Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Matsunaga felt like he was going to vomit, the world around him spinning. He pushed himself up and shook his head, brows furrowed in annoyance.
"I assume our business is concluded here, Hanbei-san?" He asked.
“Of course.” Hanbei said, Sayuri being loaded into the car as well before he got into the car as well, leaving Yukimura laying on the road unconscious.
Yukimura would wake hours later, nauseous and disoriented. He pushed himself up, staring at the blood stained ground he was laying on, and immediately tears started to fall from his eyes. He felt hollow in his chest, unable to do stand.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and when he checked, there were ninety-nine plus missed calls and texts; all from Akihime, who was losing her mind worried about him.
"Where are you?" "Are you alright?" "Is Sasuke ok?" "Did you get Sayuri?" Dozens and dozens of worried texts filled his phone.
Yukimura only stared at the phone in his hands, cradling it like it was glass before simply letting it drop. He stood and returned to the car he had come in, only this time, he was leaving alone.
When Akihime did hear the sound of Yukimura’s car pulling into the driveway, it was far passed one in the morning.
She hadn't slept, she was too worried. Amaya had tried getting her to go down like she was some kind of toddler but Akihime refused. When she heard the car, she rushed out to greet them, so nervous that she felt sick. She opened the door to the garage quickly, slapping on a smile even through her bad feeling.
"Okaeri!" She greeted happily but stood frozen when he only saw Yukimura covered in blood, "Y...Yuki...mura...?"
Yukimura had stumbled out of the car, laying on the ground covered blood and reeking of alcohol. He had a bottle of cheap sake in one hand, which was nearly empty, and more bottles littered the floor of the car, both full and empty. He looked up when he heard Akihime, but only managed out a grunt, and she could see in his eyes he was already so far gone.
"Wh...What have you been doing all night...?!" Akihime asked in a panic, moving over to him, "Have you been drinking...?! Wh-Where's Sasuke, and Sayuri...?!"
“Dead.” He slurred, trying to get to his feet, but falling forward and dropping the glass bottle, shaddering it on the garage floor. He swore, then half crawled, half staggered to the car, reaching for another bottle. “He was... Had his-“ He struggled to open the bottle, but got it open. “His brains were blown out the back of his head.” He almost sounded numb, completely broken. “They took his body.”
She placed her hand gently over the mouth of the bottle, "Put it away, Yukimura..." She said gently, voice hypnotic, "Come here...let me hold you..."
Yukimura’s eyes glazed over and he let the bottle slip from his grasp, spilling the alcohol across the floor. Like a scared child, he crawled closer, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her close.
She could feel him sobbing before she heard it, his face pressed against her as he wept, his entire body shaking. He wouldn’t be easy to get upstairs, he couldn’t even stand, let alone walk.
"Daijoubu, daijoubu..." She soothed as she helped him to his room, "Why don't you get cleaned up, take a shower, I'll make you some food." She offered, her heart breaking in two.
Yukimura stumbled and fell to the ground by his bed, but he didn’t bother trying to get up. “Not hungry..” He muttered, which was true, seeing his best friends brains blown out really put a damper on his appetite.
" you want me to stay in here with you? You should at least change..." She said gently before moving to his wardrobe, searching through to see if she could find anything comfortable; pajamas or just a shirt and some kind of sweats.
Yukimura managed to get himself onto the bed, laying out on his back. “Please stay.” He muttered, staring up at the ceiling. “I can’t lose you too..”
She stopped her rummaging before looking over at him, feeling new tears burn her eyes, "I promise, won't lose me at all. I'll be beside you always..." She assured him before finding him a simple tee and a pair of sweat pants, "Here...why don't we get you washed up...we should get the blood out before it stains..." She told him as she moved to sit beside him on the bed.
Yukimura shook his head, but attempted to pull his shirt over his head anyway, but he was far from successful. He would need much more help than what he could do for himself.
She blushed and helped him undress, keeping her eyes away from his form as she pulled his shirt up and over his head, setting it aside so she could wash it. Her face was a brighter contrast to her hair, her hands were trembling nervously.
Yukimura helped by maneuvering to the best of his abilities, letting his hands lazily work at his belt buckle. He didn’t feel anything, the alcohol making him too numb to feel anything other than numb , but at that moment, he was alright with that.
Yukimura would not get to such a state however, the sound of steady breathing replacing the rattling of the belt buckle, having passed out cold right there in front of her.
She peeked through her fingers and she sighed gently before helping him to lay comfortably in bed. Maybe he would be more cooperative when he woke up, she thought. In any case, she went to her room and grabbed her laptop and earbuds before moving back to Yukimura's room and sitting on the floor beside the bed to keep him company while she watched her Gundam series.
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