Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shingen did his best to keep Akihime busy, but she was growing more and more worried the longer Amaya took.
"I have taught him better than this, Akihime. He should know better than to put his hands on you in such a way." Shingen said. Akihime bit her lip, rubbing the small bruise where Yukimura's hand had been. The anger and heartache in his eyes made her want to cry again.
"I-I know...but I can't fault him for it. Sasuke sacrificed himself and it hurts him deeply...I wish there was just some way I could help..." She replied meekly.
Amaya pulled the car into the garage and parked it, getting out and dragging Yukimura by his collar into the house and dumping the drunken fool on the couch, where he remained dazed and unmoving.
"Ama?!" Akihime came rushing down the stairs and she moved to Yukimura quickly, gingerly touching his face, "Yukimura...? Are you ok...? Does it hurt...?" She asked weakly. Shingen came down slowly and moved to Amaya.
"Where was he?" He asked.
“He’s on the couch, he’ll need to be sobered up, he can’t even understand me.” Amaya said, knuckles split and clearly agitated, but still held a respectful tone with Shingen.
Yukimura’s head lolled to the side, eyes slowly peeling open to look at who was talking. He couldn’t understand a word that was coming out of their mouth, but the person before him was definitely Matsunaga. He felt rage flush through his veins, and he immediately threw himself on top of the man who murdered his friend, wrapping his hands around his throat and squeezing hard.
Matsunaga only smirked at him, as if being strangled meant nothing to him.
"You let him die, you know. Letting him run in on his own. Still such an uneducated child." Matsunaga said.
Shingen nodded and moved to check on Yukimura, only to have his heart jump straight into his throat. Yukimura was on top of Akihime, hands wrapped tightly around her neck as she struggled to breathe, beating weakly on his arms to try and make him release her. She was starting to turn purple.
Yukimura ground his teeth, bringing his fist back to start wailing on Matsunaga, but Amaya was faster, tackling Yukimura off of Akihime, tumbling across the floor and ending up on top of him, hitting him in the face as hard as she could with her mechanical arm.
He could see the burning rage in her eyes, but she didn’t argue, turning and loving over to Akihime, helping her sit up, making sure she was ok and could breathe. “Akihime, are you alright? Can you talk?”
Amaya helped Akihime stand, keeping her stable. “We’ll have the doctor check you out to be safe.” She said, leading Akihime away from Yukimura, who lay stunned on the floor.
“Matsunaga..!” He rolled over, trying to get to his feet to avenge his friend.
"There is no one here by that name, boy." Shingen growled and kicked Yukimura back, "Focus! It's Akihime you attacked, you fool!"
Akihime followed Amaya willingly, holding tightly to her hand, "It hurts, Ama..." She whimpered quietly, "My heart aches so much for him..."
Yukimura grunted, falling back onto the hardwood floor and slowly looking up, there he was, the bastard who took his friends life right before his very eyes. His rage returned and he managed to get to his feet, fists clenched. “You killed him!” His voice cracked, tears of pain and anger rushing down his face, blinded by alcohol and his anguish.

“A man like him doesn’t deserve for someone’s heart to ache for them.” Amaya said lowly, steering Akihime toward their house doctor.
Shingen scowled, "You're drunk, boy." He stated firmly, "I'll beat the alcohol out of you if I must."

"H...Hai..." Akihime replied meekly, but she knew she couldn't give up on Yukimura. He had no one left.
Matsunaga had no kind words for Yukimura, taunting him and laughing at his tears, it enraged Yukimura. He swung hard at Matsunaga, and even though he stumbled, he had a good about of force behind his punches.
Shingen caught his fist easily - or in Yukimura's eyes it was Matsunaga, who only continued to laugh at him.
"I mean it, Yukimura." Shingen growled.
Yukimura only swung his other first, not wanting to hear another second of Matsunaga’s taunting. He started to wail on Matsunaga, letting out a scream of rage.
Yukimura was thrashing, drunkenly going on about avenging Sasuke and Sayuri, and that Matsunaga would pay for his crimes.
Shingen dragged him into the interrogation cells and threw him into one, locking it and watching his apprentice slur and rave in a drunken fury. "I'll be back when you've sobered up some." He said and left.
It would be a full day and a half before Yukimura was sober again, and once he was, he was deathly silent, not saying a word as he sat in the car corner of the room.
Yukimura shifted, peering over his shoulder at Shingen with broken eyes, but said nothing, not moving an inch.
Yukimura averted his gaze, letting it fall to the floor before turning his head to look at the wall in front of him once more, refusing to answer Shingen for his crimes.
"Answer me!" Shingen boomed, furious with how childish Yukimura was being, "Is this what Sasuke would want of you?! Is it?! To wallow in your own grief and let it destroy you?! Do you know of the disgrace you bring to him?! Do you even care, boy?!"
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