on him. He hardly fought back, black out drunk so early already. She broke his nose and blackened both of his eyes as well as split his lip, then tossed him into the back of the car before driving him back to the Takeda estate.
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